Number One Dungeon Supplier

Chapter 615 A Polite Gif

Obviously, Jin did not fall to Kraft's provocation and decided to do a little bit of work before he returned to his room for the rest of the night. But instead of sleeping, he put on his outerwear and walked along the streets in the middle of the night.

After what Kraft had said as a grim reminder not to get success over his head, Jin guessed a bit of time out would do him good. He initially thought sleeping would help, but he remembered Ming was waiting for him with a Black Tortoise at hand. Thus he decided a walk in the freezing night could help with his mind.

The streets were rather quiet, but the stroll in the cold winter night was a refreshing change of environment instead of the stifling air conditioned Dungeon Maker room. Jin walked aimlessly for a moment but eventually found himself in front of the police station. The lights in the station itself were evident, with Jin believed a number of them would still be on night duty.

"Ah, I never really thanked them for their services…" Jin said to himself and asked the System to purchase and teleport a large metal container filled with an assortment of food into his storage ring.

"Done. The necessary amount had been deducted from your account." The System stated as Jin pulled it out from his storage ring. A policeman who recently came back from a patrol suddenly shouted at Jin. Since he could not see clearly but a silhouette from the bright street lights near the police station, he wondered suspiciously whether the man was plotting against the police.

"Only at closer inspection, both of them realised they knew each other."

"Se Lang?" Jin asked, and Se Lang extended his hand out to greet and congratulate Jin.

"Boss! What are you doing here? You scared me for a moment that you are planting some bomb or something!" Se Lang said as two police officers came out of the station upon hearing the initial yelling.

"I just thought to send some appreciation gifts for the effort you guys done for m- the district. Wanted to place here so I can be a bit anonymous and not feel too erm you know, look as if I am bribing the police." Jin said to Se Lang as the two police officers came down from the stairs. They realised Se Lang had it under control, but Jin told them not to go away just yet.

"What is inside?" Se Lang asked as Jin opened the front compartment of the metal container, revealing a series of delicious looking food.

"Just something to warm the stomachs a little," Jin said, and the three police officers were cheering. "Call the other officers to get it, and return the container to me tomorrow or something like that."

"You not going to stay and eat as well? Its looks like there is a lot of food in this container!" Se Lang said as the other police officers agreed that the metal container which looked like a library cabinet stacked with bowls of delicious smelling foodstuff.

"Nah, I am just strolling a little before going back home," Jin said and Se Lang told Jin not to be shy. Even the other police officers told Jin to join them for the food.

"Yeah, you aided us in our training, and we even heard a rumour about an incoming Joint Police Military exercise! Tell us a bit more about it!" The officer beside Se Lang said.

"If not, we have to arrest you!" One of the officers joked and later told Jin that he needed to be somewhere else, then it's fine.

"Alright, alright, I will join you guys for a while. I am hopeful just not behind bars!" Jin finally decided to stay behind for a while, and Se Lang escorted Jin to their cafeteria after he kept the container in his storage ring.

When the rest of the officers were notified that there was a metal container full of food from Dungeons and Pandas, most of them did not delay any further and rush to the cafeteria for it. (Less the essential personnel on important posts.)

"Jin! I heard this is your doing. Thanks for the treat!" Inspector Lee An said as he saw Se Lang and Jin sitting in one corner of the cafeteria. Almost everyone in the police station knew who he was and did not mind just this once for him to stick around for a while. Of course, with supervision by Se Lang.

"Try the cheesecake, it's terrific." Se Lang said as he pushed a slice of it towards his pal.

"Belated Merry Christmas to you, Inspector," Jin said to Lee An as the inspector realised this was an excellent opportunity to introduce Jin to the Captain of the Tiangong District Police Station. Thus, he went off for a while and grab the Captain Mao Pai Huo to Jin.

"Ah, Jin. Nice to see you again. I did not expect to meet you at the Police Station." Pai Huo extended his hand to shake his hand.

"Captain, Merry Christmas to you too," Jin replied which made the inspector a bit curious.

"You two met before?"

"Just briefly. I was off duty and decided to see the Tree Mall opening ceremony. Tiger Head Hu Yuan Ba incidentally saw me and introduced me to him. It was a brief meet, but I must say, the Tree Mall was indeed a spectacular addition not only to the district but Shenzhen as a whole. Because of you, Central considered revising our annual budget and in turn, our training budget and sales with you." Pai Huo said with a delightful grin.

"I look forward to more business. Oh, and it also comes to my understanding that you guys were not allowed to budge into the scene as ordered but still did your best to capture most of the Rat Triad Members." Jin thanked the Police Captain and subsequently, Pai Huo requested the dungeon supplier to come into his office.

Upon reaching his office with a few slices of desserts on his plate, Pai Huo closed the blinds and locked the door and placed a magic scroll on the walls, activating an anti acoustic barrier around the room.

"Seems serious concerning the things you wished to discuss," Jin said as Pai Huo settled to his office chair and tasted one of the cheesecakes.

"I like to strike a deal." Pai Huo offered.

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