Number One Dungeon Supplier

Chapter 552 Night Foxes

Kraft explained how the integration had been a rather smooth sailing experience with the Dark Elves. The moment they joined him, he had already begun their induction in the tavern's basement. The training was personally given by the foxes themselves. With all of them having received the necessary combat foundation, it was easy enough to teach.

Additionally, as all of them had their own specialities, they were even able to help the Drow learn more about their craft in the future.

But practice? That was another question.

Kraft had asked the System to make an exception for them to able to train by themselves in the Dungeon Cave, but of course, he was willing to pay for their entrance fee. (At least the first 500 attempts of each elf.)

Did they get some sort of help?

On the contrary, he had viciously put a bunch of restrictions on them. For those with magical abilities, Kraft had collaborated with the System to purposely place anti magical inscriptions on them.

With just a rock in their hands, the Dark Elves were forced to go through intensive training of killing the monsters. No potions nor weapons at hand. They had to learn to either go through it by brute force or with a cunning head.

Of course, they died terribly over and over as the monsters did not show them any mercy since its a dungeon run. (At least Kraft did not strengthen the monster they had to fight, and he enjoyed each and every coin he spent on them.)

However, with time, their nimble bodies learned how to evade the elemental attacks, endure the physical punishment, and if there was something like proficiency with rocks, each one of them inevitably became a grandmaster. They managed to clear the Dungeon Cave all the way down to the tenth floor, while no adventurer has set foot on that floor yet.

It was because the ninth floor was not just a dungeon but a maze dungeon. One that was filled with treacherous traps and its layout changed every day. Jin initially wanted to make the shift in layout per entry, but the System informed him that it would discourage the majority who would most likely proceed to farm out the first eight floors in such a case.

Not only that, but the ninth floor was also filled with an amalgamation of monsters from the past eight floors, including the Praying Mantis. Only instead of a wide playing field, they had to fight against the Mantis in a narrowed space with possible traps at every turn.

Which was also why the Dark Elves was able to succeed in this particular instance. Their constant fighting sharpened their senses which allowed them to sniff out prey and notice the difference in the maze. Yet to the other adventurers, they were bogged down with items and heavy armour to protect themselves from enemies. (Still, this maze dungeon was a practice for most of them, to prepare them for the lower levels when death was looming with every step.)

Besides, after getting cut a dozen times by the Praying Mantis in the earlier levels, it would be a shame if the Drows would be killed by it. And unlike the adventurers who could teleport to any level of the dungeon they had set foot on, Kraft was sadistic enough to make the Drows start over from level one as soon as they died.

It wasn't too surprising that only one out of ten of them managed to clear this trial within the first 500 attempts, as for those who were unable to they would either need to pay for themselves or earn money to do that.

Their new boss allowed them to do so by partying with the other adventurers but with one condition. The Dark Elves had to wear the attire which Kraft had custom ordered from Zhi Nu. It was the same kind of battle jacket which the Foxes were wearing (minus all the inscriptions). The only (other) difference was the particular badge on the Foxes sleeves, the Drows had been given their own symbol.

A fox with a full moon in the background. Kraft told them to call themselves the Night Foxes from that point on.

The adventurers were initially scared to death when they saw Dark Elves in the vicinity. It would be one thing if it had only been one, but there were so many, that some had assumed it they came here to ambush one.

Luckily Zhi Nu, the adventurer's guild manager had come out to assure them they were not here to make any trouble, but because they were the security forces which the adventurer guild had employed.

While Kraft did state that he wanted to create an underworld gang, in essence, he was also creating security for this particular small budding town. And what would be better than a group that would remain unbiased against the goblins, orcs AND humans?

Their appearance came at the perfect time as well. Qiu Yue and Jin's contract between the Orc's spymaster was nearing to its end. Cross, the spymaster goblin for the Orcs had graciously extended their stay for another month because of the overwhelming progress of the Dungeon Cave. Still, the Orcs Security Force could not remain there forever since it was draining a lot of their resources too.

Therefore, the Night Foxes took over the security the adventurers needed in the vicinity. The moment Zhi Nu made the announcement, no one dared to mess the Dark Elves nor did they try to make fun of them at all.

Their presence alone was menacing enough to cause crime rates to drop down to unprecedented levels after they demonstrated their show of force once.

One of the leading adventurer team had started to think that they could extort whoever they pleased just because they had first hand information on how to clear the Dungeon Cave.

Needless to say, Kraft made a shining example of them when they were thrown into the makeshift jail cell by the Drows. Nowadays, that particular adventurer team selflessly looks after anyone who needs help without any complaints.

"So…are they super buffed or something? Especially that ridiculously harsh training with just a stone." Jin asked, and Kraft nodded his head with confidence.

"Not that stupidly buffed kind of image that you have in mind but they are strong enough to take down Three Boar Knights at once. And that's the weakest of them all with just one stone. I won't bother to tell you how powerful the strongest of them is, cause it will spoil the fun." Kraft grinned and iterated that the Dark Elves were now respected as the Big Brother of the neighbourhood.

"Many of the new adventurers rely on them to make it through the first five floors…for a price of course." Kraft laughed as he knew that it was easy money. "But that's more or less the overall picture for the Dungeon Cave."

"I see. Use the money you earn to build an outpost for them…unless you prefer to use the tavern as the base, which I won't mind too." Jin suggested, but Kraft had already proceeded with the latter choice.

"I already asked the System to create beddings and such under the tavern. Like a secret base, you know." Kraft smiled as he said that. The old fox seemed to be done with his report and looked expectantly towards Qiu Yue and Lynn, as it should be the girls' turn to share plans for the Giant World.

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