Number One Dungeon Supplier

Chapter 256 Trap

Chapter 256: Trap

Jin did not know how to react to this revelation, but he slowly shook his head . "No, I am really sorry . This is the first time I have even heard about this Last Supper Scandal . Would you care to elaborate?" Jin asked Zhen Qing kindly .

Zhen Qing smiled for a bit before continuing . "Suffice to say, that scandal is the reason why my father…and I had decided to come here . No one exactly knew our faces . On the other hand, I think it's probably for the best that you do not know too much about my history . The less you know, the less trouble you will be in . " Zhen Qing's hands continued to tremble as she tried to hide them under the table .

"This is not helping . Kraft, any chance you could extract information from her? I would like to know what exactly happened . " Jin asked his all new Bellator for some advice .

"Do you think I am some god? That I can just extract information at the snap of my finger?" If Jin could see Kraft right now, he would definitely be rolling his eyes at Jin's ridiculous request .

"Well, if you kiss her . I might have the chance to jump into her subconscious . " Kraft suggested, but Jin refused adamantly .

"I am not so stupid to fall for these tricks . If all you need is close contact or a scare to drop their guard, there are other ways, no need for a kiss . " Jin was now the one rolling his eyes .

"Damn, here I thought you would be like . 'Yes, Kraft! For Lynn, I will do it . I will do anything to save this poor sheep . This pitiful soul . '" Kraft tried to be dramatic, but it was annoying Jin even more .

"Forget it . I will simply try and use the net to search for anything related to this Last Supper Scandal . " Jin shook his head and looked up to Zhen Qing . "Zhen Qing? I assume you still want to be called that way to prevent any suspicion, right?" Jin asked Zhen Qing, and she nodded her head .

"Follow me then . I will bring you to your temporary lodging . " Jin said as Zhen Qing offered to wash the cup and saucer before leaving, but he told her it was a small matter . Within minutes, Jin showed Zhen Qing his house, and she could not believe that the lodging would be this grand . Zhen Qing assumed she would be staying in some hostel or a more broken down apartment, yet never dreamed of such a lovely terrace house .

Jin opened the gates and subsequently the door to his house . "This is the key to my hous- erm I mean the lodging . Yun is currently the only other occupant in this area . You can use the guest room if you like . You are free to use anything you want, but do not make the place too messy . Do not bring any other visitors into the house unless you have my approval . " Jin made his statement clear . Zhen Qing had no qualms obliging, seeing as most of these rules were just common decency .

"Yawnnnn, is that Zhen Qing?" Yun was in her singlet and shorts as she walked down the stairs from the second floor . "What happened to her?"

"She needed some place to stay, so I allowed her to stay here for now . "

"You brought a girl into your house? Rather bold I might say . " Yun said it out so bluntly that Zhen Qing panicked . "Are you planning to revive the Panda Bloodline through her? I did not expect such quick action from you . I probably have misjudged you, Jin . " Yun spoke in Jin's thoughts, but all he could do was blush a little and refuse to acknowledge the accusation .

"Am I intruding?" Zhen Qing asked frantically as she could not understand the relationship between Yun and Jin . Was she becoming the third wheel?

"No no, do not listen to her nonsense . Although this is my house, I am only staying here momentarily . Most of the time, I will be in my store for ehhh cultivation and creation of dungeons . So don't mind me, you are not intruding . " Jin tried to correct the situation that Yun created and went on to show Zhen Qing where the guest room was .

"I am sorry there isn't much food in the fridge . I did mention to you previously that if you needed food, you have my permission to take some from the store's kitchen instance . Consider it one of the perks for being an upcoming chef for the store . " Jin smiled at Zhen Qing as she placed her luggage down .

"I shall give you some time to unpack . If you need anything, just holler for Yun since I will be returning to the store . " Jin told her, before he went out of the house .

"So, you are not as stupid as I thought you were . " Kraft sneered as he could learn the thoughts of Jin plotting for something else . "Yea, I mean that guy's stalking skill is rated zero out of ten . Of course, I would have picked up something this simple . "

"I am not judging you or anything . Honest! Cross my heart . " Kraft sniggered, and Jin continued to walk back to the store . It was at that point of time, a person, who was not only poorly dressed, but also with his breath reeking of alcohol, came towards Jin .

"My good man, I see that you are keeping my daughter for your own personal benefit . I am her father, and I cannot endorse this kind of behaviour . " Zheng Hui complained with one clear intention in mind . Blackmail for money .

"What do you want? How do I even know if you are her father?" Jin immediately understood why Zhen Qing would want to run away from this kind of father . Zheng Hui did not hesitate to take his wallet and presented a torn and tattered piece of a family photo with a slightly younger version of Zhen Qing inside . There was another person on that photo, but due to the horrible condition, Jin was unable to see it clearly .

"How about a fee to assure this worried father? I mean, you are staying at this wonderful terrace house, surely you have the money as recompense for a father's heartache, being unable to see his daughter?" Zheng Hui tried to sweet talk his way to Jin, who clearly was not buying it .

"You know, I could extract some information from him if you just knock him out and bring him to the dungeon maker . " Kraft suggested torturing to get what Jin wanted . "I believe the System would find that to be the most effective and efficient way of getting the information . "

"It's fine Kraft . Stay your…gun . " Jin then smiled at Zheng Hui and turned the question around . "Well, Father, how about we have a good breakfast and you can explain to me the situation that revolves around you and your daughter?"

"What? She even admitted that to you? That bitc-…I mean she seems to trust you a great deal it would seem . But I guess you only know one side of the story and not the whole truth, right?! Sure! Let's go for a meal, and I will tell you everything!" Zheng Hui replied, but before Jin could agree to that proposal, Zheng Hui's phone rang loudly .

"Ah shit, do you mind if I take this call?" Zheng Hui pardoned himself and started to whisper . "Listen I know I said I would pay today . But I have found a good sweet target and quite gullible too . I am very sure of it . If you manage to kidnap him, I believe his father or family will be able to pay lots for his ransom . You will clear my debt this way, right?"

"Yeah, yeah, whatever, just make sure you bring him to that restaurant so we can do that . " The person on the line sounds irritated as he ended the call abruptly .

"Ahh, Big Boss! My bad, my bad . " Zheng Hui started laughing at Jin as he placed his hands over his shoulders . "How about I choose the place for us to share a meal? I will make sure it is not only yummy, but pretty affordable as well!" Zheng Hui smiled with his bad breath .

"Ooooh fun!" Kraft could sense something was amiss . "Your definition of fun is somewhat unsettling . It's obviously a trap . " Jin said in his thoughts and smiled back at Zhen Qing's father .

"That is what makes it so fun . " Kraft rubbed his hands together as he started to prep himself in Jin's mind . In the meantime, Jin had already sent a message to Yun telepathically about the situation and told her to track him if needed .

"Awww, you will be fine . Sometimes, you overthink it too much . I shall try to see if I can get Zhen Qing to open up . " Yun said, but Jin was slightly worried even though he was not showing it in front of Zheng Hui when he followed him to his car .

"Sometimes, Yun knows how to put up a death flag scene . "

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