Number One Dungeon Supplier

Chapter 589 Promises Fulfilled

"Many of you might be aware that I vouched and made certain promises in the past months or so. Yet there was no news of those promises being fulfilled due to my busy schedule. So, for this particular Christmas Grand Feast, I hope that I have managed to make it worth your wait." Jin announced as he looked at the side and nodded his head.

Qiu Yue got his cue, and via the System's tablet, a projectile screen appeared with the image of an island. The minions did not understand what promise this could refer to until Jin further explained it. "This Island Instance is going to be your new home, my comrades."

He added that he had created multiple Island Instances to house the minions still waiting for an official home instance and wished to replace the currently occupied home instances. The dungeon supplier then used his phone to click to the next slide.

The following image showed an island with a huge stadium. Surrounding the stadium were not steps and seats, but market stalls in the first few layers and further rings showed housing of some sort. With the exception of the East having a large mansion, the rest were buildings of various ascending height.

All of the houses supported a view of the extended stadium field without obstruction. This meant that the grass field was the pivotal landmark for this architectural framework.

"I specifically built the currently shown Island Instance for the Orcs since my interaction with them taught me that they love festivals and get together for a good fight. This stadium will not only be a place to rest and relax but a place where the Orcs are free to settle their differences with everyone as the witness." Jin spoke and indicated that for simplicity sake, it would be named Orc Island Instance. (They were free to come up with their own name as long as they agreed.)

A period of silence was suddenly replaced with intense cheering from the Orcs filling the place.

Nubwort smirked at his delighted Orcs, who received the acknowledgement of their master for all the work they had done. For keeping his honour with the Orcs, it made the Black Disaster regard Jin in a different light and respected him slightly more.

"Let me emphasise that this Island is solely for the Orcs, the other races will receive their own Islands which would be catered to their needs. There is no need to worry about space. Remember this is a dimensional instance that you will be living in. It can expand endlessly as much as I can allow it to." Jin had a giant smile on his Santa face after seeing the Orc's reaction and subsequently showed another Island.

The next one featured mushroom huts in a terrace farming kind of style. "There will be basements for this so do not see that this particular design as small. I have also included weather modules into these instances, so those mushroom huts are designed to weather through this." Jin made a small pun which made the goblins giggle a little. (Yes this particular island full of mushroom huts was for them.) He added that the three Goblin Generals' sons would be joining them too, which perked the Goblins up a lot.

Afterwards, the dungeon supplier presented a picture of a deserted theme park. Everyone instantly recognised that it was the home instance of the zombies. He zoomed out a bit, revealing that the theme park was only a small part of this Zombie Island, and they could discern that there was an abandoned town around it.

"Master, What is the reason for putting everyone in islands?" Ayse shouted and also shamelessly asked if the researchers had their own Island Instance.

"Like I said, everyone, including current owners, has it. So, yes Ayse you and your researchers will have one too. The islands are to prepare for something even more exciting in the future." Jin answered as he opened his phone and scrolled down to choose a particular picture. The System then presented it to the entire horde of his.

It was an overview of the structure of the various islands which made it look like some sort of treasure map.

"This will be my next grand dungeon scheme which includes all of you inside." Jin declared and revealed that this was the Sanctum of Worlds' Open Dungeon Instance concept. He could see that almost every minion had their jaws drop and Jin enjoyed this sight.

"In other words, this will not just be your homes, but something similar to the WunderPanda Theme Park. People will come and see how you guys live and interact with all of you." Jin explained that this was still in its experimental stage as he would not be able to achieve this particular endeavour until he got the Mechanical Brain from the Mecha World.

He then added that even if all of this were not connected right now, all these islands instance could be expanded and built upon with the System points that they had earnt. "Items like furniture and accessories for your house can be bought via the System. Stalls are created to introduce economy and allow you monsters the chance to try each other's specialities."

"Then do we need to travel via ships to get to the other island?" Gold questioned, and Jin shook his head.

"I will put a portal which allows you to teleport from one place to another easily. When it goes live for the customers to use, the cultivators will have to choose which race they want to support or ally with. This will also decide which Island they start on, with them receiving a save point to travel back and fro." Jin explained.

"Other than that, they will have to travel via ships and depending on their interaction with you guys, they will be considered your friend or foes," Jin announced and there was much chatter in the group.

"So for example, I may set it up that the Goblins are friends with the Orcs but rivals with the Werejackals for a particular week. When cultivators enter the Goblin's seaport to resupply they will be charged higher should they be allied to the werejackals while the cultivators who are friends with the Orcs will receive a benefit or even a discount." Jin briefly described and people started to laugh at that particular example.

"Aside from the Home Islands, there will be islands that have secondary dungeons in them or even Boss monsters. That is where Demon Beast like Spiky can reside in, and this will be the ultimate test of teamwork among those in their ships." Jin shared his ambitions for the entire group.

"However, rest assured that the Open Dungeon Instance will not include your real home instances. If any of you do not wish to participate in the Open Dungeon Instance and prefer to rest after a day's worth of work, please do so. But for those who wish to earn extra System points, no one is stopping from participating in these open dungeon instances." Jin kind of implied that hard work would not betray them as they would be rewarded based on meritocracy.

"I will be showing slides of other island home instances as part of the presentation slides, and that's more or less it from me. You've all heard me rambling long enough. Now, please dig into the grand feast that we prepared for all for you!" Jin finished and as soon as he did his minions pounced on the yummy food.

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