Number One Dungeon Supplier

Chapter 266 Police Interrogation

"Seriously, what were you guys thinking?" Inspector Xue Ping shook her head as she took the statement of Jin. He told her everything from the start of the day to where she readily handcuffed him without any resistance.

However, Jin did not speak the whole truth, especially the death of Mimasaka by Zeru's hands. Jin had taken the initiative to tell Zeru to hide himself and took the blame for killing Mimasaka by himself, stating that it was all in self-defence. Zhen Qing did not know why would Jin do that but agree to side and coordinated her story with Jin too when she was being interrogated by Inspector Lee An in a separate room.

"So you are saying that you were teleported by a portal spell to protect Zhen Qing from the shots? Zhen Qing called you for help via the earring?" Xue Ping asked to clarify Jin's statements.

"Yes, Yun and I managed to obtain an accessory to allow such teleportation travel. Unfortunately, it's a one time use." Jin said as Yun told him the details in his thoughts.

"Why did she not want to call you earlier to help her when she got kidnapped? Yet it was such a coincidence that she called you mere moments you were done with the battle at Wanhua Street?" Xue Ping pressed for more answers to clarify her

"I...cannot explain this kind of coincidence but somehow, it happened." Jin did not realise the timing of his teleportation was this convenient too until Xue Ping pointed out.

"It's fine. I just wanted to know since Inspector Lee reported he saw you, but you suddenly disappeared before he was able to ask you more about the rampage caused in Wanhua District. I was trying to connect the dots." Xue Ping told Jin as she continued to write down in case notes about what Jin had said. "Okay, that is all I need to know, your lawyer will settle the rest." Xue Ping said as she packed her notes into a file and walked off from the interrogation room.

Out went Xue Ping, and in came Xiong Da. "Hi, Boss." Xiong Da grinned as he walked into the room and loosened his tie a little. "I really did not expect you to be my lawyer..." Jin said casually.

"Your words hurt me, Boss. I cannot believe I took this pro bono." Xiong Da gave a sorrowful face at Jin which made him laugh.

"Okay okay I lied, I was half expecting you. But thank you for coming to assist me and helping Yun get the bad guys. Are Luo Bo and Jia Le okay?" Jin laughed a little before he got serious. He felt bad that he unknowingly dragged some of his regular customers into a matter that should not be their fault in any way.

"They are fine. I asked a rather good friend of mine who is specialised in this kind of matters to clear my name and theirs. That is why I am able to aid your case. Besides, I did say if you ever need help, I will not hesitate to help you, right?" Xiong Da smiled at Jin.

"So, how bad is my case? How many years of jail time am I looking at? Do I even have a bail?" Jin asked with a tinge of regret in his tone. He knew that he went a bit too far with his actions. He and his bellators almost massacred the entire Wanhua Street's worth of gangsters. Of course, that was an exaggeration on his part as subsequent reports from Xue Ping stated that a number of gangsters were severely injured, many were near the brink of death, but they could survive. The rest was written off as unfortunate losses by the Ruby Rat triad, but Jin had taken the blame and honour for killing a few well known gangsters which the public police had been trying damn hard to do so.

The funny thing was, Inspector Lee used this particular chance to order a SWAT team sortie in suspicion of drug trafficking as a cover to try and help Jin out. However, when they reached their destination, the Special Police Force teams came to find out that they were there to clean up the mess that Jin made. Despite the change in circumstances, Inspector Lee still utilised this chance to raid the entire street and found sufficient evidence to justify Jin's rescue. In short, Jin indirectly helped the police to bring down a lot of bad people but was not publicly recognised by the law.

"You want the good news or the bad news?" Xiong Da asked as he took out his notes to double confirm some of the information.

"Either is fine." Jin did not think much about it.

"Okay, the bad news. You have killed one of the high ranking lieutenants of the Ruby Rat Triad. They will definitely come for you no matter what, but because you were stationed in Tiangong District, the odds of them attacking you there is rather low unless it's a declaration of a duel to settle things. That is if you are released. If you are in prison...hahaha, that is another story altogether." Xiong Da said sternly.

"The good news?" Jin was hoping for a silver lining.

"You are to be released after paying a bail, which has already been settled for you by yours truly." Xiong Da smiled.

"That good? Like, I do not have any manslaughter charges or whatsoever?" Jin was somewhat surprised by the good news.

"Because there were people willing to vouch for you. Mainly Inspector Lee, who was on site later on. But the real defining factor is..." Xiong Da leaned back and smiled.

"Honestly, I did not expect them to pull so many strings for you. Seriously, without them, you could still be in jail for a very very long time despite your contributions. Even with my help to defend your case in court, the least you would have had to do in jail was still about two years. My own personal estimate. How do you even know them?" Xiong Da asked with a curious look.

"Stop keeping me in the dark!" Jin said as he had no idea who pulled what strings.

"Tiangong District Guardian Grandma Yuan and Royal Zodiac Tiger Sect Family's Third Daughter Yang Ling. They came almost knowingly the moment you entered the Police station for interrogation." Xiong Da said with a smirk on his face.

"I did not know Boss is such a player. Getting the connection of a District Guardian is understandable but a direct descendant of the Royal Zodiac Tiger family? That is just ... wow. Seriously, the help I can render is not much compared to those two big shots. Remember to thank them properly." Xiong Da said as he continued to check the paperwork for Jin.

"But surprisingly, the enemies that you took down had a rather large bounty on their heads, including the Japanese Yakuza, Yamazaki. That was also why Grandma Yuan and Yang Ling were able to pull strings quite easily for you too. Not to mention Inspector Lee's effort. I believe they had benefits to gain from this incident." Xiong Da deduced.

"I see." Jin pondered a little. He understood why Yang Ling would help him. She had the leverage to gain from this situation that Jin was in. However, Grandma Yuan? That was something he would need to investigate.

"In any case, just stay here for a while longer, I assure you will be out once I am done with the paperwork. I too know a few guys in this police department that may help to speed things up." Xiong Da packed the papers in one file and prepared to leave the interrogation room.

"Thanks again, Xiong Da. Appreciate your help." Jin bowed his head even though he was cuffed to the table.

"No worries Boss. Make more dungeons okay?" Xiong Da gave a wink before he left.

In less than an hour, Inspector Xue Ping entered again and unlocked the cuffs on Jin. "How is your injury at the side? Is it better now?" Xue Ping asked about the gun wound and the fresh scars on his left hand.

"Not too bad, I can manage." Jin thanked her for uncuffing him, but Xue Ping was not done.

"Please do not do this again, leave this to the police next time. Although I must admit if you were not there in time for Zhen Qing, it might be too late for her. That, I must apologise for the incapability of the police." Xue Ping sincerely apologised to Jin which he pardoned her almost immediately.

"You are forgetting the part where I was going to be kidnapped in a lawless street." Jin sniggered.

"You! You were in a lawless street and you can be considered lucky that you were able to survive in there. Else, I do not know how to help you." Xue Ping purposely poked at Jin's gun wound and made him yell in pain.

"But you saved a lot of people thanks to that drug bust which Inspector Lee took the chance to do. However and most importantly, you saved your employee. I am proud to know the dungeon supplier that I patronise is good natured and cares for his employees." Xue Ping complimented him as she guided Jin out of the police station.

"In any case, I hope you do not find yourself to be in this situation again." Xue Ping said as she casually saluted to Jin for his services rendered.

"Well, there is still the matter of the Ruby Rat Triad. I think there might be a chance I am coming back here sooner than I thought." Jin half-joked to her as he shrugged his shoulders.

"Stupid. Call us. We will aid you in whatever way we can." Xue Ping karate-chopped Jin's head upon her casual salute pose and said goodbye to him. Jin turned and saw two cars waiting for him. Each with their distinct figure in it.

"This is one option I never anticipated. Not even in romance visual novels." Jin laughed bitterly as he saw Yang Ling and Grandma Yuan in each of their cars.

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