Number One Dungeon Supplier

Chapter 750 Defending the Various Sectors

The Demons Horde was unrelenting, moving forward at breakneck speed with no regards to their own well being. This strategy would prove especially effective in Agriculture Sector 1. Major Boon Tiong who was coordinating the defence had seen through the weakness of Agriculture Sector 1 early on.

Since it was crop-based, their vast land area made it hard for the defenders to cover everything without redeploying the number of soldiers from other sectors. Yet, they could not do so without it creating weaknesses on other fronts.

However, there was a silver lining in this situation. Most of the crops had been harvested, yet the System had purposely grown tall plants to increase the survivability of the soldiers defending the area. It allowed the Royal Snakes to create makeshift traps and even hidden tunnels to hide in as they ambushed the demon troops.

As Master Ambushers, the Royal Snake soldiers reinvented the meaning of fear so that even the demons under the rage enchantment had begun questioning the safety of every step they made.

"Heh, there is no such thing as 'safe' when you are in our playground." Major Boon Tiong chuckled as he quickly took out one soldier by surprise, and subsequently slaughtered the rest of their group. Afterwards, he disappeared back into the tall grass, leaving no tracks behind as if he were a ghost.

With this hands-on approach of the soldiers, the mortar strikes were more sparse than in other locations unless they were sure it was a heavyweight like a troll or a squad of cavalry trying to rush in. The rest of the soldiers were all split into smaller groups as they tackled Demon Horde who thought forward was the only way to go.

What's more, they were assisted by the baby Broccoli Porkcupines as part of the surprise bestowed by Jin. Half Ghoul Lord Derek had successfully managed to reduce their size so that they were as large as a Rottweiler by instilling some canine DNA into them as well, making them more responsive to humans and a little more loyal. (Actually, Derek merely used genes from Silver, Gold and the rest of the werejackals)

And those modifications significantly increased their agility without losing the strength they well as their unique ability to shoot broccoli projectiles out of their backs. If one were to think that the modified projectiles were a joke, they were solely mistaken as it had the same penetrating ability as their spikes. (Imagine a piece of broccoli was thrust into a demon's body and going through it like a bullet, the amount of force needed was so much more)

The Royal Snakes had discovered that the demon troops had designated their teleportation spell at the edge of the island. In theory, this was a smart choice allowing their enemies to send in reinforcement if the first wave of demon troops were to perish.

They knew it would be only a question of time until some demons with the ability to burn down the grass would come in robbing them of their ambush advantage. Fortunately, this was where the Broccoli Porkcupines came in. After annihilating the incoming first wave, they quickly positioned these pigs near the tall grasses where the teleportation spell would bring in the troops.

As soon as this next batch of demon troops appeared, Major Boon Tiong ordered a full offensive charge against the troops. These soldiers who had yet to acclimatize themselves from the teleportation spell were suddenly being sprung by a wave of pig monsters hitting them.

As if that was not enough, the Broccoli Porkcupines shot their projectiles out, further weakening the front line they were pushing. These incidentally caused the demon troops to move backwards despite the backlines demanding for a forward charge. The more the Porkcupines charged and stormed the front, the more they were pushed back, with new ones arriving, occupying the already limited space. And just like a domino effect after the first one fell, many more followed as they were pushed off the edge of the island.

However, Major Boon Tiong knew this shock tactic had its limits, and with a loud whistle, the Baby Broccoli Porkcupines went scurrying into the tall grass. At the same time, the Royal Snakes took care of the still shocked stragglers, mercilessly spraying their bullets out in the open.

Within that interval, the other Royal Snake Soldiers returned to fix the traps for the subsequent wave of Demon Horde and the cycle continued. Some of the soldiers even began doing stock checks to ensure the farmhouses they fortified had sufficient ammunition for the protracted fight or even a possible escape road if their safe houses were overwhelmed.

Still, that was not the end for them as professional soldiers like themselves had a few tricks up their sleeves, especially when they were currently fighting with a restricted cultivation grade as ordered.

As for the other sectors, things were slightly different. The portion of the Demon Horde which had teleported into the Military Sector basically got slaughtered the moment they stepped into the territory. In less than a minute, the entire group had been mercilessly killed again and again.

Nothing was left and for good reason. The military base was where many of the 'surprises' for the various phases of the defensive plans were kept. That was why multiple miniguns emplacements had long since been erected by the System to cope with the possible teleportation portals of their enemies.

While the Royal Snake Soldiers had anti-magic fields, they knew that the first few waves of demon troops would be too insignificant to waste such expensive equipment. And that was the same for Qiu Yue and Moloch though they were keener on this being more an offensive defence than a total defence.

Jin took a peek at the expenditure list, and he was shocked when he found out the number of items they had bought. "Some are just experimental." Qiu Yue tried to play innocent when Jin queried about it, but he sometimes knew how terrible she was at lying. However, all possible contentions went down the drain against the golden argument of 'they might help against King Baal'.

Unlike the Military Sector, the Industry Sectors may not claim the title of having the biggest firepower, but they were second to none when it came to defences. With a pair of Fortress Golems at every corner, every nook, it was impossible for anyone to slip through to escape the murder machines. (Not to mention, the Royal Snake Soldiers hiding in every possible loophole they found in the Industry Sector's defence layout.)

It was just as crucial as the Military Sector and could not be allowed to get breached, because the System had production ongoing such as ammunition to replenish the output which Jin's monsters used rather haphazardly.

As for the Agriculture Sector 2? Hah. That was the only place where Jin had demanded only the most elite of Royal Snake Soldiers be placed as both Jin and even Qiu Yue guaranteed that was the most dangerous place to be stationed at.


Because all of the Giant Monsters that had been defeated had been placed there for breeding purposes except for one particular entity. Ice Father Porkcupine. The rest were roaming rather happily in their new environment the System had created for them.

Hence, when it came to defence, what could be better than to unleash all of them against the Demon Horde with the System partially controlling them? The Royal Snakes were mostly there for taking out any particularly dangerous individuals the monsters were unable to.

From the One Horned Chicken to the Four Clawed Scorpion… the area was basically a nightmare for any demon troops as their fate would be to become unhealthy after-dinner snacks.

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