Number One Dungeon Supplier

Chapter 704 Pandapolis

"There is no turning back now, you sure we are ready for this?" Moloch asked one last time at the war room table which was busy as hell even though this was just for the preparations of the eventual demon army raid.

"I will laugh my ass off if your so-called King Baal does not even come at all." Dark Elf Leader Drex replied in a crude way as for once he was donned in his full battle armour passed down from his ancestors.

They relied on no god for they themselves could become gods of war on the battlefield. It was true that the once mighty Drow Empire had fallen far from grace, reduced in size to a tiny population that would have been considered impossible in the past.

After centuries of arrogance, they had incurred significant losses while defending their very last bastion until they were forced to live in solitude.

However, with the advent of Kraft and his Foxes, they had now regained their confidence and strength to return to their past glory that the Goblin World had once feared. Still, they refused to ever bend the knee for him anymore. ("Only such prideful creatures deserve my pity!" said Kraft)

"My other servants Yem and Mer had been to the other Dungeon Towns and Dungeon Fortresses, the news about the incoming attack was significantly well spread. Enough to garner the attention of both adventurers and monsters which pretty much guarantees that some of them will want to join the fight on Baal's side." Moloch confirmed that the attack was imminent the moment they dropped the shield.

"Even adventurers?" Jin asked, and Wolte shrugged as if it was a regular occurrence. To them, it was no surprise that some adventurers ventured into the dark arts. Besides, King Baal's metropolis was not a place where one could stay at will. Even merchants needed to apply for a special pass or pay a dubious sum of money to enter. Else, every other single person had to be invited to be in there.

"These kinds of demon army raids are quite rare, so they act as ideal chances to earn free passes for them to enter after they are done raiding. The more there are, the more it guarantees that the demon army will win, which is why news spread fast, and people happily volunteer to help King Baal to take out the betrayer." Wolte answered indicating why Moloch's switch to Jin initially felt like a death sentence.

"I guess no one ever lived to survive King Baal's betrayal." Jin queried, and the two demons nodded their head. "All the better. We shall build our legacy by becoming the first to defy him and come out on top as the city that repelled King Baal's demon army." He proclaimed with such a resolute voice that the two Demon Lords believed there was indeed a glimmer of a chance for success to be possible.

"General, everyone is in place." An Orc telecoms operator reported to Nubwort, who nodded silently at this.

"General Hou Fei, your men are in position too." A goblin operator reported the very same thing to General Hou Fei, the only one representing the real human soldiers in the room.

He knew that there were sensitive issues to be discussed and told the other commanding officers to take charge of the various defence sections. They had their very own war room table at the opposite side of the building, allowing Hou Fei to attend to them if necessary. But for now, the Panda Remnant stayed with Jin to assist him in making major decisions.

What came as a surprise was that Jin expressed his intention in wanting to fight on the ground alongside his bellators. Those listening were forced to agree without much of a choice. He knew the commanders around the table were also itching to put up a fight.

"I can stay here and watch the battlefield, you guys can enter and do the fighting if you want."

"You serious?!" A resounding question came from the war table after Kraft teleported in to announce his own intentions. It's not that they didn't trust him for his commanding skills. In fact, he had proven himself to be quite formidable during the Goblin War when he assisted Jin with it. The devil Bellator merely nodded his head.

"Don't worry, I won't be alone. Just think of me acting as a bodyguard for our Red Panda Cutie here. I want to watch her coordinate this fight and test if she is as interesting as she was during the random match she did with Jin." Kraft reassured the group and casually 'added' that he would join in if he felt like it.

"But Kraft had not been in for most of the meetings, is it okay for him to watch over the war room table without knowledge of the plans that we have?" General Nubwort brought up a genuine concern.

"I will be assisting Kraft immediately once I unlock the dungeon core so do-" Moloch was later interrupted by Kraft who threw some popcorn into his puppet mouth and voluntarily dragged him away.

"Alright then, let's do it people." Jin reluctantly gave the final go-ahead which prompted Kraft to teleport Moloch into the room equipped with the Dungeon Core. It was hidden within the temporarily floating fortress platform which Jin had asked Qiu Yue to build.

Up till now, Qiu Yue was still doing some final checks and demanding the goblins and orc workers to insert temporary machine gun emplacements where she deemed suitable. The brand new floating fortress was hailed by the Building Empire Sub System User as the best creation to date.

Although the schedule to build it had been tight ("Tight? It WAS extremely tight, five days? Who gave five days to build a FLOATING fortress? Rome was not built in a day! So much having a more flexible working lifestyle working under Jin!" Qiu Yue had lots to complain.), she managed to obtain more input and reviews from the Royal Snake Battalions' commanding officers.

It forced her to make some drastic changes but with most of the workers free after the completed construction of the sea domes, they had enough manpower to make it happen before they called Peppers to add the permanent floatation magic into it.

Unlike the others, this one was not a piece of land but a steel platform built from scratch. Due to the weight of the fortress, Industrial Sector 2 dipped sideways by 6 metres and Peppers needed to be called in to make temporary adjustments to the floating platform or else, items and furniture would be tilted sideways.

"Qiu Yue." Moloch teleported to meet her first, informing her that Jin and the other generals were giving the go-ahead.

"Huh, it's finally here." Qiu Yue wiped her sweat from her forehead and with a switch on her phone, she was fully equipped with the same gear Jin had given her during the Goblin War. Having Moloch at her side, and a certain onlooker watching from behind with popcorn in his arm, she deactivated the concrete lock created by Sandy so as to allow Moloch to interact with the dungeon core to bring the shield down.

This was it. The opening of their new city.


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