Number One Dungeon Supplier

Chapter 655 Piss Off Contes

"This is your true form? Whatever." Queen Mab did not care anymore ever since Maeve had disappeared out of a sudden. She could sense that her daughter was still alive but did not understand why there was no proper connection with her.

Since there was nothing to protect and an unexplainable loss in her heart, maybe it was time for Mab to have her own fun to fill the void. The Queen had been so busy governing the Winter Courts that she barely had any chance to have a moment of rest and these two transformed beings were the perfect chance for Mab to exercise her powers.

Firstly, Mab froze the throne chair and turned it with her magic to face the two Avatars directly. But the more she looked at them, she became irritated by Shiva's beautiful glittering skin. It was so smooth that Mab could vaguely see her reflection in it. Somehow, that was more than sufficient reason to warrant their deaths, including the grave sin of attacking her daughter.

"Enough holding back. I do not care what your excuses are, but you two deserved to die for being the accomplices sent to hurt my daughter." Queen Mab leaned backwards and folded her legs, giving an imposing stare towards the two Shaitans who refused to speak a word. Yet the two transformed Shaitans responded back with a half smug smile as if they were amused by her dramatic behaviour.

But to the Queen of Winter Courts, it felt like an insult. They were literally signalling her to throw the first strike since all talk and no action made Mab's threats hollow.

"Fine. If you want to play it this way." Queen Mab took a deep breath in before speaking once again.

"Ice Age."

The second those two words left her mouth, a vast amount of ice rose from the throne chair and spread all across the room. While it was out of the Shaitans' view, Mab's spell affected not just the room but the entire castle and eventually the castle grounds. Soon, the ruined kingdom was engulfed in ice within mere seconds, her spell froze everything rock solid in place.

Except for Shiva and Ifrit who was stood their ground against the cold.

Ifrit yawned as he looked at the pristine ice castle as well as the window view of the newly frozen background. "Urgh, it's all white and shiny." The Shaitan of Unyielding Flames groaned.

"Do you now appreciate the beauty of my element?" Shiva said as she was dusting some 'ice dust' away from her fingernails with her arms were folded. The Shaitans were not particularly amazed by Mab's show of power.

"Heh, she could have used that excessive power on us instead of wasting the whole kingdom. Later the others might judge and say that it's not a fair fight at the start if we won." Ifrit shrugged his shoulders.

"It's already an unfair fight the moment you attempt to intrude into my duel," Shiva said as she swung her head a little before walking like a supermodel on the walkway towards the throne. It was plainly obvious that she did not want Ifrit to interfere.

"Hah! Your avatar looked like he couldn't hold himself against her. That is why my Flame Ripper had to interfere." Ifrit said while he discovered a large ball of ice flying towards the throne hall from the castle's window and it looked like the Fey Queen had enough with their family squabbling.

Before the ball could even hit the castle, Ifrit already took care of it by spewing flames from his right hand, causing both the castle walls and the ball of ice to melt from the sudden scorching blaze of heat.

"Your welcome?" Ifrit smiled as Shiva glanced at the side of the castle before she continued sauntering towards Mab.

To portray her proficiency in Ice Magic, Queen Mab, who was still sitting on the throne, had summoned dozens of icicles and instantly refined them into various weapon replicas she seen in the past. Those weapon replicas were later enlarged to the size of the castle's pillars and hurled it towards Shiva with precision.

The Shaitan of Primitive Ice held her chuckle, but Queen Mab could clearly see that she was barely holding the laugh in. The only thing that she was not keeping was a giant wall of ice that seemed impervious to Mab's ice weapons as they shattered into pieces from the extreme force.

While the ice wall seemed like it was fixed to the ground, Shiva proved Mab wrong by moving it with her while she walked towards the throne chair.

"Tsk." Queen Mab got even more annoyed each time her attacks were deflected or stopped. The Queen of Winter Court also did not understand Shiva's actions as they could have simply engaged in a battle of ranged magic to prove who was the better Ice Magic user, but it was as if the Shaitan was resolute to get close to her.

So, Mab swore it would make it challenging to reach her.

The floor around the throne chair shook as a block of ice shot Queen Mab out of the throne hall, soaring into the sky. It definitely prevented Shiva to reach her immediately, and thus pissed the Ice Shaitan off further.

"Tsk, so irritating. Why can't she accept defeat already since she's running away?" Shiva's vexatious expression provided Queen Mab temporary joy as she relished the moment until the Ice Shaitan created a spiral staircase along the circular block of ice.

Shiva could have flown up to confront the Queen of Winter Court, but there was something in the her actions that made Queen Mab's heart to quietly tremble with dread. The fact that Shiva took her time walking up to the throne chair and aimed to come up close and personal to kill Queen Mab clearly showed that Shiva underestimated her.

However, Mab had decided to play along as she called for 'help' by blowing a makeshift ice horn which she created on the spot. A series of rumblings were subsequently heard from a distance and Ifrit who was at the sidelines reluctantly obeying his sister's commands, finally had something to look forward to.

"Ahhh Ahhh~! Is that the rumoured Father Porkcupine?" Ifrit said to himself as he saw the said Porkcupine now covered with layers of ice, imbued with magical energy in it. There was no doubt Queen Mab had magically enhanced the Giant of Giants to harass Shiva and perhaps there was a connection between those two, but none of that matters right now.

"Since Shiva wanted to kill that sissy all by herself, then I will entertain myself with the pig. Flame Ripper! I demand that this slab of Pork Meat be delivered to me every once in a while, for the Great Me to feast upon! For this is truly meat worth eating!" Ifrit shouted out loud even though Flame Ripper's consciousness was currently connected to him.

Ifrit lifted himself up from a squatting position and boosted to the skies at maximum speed. Unlike his sister, swift annihilation was the best way to settle things and thus, he charged his fist with all the magical energy he had and aimed towards the Ice Father Porkcupine.

The latter subsequently noticed a build up of magical energy, and though the magical signature was different, Father Porkcupine discerned that the quantity amassed was equivalent or perhaps way more than that Peppers had fired upon him.

So, Father Porkcupine had begun prepping the very same technique he attempted to use against Mr Derpy. His spikes combined at his behest and merged into one colossal spear, waiting to fire at the right moment.

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