Number One Dungeon Supplier

Chapter 651 Operation Mass Migration - Part 3

While Flame Ripper and Frost Echo fought against Queen Mab, Operation Mass Migration was going pretty smoothly without too much interference. Jin had so far rescued the Penguins, Crocs, Walrus, Polar Bears, Turtles, Crabs, Otters and lastly Beavers.

These eight tribes were the only few they managed to contact, and even though Peppers reported that there were at least another three more tribes that were dormant in the ground, Jin was not going for them. His manpower was stretched with the influx of Giant Monsters coming towards the tribes.

At first, Jin thought it was the Hamster Druid that they were after, but soon, his hypothesis was proven to be invalid when Hamatarou tried to divert attention from them.

Sure, they were some monsters that tried to eat Hamatarou, but not all of them were going for him. Thus, the rescue team was stalling the Giants as much as they could in order to make sure that there was sufficient time for Animal People to escape into Jin's Portals.

Thankfully, with Mr Derpy as the floating platform, Peppers was able to see where the flares were coming from to initiate her explosion spells. With the aid of Que Er's crows as well as the System predictive analysis, they managed to have pinpoint accuracy of up to 10 metres for the bombardment.

Most of Jin's minions were able to divert the monsters' attention, luring them to open spaces for the bombardment to have maximum effect. Needless to say, there were casualties, but the potential of having more allies as well as Giant Monsters into Jin's Arsenal of monsters would greatly benefit the loss of resources in the long run.

Also, Ghoul Half Lord Derek wanted to do more experiments to see if his food fusion experiment was viable for other Giant monsters than just the Broccoli Porkcupine, hoping to increase the variety of food products grown for slaughter. It was ultimately a small cost to pay despite the System being a Scrooge in the first place.

However, Jin's fears were realised when Father Porkcupine appeared not soon after the arrival of Queen Mab. To his comfort, there were oddly no other larger monsters the size of Father Porkcupine, and he was the only at the scene.

This made the Dungeon Supplier wondered if Father Porkcupine was truly the only mega giant monster in the Ruined Kingdom or its Apex Predator was currently out of 'town' in search for juicier foodstuff.

Regardless, Jin had already prepared a few surprises for Father Porkcupine who was ravaging near the evacuation of the Crabs. (Fun fact: The Crab People are the only tribe that was out of the norm. While the other seven tribes maintained mostly their features like an animal, the Crabs had a full size human body except that their heads were made out of the shape of a crab. Even their pincers were on their head.)

"Hamatarou, since you are not needed anywhere, I am teleporting you to the Father Porkcupine!" Jin said in the System Channel, and Hamatarou complained of being overworked. "Nope! This is your request to evacuate the people! It's your responsibility, and you have to play the most part of it."

However, the moment Hamatarou teleported, he was standing in between the nose bridge of Father Porkcupine. Not only that, he noticed that a magical circle large and complex enough to cover the skies was right above him.

"HOLY SHIT! PEPPERS IS CASTING, AND YOU TELEPORTED ME RIGHT ON TOP OF THE PIG?" Hamatarou scared and terrified, shouted at the top of his voice with his fur all stood up.

"That's the whole idea," Shu said in the System Channel, and suddenly a Tree was entrenched on the nose bridge of the Porkcupine. From far, it would seem like a stick had merely fallen from the sky and on the monster's head. "Enlarge me, and so this slab of good meat would not be able to run from Peppers Boom Boom."

Hamatarou finally understood what Jin was trying to do. Since Shu was a Treant, a Druid would be the best combination to team up with. Without hesitation, Druid Hamatarou placed his wand, and his totem of Reverse Atem on Shu and a warm green light shone from the magic that he released.

The bright light was coincidentally a decent distraction against Father Porkcupine, allowing Shu's roots to wrap all around it. Father Porkcupine felt the roots crawling under his belly, his spikes and even around his mouth. Eventually, the roots also went deep into the ground, entrenching the giant monster to the ground.

Naturally, the Porkcupine tried to wiggle itself out and even attempted releasing his spikes to break the roots, but the popping of the spikes only allowed the roots to tighten the creature further before it could grow back again.

"Okay enough tree hugging, get out of the way or you be blasted off as well!" Peppers shouted at the System Channel with the floating platform was near the scene. (She just wanted front row tickets of the biggest, baddest and meanest explosion she could ever conjure especially with Ayse's Experimental Vest.

On the contrary, Ayse was panicking when she saw the magic circle up high. Although the Orc Head Researcher was able to handle Peppers output till now, she believed her machine would crack under the pressure of this subsequent magic spell. Yet, Ayse understood that this shot was needed to keep Father Porkcupine occupied.

She remembered Jin telling her that even the Titan Knight's weaponry was insufficient to make a dent on the monster at all. Granted there were problems with his weapon with it at the maximum output when Father Porkcupine appeared and overheated at the wrong time, but Ayse would also be lying if she said that she did not want to first hand see the explosion herself. Thus, there was no other way than to let the Demonic Sage Queen to go out.

It was obviously the 'only' choice.

"If I leave now, the remaining roots won't hold him for more than a few seconds!" Shu argued, but his argument became invalid when Jin had commanded the System to teleport both Hamatarou and Shu out of harm's way the moment Peppers released her magic.

"Are you even sure, we should be this close to the- " Ayse suddenly felt it was a bad idea when the magic circle disappeared, but it felt like time and space squeezed tight together and created a sound of vacuum.


Elated, Pepper was.

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