One Useless Rebirth

Chapter 144 - Kicking Ass Good! (2)

Chapter 144: Kicking Ass Good! (2)

Translator: Sissy That Walk

He Bai stared at the lower part of the face of the person in that picture as he felt it looks a bit familiar, yet he couldn’t recall where he had seen that person.

“The location stopped in a small fork…it moves again and heading to the right.” Li Ru suddenly raised her voice and said, yet she was confused after that, “Why is the burglar taking the laptop there? He should take the road on the left side if he wants to sell it in the laptop store.”

“We don’t need to care why he is taking this way and it’s even better that he stopped! We are about to catch him!” Niu Junjie was still very excited and vigorous and he stepped on the gas pedal again.

He Bai checked on the moving location and the picture on the phone screen as he frowned deeply. What on earth did this burglar want that he kept on trying to check his files and Weibo? Was that stopping just an accident or he was trying to do something when he realized that there were people after him?

While he was guessing, Niu Junjie’s phone suddenly rang. The voice of the police came out from the phone when it was put through, “Niu, the burglar has turned himself in in the police office in Huaiyang Road. He said he stole the laptops only because he was being bullied by He so hard, so he wanted to threaten you guys by taking your laptops away. And he didn’t expect you to call the police, so he got more and more scared and regretful as he was drving. He then turned himself in with the laptops in the nearest police office.”

People in the car were like, “…” Were you gonna fool us around with that excuse?

The phone was hung up and He Bai explained right after, “I don’t even know the guy on that picture and I have never ever bullied him!”

Chen Jie adjusted his glasses and analyzed, “According to the background of that picture, he was sitting in the backseat and there was someone else driving the car. So the burglar must have a partner and he definitely doesn’t only want to threaten us. His target is very clear, and it is Bai’s laptop or something on his laptop.”

Wang Hu scratched his head, “Did we just forget to ask about the name of the burglar and how many people there are?”

People were like, “…”

“Stop wondering and let’s go check it out!” Niu Junjie wiped his face and drove the car to the police office in Huaiyang Road.

They jumped out of the car after they had arrived at the place, and they saw Huang Wei who was sitting on the chair wearily the moment they went into the door. Niu Junjie went so mad immediately,

“Son of a bitch! It was you! No wonder there is someone who hates Bai so much that he tried to steal his possession! Bai is such a nice person! And all he ever did was getting the scholarship ahead of you. How can you still hate him for that? We haven’t asked you about last time when you slandered Bai on the internet, how dare you to come here again? With such a narrow mind, are you still a man?”

The policemen around saw that he was so mad as if he wanted to fight, so they went up to stop him and persuade him altogether.

Huang Wei stayed behind as if he was so scared and regretful like a good boy.

Chen Jie had already rushed to the laptops on the table and checked his. Seeing that all of the materials he had collected and his paper were still there, he got relieved and turned around to get to Huang Wei with his fists clenched.

The policemen came to control the situation here and they were obviously seeing them as a headache.

The students nowadays are so vigorous that they were not able to handle them all.

He Bai was shocked when he saw Huang Wei as he recalled that he was kicked out of the school for theft in the past life. He felt a little bit surprising but reasonable at the same time as he recalled what had happened last life. Seeing that there were no other suspects around, he went to Huang Wei while the others were in a mess and asked him in a serious face, “Huang Wei, I believe that you stole the laptops, but I don’t believe that you stole them just because I bullied you. Who was with you on the campus when you tried to run away with the laptops? And what do you want to find on my laptop? Did you drop that guy off halfway?”

Huang Wei thought he was here to beat him, so he was ready for a good beating and showed a poor face. But after heard what He had said, he couldn’t even hide his emotion and said startled, “I stole the laptops alone and I am the one who transferred them. I don’t know what you are talking about!”

“You don’t know?” He Bai curled his lips and sneered, “Then tell me, where did you get that car you drove today. Why did you stop halfway? The police made some noise chasing you so you realized that there was something wrong. Then you were left to turn yourself in after a discussion and the other one could leave?”

Huang Wei tried to avoid his eyes as he made everything very clear, so he just bent down his head and pressed his lips to stop talking any more.

He Bai saw that he refused to confess, so he just left him and went to get his own laptop, turning it on while calling Xing Shaofeng at the same time. He found that snap from a system file and showed it to the police, saying, “This is the picture of the suspect caught by my laptop automatically when it was turned on, and he was not the one who is sitting here, so he’s got company!”

All the policemen looked over after hearing this, and Niu Junjie and the others realized as well. They tried to beat Huang Wei to ask him for the company’s information, but they were stopped by the police again.

Huang Wei was getting more and more panicked as he had never expected that the laptop could take pictures of the one turning it on automatically. He pressed his lips and recalled what the one told him before leaving the car, and he bent his head even deeper, refusing to say a word.

After a short while, the instructor came here with another instructor from the university faculty. They asked about the updates and started to persuade both sides, one was to ask Huang Wei for the truth, and the other was to ask Niu Junjie and the others to handle this personally to not make it a scene.

While everything was still in a mess, Di Qiuhe called.

“Xing Shaofeng just sent me the picture, and the one caught by the camera is Di Xiasong.” Di Qiuhe’s voice was a bit low as his gentle tone got tenser, “I guess Huangdu and the Qin family have already got the news about it, and they will definitely give pressure to the police and the university because they want it to be settled out of court. You can go back with your roommates now, and I will send someone to handle this.”

Di Xiasong?!

He Bai was so surprised and shocked. He recalled the face of Di Bian and tapped his forehead, “No wonder I felt he looks familiar to me, he looks so much like Di Bian…what is wrong with him? Will it do him anything good to steal my laptop with Huang Wei? He is a favored son from a rich family, so he doesn’t even have to do it himself if he ever wants something from me. This is just so absurd.”

“No, it’s not. Maybe he didn’t join Huang Wei’s stealing and he was pretty much just a buyer of the stolen goods. If you and Xing Shaofeng didn’t react quickly and handle it efficiently, the laptops would never be found so fast. And even if you found out that it was Huang Wei who stole the laptops, no one would relate it to him. I once sent out a declaration with your account, so maybe he thought he could get something or weak points of me from your laptop.” Di Qiuhe explained in detail as he sounded a bit mockingly. Then he told him, “He could find a million ways to get himself out of this, and the Qin family and Di Bian would never let anything bad show on his resume. But you can just relax because I can definitely give fair back to you. You and Niu Junjie and the others should stay low these days as to stay away from the pressure given by the university.”

He Bai frowned, “What are you going to do then? Please don’t get into trouble.”

“Are you worried about me?” Di Qiuhe lowered down his voice and smiled slightly, “No worries, I know what to do. You should just have a good sleep when you go back to the campus and there will be a result tomorrow. Don’t worry too much and don’t worry about me.”

“I’m not worried about you.” He Bai hung up the phone with embarrassment and said secretly. How come he could just make everything so romantic even after a serious talk? What a Childish Di.

Since there wouldn’t be any results coming out for the moment, the police from the Q district took Huang Wei back to their office after the sunset. He Bai and the others were comforted by the instructor and packed up to go back to the campus.

After a meal treating Li Ru, the four of them went back to the dorm. Facing the mess in the dorm, they looked at each other and sighed deeply.

What a day! So troublesome!

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