One Word Changed, Characters in Chaos

Chapter 103: Chapter 80: The Sinister and Cunning Female Antagonist

Chapter 103: Chapter 80: The Sinister and Cunning Female Antagonist

La Jingzhou looked at the woman on the bed, broken like a discarded doll, a cold smile forming on his lips, “Woman, is this the freedom you wanted? Did you ever consider such consequences when you betrayed me?”

Bai Shilan looked at this heartless man, tears brimming in her eyes, “La Jingzhou, is it really my wish to betray you? You speak of treating me well, but in reality, could you ever marry me? With you, I could only ever be a mistress hidden in the shadows. But with Ye Lin, I could have a new life! I just want to have a love that I don’t have to hide. Is that so wrong?”

La Jingzhou’s eyes turned slightly colder, “What a pity, Ye Lin doesn’t want you at all. Bai Shilan, in this lifetime, you’ll never escape from the palm of my hand. I’ll keep you and repay you graciously for your ‘help’.”

La Jingzhou advanced, once again pinning Bai Shilan beneath him, heedless of her pleas, he harshly…”

Ye Xiao flipped directly to the next page!

Oh my God, I finally skipped a part, but why does it seem like it’s happening again as I read?

Are these two in heat all the time?

Ye Xiao started to skim the pages ten lines at a time.

The story then unfolded with La Jingzhou imprisoning Bai Shilan.

She had no career, no money, and could only suffer La Jingzhou’s abuse day and night.

Meanwhile, La Jingzhou continuously sought reconciliation with Liu Yan.

Liu Yan occasionally gave him responses, leading him to believe that they would return to how things were before.

Just when La Jingzhou thought everything was behind him.

The case of his theft of commercial secrets was officially accepted by the court.

When he received the court notice, La Jingzhou was stunned.

What’s going on? Didn’t Liu Yan handle this matter?

He sought out Liu Yan in a somewhat panicked state.

Liu Yan told him with tears streaming down her face.

She had done her best to stop her parents, she even resorted to threatening suicide, but this time, her mom and dad were determined to sue him.

She apologized to La Jingzhou, but it was okay, she still had several targets’ money and could invest it in the La Family, helping them get out of this crisis.

Liu Yan maintained her selfless demeanor.

La Jingzhou was very interested in Liu Yan’s money, considering the La Family’s stocks had plummeted recently, and he indeed needed a sum to stabilize the situation.


If he was convicted, he would have to spend several years in prison! What use was the money then?

With things having come this far, there was no other way. La Jingzhou could only try his best to defend himself.


The Liu Family had evidence as well as the best legal team.

In the end, La Jingzhou was sentenced to seven years in prison.

Ye Xiao stared at that seven-year sentence for a while.

She pondered whether it could be modified a bit?

Ye Xiao decided to give it a try.

She added a ten after the seven.

And it became.

In the end, La Jingzhou was sentenced to seventy years in prison.


Ye Xiao then waited with anticipation.

However, this time an unexpected situation occurred.

The word ‘ten’ that she added slowly disappeared.

The final sentence of La Jingzhou remained unchanged.

“Modifying the sentence result would affect the entire legal system and cannot be executed,” the system’s cold voice rang out, “This modification is invalid, and the word count will not be refunded.”


Ye Xiao immediately got angry!

If it’s ineffective, so be it,

but why isn’t it refunded?

“System, I suspect you are targeting me,” Ye Xiao said through gritted teeth.

The system was silent for a while, then said, “Going forward, changes that involve causality laws, such as changing ‘deny’ to ‘admit’ or ‘speak’ to ‘speak the truth’, will require ten times the word count for modification.”

Ye Xiao scoffed coldly.


This damn system.

Previously, changing ‘deny’ to ‘admit’ made Bai Shilan reveal the truth directly.

It seems that this and speaking the truth has also been patched by the system.

In view of this, Ye Xiao had already been mentally prepared.

The issue is,

why shouldn’t the alteration take effect, and yet they don’t return her chances!

“System, if you’re patching things up, at least give me back my chances. That’s just unreasonable. Was this rule ever mentioned before? Huh? I was clever to exploit a bug, why would you be so petty? And another thing…”

Ye Xiao rambled on and on.

In the end, she said resentfully, “Give me back my chance. Otherwise, I’ll just let everything go to hell, I’ll just wait for death; I’m not changing this shitty plot!”

Ye Xiao threatened.

The System was silent for a while.

Then it quietly returned the chance to her.

Ye Xiao, looking at the panel and seeing the number return to 7, revealed a satisfied smile.

A glimmer flashed in her eyes.

This negotiation with the System confirmed something for her.

That the Modify-Text System and those few books in her mind were probably in opposition to each other.

The Modify-Text System wanted her to change everyone’s fate.

And those books, they were desperately patching up the script, trying to steer the plot back on track.

Which meant,

This Modify-Text System actually needed her!

Now, only she could change the fate of this small world.

But the Modify-Text System was likely also under some sort of supervision.

So, it had to make some rules.

Otherwise, making too outrageous a change might attract some unwanted attention.

Ye Xiao was willing to cooperate with the Modify-Text System. After all, their goals were temporarily aligned.

But she would not give up any rights she ought to fight for!

She was a bit disappointed that she couldn’t modify the verdict, but she could accept it.

A whole seven years.

By the time La Jingzhou got out, stale flowers would have wilted.

Moving on to the next part of the story.

La Jingzhou was dumbfounded when he was sentenced to seven years.

He never expected the Liu Family to really sue him, let alone secure the maximum penalty.

He not only had to pay the Liu Family a huge fine, but he also faced prison.

Seven years. By the time he got out, would he still have a company left?

When La Jingzhou’s sentence came down, the La Family was in complete chaos; the stock price plummeted, and stakeholders and executives were busy reaping profits, acting as if they were ready to scatter like birds and beasts. With such turmoil in the La Family, other capitals naturally took action, and the La Family’s stock price soon hit rock bottom.

The Liu Family took the opportunity to reap many benefits.

But even a skinny camel is bigger than a horse. If La Jingzhou decisively gave up the La Family now, he could cash out a substantial amount from his shares. After getting out, he could still live a good life.

That was something Liu Yan couldn’t allow; she wanted La Jingzhou to lose everything.

So, she went to La Jingzhou.

With deep affection, she stated that she had severed ties with her parents who were so heartless; she was willing to help La Jingzhou through tough times. The reason the La Family’s stock price was tumbling was because of the negative news, and everything would get better once that was sorted.

Liu Yan’s proposal was for her, as the fiancée, to stand out and declare her intent to weather the storm with La Jingzhou. In return, La Jingzhou would play the role of the prodigal son returning, offering his sincere apologies by transferring all his shares to Liu Yan. This way, the online public opinion would quickly shift.

Initially, La Jingzhou was wary, but Liu Yan’s acting was too convincing, and with her parents’ collusion, La Jingzhou believed that Liu Yan had broken with her family for him.

Liu Yan also claimed that the share transfer was just to silence the netizens, that she still had plenty of cash, and that she would invest it all in the La Family to resuscitate it. She would wait for La Jingzhou to be released, and then return the shares to him.

After much thought, La Jingzhou decided to take a gamble. He transferred his shares to Liu Yan, and the online sentiment did indeed change for the better, painting La Jingzhou as a classic example of a prodigal returning. Liu Yan also tenderly declared her intention to wait for him forever.

La Jingzhou felt somewhat relieved.

After transferring his shares to Liu Yan, he entered prison.

Liu Yan tenderly saw him off to prison, but afterwards, her face revealed an exceedingly sly smile.

The plot ended there abruptly.

That section of the story was really long.

The book starkly painted Liu Yan as a cunning and sinister female antagonist.

Ye Xiao figured that when La Jingzhou came out of prison, there would probably be a plot where the male lead discovers the female support’s deceitful true face while finding the female lead to be truly kind and beautiful, and in the end, they might even join forces to defeat the female antagonist and continue their happily ever after.


by the time La Jingzhou gets out, that will be years in the future.

Does he still plan to seek revenge and make a comeback?

Heh, Ye Xiao thought that was truly a dreamer’s talk.

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