Number One Dungeon Supplier

Chapter 742 Magic Gian

Barbatos had finished absorbing the charges from the remaining Wights on the battlefield. Almost every single one of them had burnt their life power to transmit their energies and concentrate it on to Earl Babartos. It looked as if it was some sacrificial ritual that was happening right at the centre of the battlefield but surprisingly, the Stalingrad was not aiming at them.

The Mad Giant had predicted that with the Stalingrad's power to shoot nine shells the size of a mini car, their next goal was to stop the frontlines as much as possible without hitting their own forces. However, they did not know that it was not the defending tacticians' intention. Lord Wolte had not expected to be this powerful when he had turned into this ultimate form.

Maybe because of a well eaten Mr Derpy, Lord Wolte's powers have accidentally been enhanced multiple folds, and thus he had severely underestimated his own capabilities. (While taken aback, Wolte was elated to fulfil the dream of his former slug self to finally evolve into a force to be reckoned with. Though he was never satisfied and believed he could grow more.)

Thus, he was instructed by Qiu Yue to attack the group of giants furthest from the current frontline to entice Barbatos into action a little more.

After roughly grasping the Mad Giant's intention, the war room tacticians was sure that Barbatos wouldn't take the bait of advancing towards Stalingrad. But in the off chance he would change his target, the tacticians just had to try to get the Mad Giant's attention. To Jin's side, this war was a delicate balance of profit, fun and adequately defending the dungeon core.

To the tacticians personally, this was merely them getting ready to enter Phase 2 of their defence plan. They still had so many things in store for the demons (and cultivators to play with). It would be a pity if they would call this off and accept their defeat though Moloch had no doubts King Baal would take this as a matter of principle.

The demons could hardly stop at this point, and he definitely would figure something out if they need to prolong this war arises. He would ensure that everything would go as per their plan. For now, the evil tacticians ensured that the Demons would play at their pace.

Having complete control over the battlefield was the ultimate wet dream of every tactician.

The volley of turret cannon attacks had undoubtedly crippled the Giants forces, leaving scores of dead bodies on the ground without any medical help in sight. Many were left there moaning and crying for help since it was always a do or die situation for them all.

Not wanting them to suffer, the defenders were 'kind' enough to offer them a quick death with a swift counterattack and killing them before returning back to their barricades for safety.

Led by the Wobbling Wombat Cultivator Hong Deng Long and the Wacky Wolf Cultivator Da Se Lang, a number of Pandarens joined the Pandawan's raiding party by jumping over the fallen foot soldiers and sliding through the several Giants to reach the injured Giants.

However, this was not an easy task since the ones who suffered the brunt of the attack were at the back of the frontlines. The Giants at the front weren't too keen to allow the cultivators to do as they pleased and they tried to stomp those pesky humans.

Nevertheless, they underestimated how fast these cultivators were able to move. Using their chi to boost their speed, many were like cockroaches scrambling for cover, and it was virtually impossible to stop them.

This was further aggravated once Deng Long slammed his batons with ice elemental chi against the Giant's feet, slowing them further and allowing the more inexperienced Pandarens to escape the Giant's attacks.

Se Lang was relentless in his attacks. Up until now, he had been forced to hide behind the barricades because he had arrived later than his companions to join the battle late. Deng Long, was just glad his partner was able to actually make up some time after his double shift to play with him.

While he was not complaining that his partner was working hard, he did miss the casual hangouts with his buddy. As of late, he only saw him briefly at work, and whenever he wasn't doing overtime, he was spending it with either one or both of his girlfriends.

Even as the ambush party took the opportunity to strike the fallen Giants to ensure their death, both Deng Long and Se Lang were running on a timer for the Pandarens. The idea had been brought up by Mad Monkey cultivator Meng Ruo. They had to return back to the barricades within 40 seconds after a bout of open fighting.

This was to ensure the Pandarens could safely retreat without suffering too many casualties and it allowed the next round of Pandarens to harass the troops and Giants. It was tough in terms of coordination, but the communication using the half mask visors had been vital in making groups. They also had their mini digital pets to relay them orders from the higher-ups, so there was a decent communication network between the groups.

Unlike the demons who required a more primitive method of using the mages telecommunication, a major reason for why Pandarens could hold so well despite their lack of war experience was mainly due to their access to fast information exchange.

The one who controlled the most information in a war most often would be the one to control the battlefield too. This war was no exception, and it was apparent that the demons' disadvantage in this area caused their casualty numbers to grow exponentially.

Yet the show was far from over.

The Mad Giant finally had adjusted to his newfound strength and had decided to rush through. While his left hand had been regenerated, it was far too weak to carry a shield again. But the powers temporarily granted upon him by the Wights would make every Giant in the Dungeon World somewhat jealous.

He had gained the ability to cast magic.

No Giants could ever cast magic and maybe it was the Dungeon World's way to ensure balance. Else, wouldn't magic-wielding Giants be able to easily subjugate the world and appoint themselves as the Gods of the Dungeon World?

Barbatos did not hesitate to show off the magic he had been blessed with. The first one was Jade magic. It granted him the ability to jump high with the powers of the Wind, the Mad Giant soared up to the sky bridge and leapt over the frontlines, into the barricades of the Pandarens. His landing flattened dozens of Pandarens who were entrenched in the sandbags and other physical obstacles.

To Barbatos, it felt like he was stepping on some pins and needles. It was satisfying to crush those humans, and he followed this up by releasing the powers of Ruby. The fire blew straight in front of him. However, the elation of hurting his enemies had taken him off guard since his new temporary powers gave him the feeling of being invincible.

For the Mad Giant absolutely had no idea someone from his past had come to haunt him.

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