Number One Dungeon Supplier

Chapter 737 Wyrstriker Strikes Back

The clouds sparkled with blue, purple and even yellow lights. The lightning bolts split, hurting each and every Dragonlite that had been rubbed with the chain of lightning.

All who had been tagged by Keyrin felt the fury from the sky. To the cultivator on the ground, it did not look like a storm. Instead, it resembled an inverted tree sprouting instantly from the clouds, trying to reach the ground.

With the difference in electrical potential, many of the Dragonlites were burnt to crisp, causing them to drop like flies who had flown too close to the heater. Though right now, it was more like the 'heater' came for the flies. The Dragon Devils took heavy hits as well, but most were able to bear through the brunt of the attack.

They were not unfamiliar with having to resist lightning attacks, so their armour provided lightning resistance. Even the Devil Horned Dragons were oiled, and the ink of a distinctive tattoo had been painted on their bodies that allowed them to resist some electrical damage. (They never knew that in modern science, they were merely insulators based.)

Yet the Judgement Storm which literally annihilated 90% of the Dragonlites was horrifying to behold for Prince Stolas. To him, he had never seen such wide-area thunder magic in his life before, and he was very sure Mother Nature could never replicate such a terrifying storm.

He quickly attempted to contact Marquis Forneus for an update just to make sure that he was still alive, but he failed to get a response. "I hope this is only because of the lightning storm... Hold steadfast Marquis." Prince Stolas silently prayed as he continued to demand reinforcements from the Demon Metropolis.

"The Marquis is dead. I will make sure of it." Keyrin announced to the War Room as he conjured and shot dozens of piercing lightning spears towards the Marquis who was paralysed by his Judgement Storm.

It was a cruel sight as the first few spears broke his lightning resistance armour while the next three were covered by his right-hand man who had chosen to sacrifice himself for his lord. As for the last four spears? Keyrin had made sure he had condensed every little bit of magic he had converted from Yun's chi to zap Marquis Forneus out of existence.

Corpse? Hah! Keyrin ensured no such thing remained when he synchronised his shots with the Clay Dragon as it swept through the 'shocked' army. It smashed the body of their lord with its maw before it threw his body towards Keyrin who pulverised the corpse.

The Mousefolks on its back wore gas masks to ensure they had enough oxygen to resist the G force variation due to the Clay Dragon's manoeuvres. Some nearly flew out of their machine gun emplacements if not for the tiny seatbelts that were attached to them. Granted, they had parachutes and ejector seats too, but they knew it would not make much a difference, just the illusion of safety.

The masks also helped them avoid inhaling any discharge from the aftermath of Judgement Storm. With all the safety gadgets, it did give the Mousefolks a peace of mind to fire indiscriminately. The sound of their little rifles (or mini guns) was non-stop as they aimed at the surviving Dragonlites when the Clay Dragon cruised the skies.

As for the remaining Dragon Devils left, their only option was to redeem whatever glory they could obtain without their leaders so that their lord could preserve his honour after the battle. The highest-ranked commanding officer quickly took over the lead and proposed a charge towards the panting Keyrin.

"Too bad for you, I am retreating." The Thunder Ram Demon gave them a challenging smile before he reverted back to his normal size. The effects of the Reverse Atem had ended, and he subsequently disappeared into thin air with a bright flash of light. As his last parting gift, he left them a booming thunderclap that momentarily stunned and stopped the army in their tracks.

"NOW!" Wyrstriker ordered as he saw the Dragon Devils were paralysed by the deafening sounds. From Moloch's information, he knew that the Dragon Devils were the toughest and strongest bunch of units alive in the Demon Army.

Were it not for Keyrin's Judgement Storm to slightly weaken them, the Goblin Wyvern Knights might not stand a chance against it. Yet this was the perfect opportunity to take out as many as they could.

With the amount of time granted from Que Er's assault, the Wyvern Goblin Knights had collectively reequipped their weapons for the dogfight against the Dragon Devils. Their Air Boosters were also swapped out and replaced with the ones that Wyrstriker was using. Oxygen tanks and masks were also retrofitted for them to withstand the G forces although most of the knights already had magical abilities that would withstand such gravitational forces. At the same time, Ayse had also prepared something a little special for Wyrstriker, allowing him to stand out from his unit.

How could you improve a Wyvern Goblin Knight when you have already attached air boosters? Perhaps the answer to this was inspired by Ayse's frenemy, Peppers. She had developed special missiles for the goblin.

But unlike the missiles that most cultivators were used to, these were actually an improvement of Derek's former experiment of combining living things into inanimate items or vice versa.

Que Er's crows had been fused with the lost tech missile, removing the need for a guidance system. What's more, was that the missile used the very same Lost Tech air booster technology to fly them. The only difference was the amount of 'pow' within it.

"I've been waiting long enough to try these out!" Wyrstriker had lightly caressed them before he had jumped onto Iwen.

But right now, he is concentrating on his prey.

The missiles had a crow's head for that was where the 'soul' of the crow was. Guiding the attack with its own sentience, it boosted itself towards the said enemy before using its innards to explode the contents of the missile.

By using the Air Booster Technology, Wyrstriker could actually control the kind of explosion he wished for. The Air Booster in the missiles were built with the intention of blowing up, so most of its safety features had been removed.

In place of them was actually a closed-circuit system that enabled an implosion of air within the missile. Wyrstriker used his magic to telepathically open the valves of the rocket, allowing a possible timer control and adjustment of the strength of the air implosion. Naturally, he cranked it up to the max.

When the crow missile impacted, the Dragon Devil felt like there was a mini gravitational hole that sucked him and soon afterwards an explosion due to air pressure caused the Two Horned Dragon to lose one of its wings.

The Dragonlite rider tried to maintain flight by using magic but it was futile. Another Wyvern Goblin Knight attacked and released a bracket of bullets from above, killing the rider. Without magical support, that particular Dragon Devil slowly fell to the ground and braced for impact.

Needless to say, it failed rather terribly since the remaining Anti-Air companies had their sights on the dragon, making sure it would have no chance to get up.

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