One Word Changed, Characters in Chaos

Chapter 73: Chapter 50 Get Out of the Ye Family

Chapter 73: Chapter 50 Get Out of the Ye Family

Chen Yu! How could he be here!

A flicker of shock passed through Ye Bingtong’s eyes!

She had long anticipated that after Ye Xiao’s return today, he would definitely talk to the family.

Ye Bingtong had already decided on a strategy that involved playing the victim and adamantly denying everything.

But now.

Chen Yu was right here!

Many of her arguments became impossible to voice.

Chen Yu looked at Ye Bingtong and instantly showed a scared expression, “Auntie, it was her, she was the one who pushed me.”

After a moment, as if Chen Yu had realized something, he suddenly moved away from Du Yaru in fear, “She… she calls you Mom…”

Chen Yu clutched Ye Xiao’s hand, slightly fearful, “Sister Xiaoxiao, let’s get out of here. They are all in this together, she will definitely bully us again. Let’s go find Grandma.”

Chen Yu appeared terrified.

This caused Du Yaru to feel quite distressed watching him.

Ye Xiao comforted him by patting him on the shoulder, “Xiaoyu, it’s fine, she can’t hurt us anymore.”

[Ye Bingtong is the main character; she wouldn’t exit the story so easily. This issue will probably be downplayed and diminished. It’s going to be a slow process to expose her true colors, step by step.]

Ye Xiao had grown used to it, Ye Bingtong was like a cockroach that couldn’t be killed. As the main character, she wouldn’t just exit the story so easily, so just take it slow.

But when the Ye Family heard the actual thoughts in her heart, it caused them to feel a sudden pang of distress.

In Xiaoxiao’s view, no matter what Ye Bingtong did, would she always receive unconditional forgiveness from them?

Their hesitance and procrastination must have disappointed Xiaoxiao somewhat, right?

Ye Bingtong never really belonged to this family.

Her arrival here was an accident.

Since it was an accident, then she should just let the accident take its course.

“Dad, Mom, big brother,” Ye Bingtong said in a wronged tone, “Xiaoyu and Xiaoxiao seem to have some misunderstandings about me. I don’t know what they told you, but I really didn’t have any bad intentions. It was just an accident.”

While speaking, Ye Bingtong started coughing violently.

She deliberately hadn’t changed out of her sopping wet clothes; only in this way could she garner sympathy.

Looking at the clothes sticking to Ye Bingtong’s body and her hair tips still dripping water, Ye Xiao couldn’t help but curse inwardly.

[It’s been so long since it happened; isn’t there time to change clothes or dry her hair? Judging by how much it’s dripping, she probably splashed herself with more water on purpose. Playing the victim, right? Who can outplay you! Well, no matter what the strategy, as long as it works. I guess by now, Dad and Mom’s hearts must have softened by half.]

Ye Xiao felt somewhat resigned, but she also accepted the reality.

After all, it’s really hard to change the inertia of the storyline.

Ye Mingcheng pursed his lips and directly scolded Ye Bingtong, “Bingtong! These past few days, I really thought you had changed for the better! Such a small child, and you thought of exploiting him! Have I ever taught you to do this?!”

Ye Bolin spoke with a poker face, “It seems some things are indeed ingrained in the blood. Some vile bloodlines can be inherited. Bingtong has never been a member of the Ye Family, even after the Ye Family raised her for so many years, her nature remains unchanged. Since she’s unteachable, why not just give up on her.”

“That’s right,” Du Yaru made her position clear, “Xiaoxiao has already returned; this family doesn’t need a second Young Miss of the Ye Family.”

The few members of the Ye Family reached a consensus.


Ye Xiao looked at the Ye Family members in some surprise.

It sounded like they were intending to drive Ye Bingtong away?

[According to the plot in the book, the one to be expelled is supposed to be Ye Xiao. How come now, Ye Bingtong is the one being expelled? Hiss, let’s wait and see, there might be a twist.]

Ye Xiao still looked very worried.

Hearing this, Du Yaru couldn’t help but feel a sharp pain in her heart.

If they hadn’t heard Xiaoxiao’s true feelings, would they have really expelled her?

Why would they do this!

This was her daughter, with the Ye Family blood flowing in her veins, and yet they were going to drive their own daughter away?!

No matter what the book Xiaoxiao mentioned is actually about.

This time.

Such a thing will not happen.

Du Yaru made up her mind and looked at Ye Bingtong coldly, “The Ye Family has no place for you. I will announce to the public that from now on, you are no longer a daughter of the Ye Family. Pack your things and leave.”

Ye Bingtong stood there, stunned, as panic began to engulf her entire being.

She… she might have harbored some cunning plans, but she had never actually succeeded!

Why, why treat her like this!

Ye Bingtong looked pitifully at Ye Bolin and Ye Mingcheng, her dad and brother, surely they would speak up for her, right?

But their eyes were colder than ever.

They certainly didn’t want Xiaoxiao to misunderstand again.

Ye Mingcheng said, “Your mother is right. We were never one family to begin with, and now, it’s time we return to how things originally were.”

Ye Bolin said calmly, “You should still have some money on you. Use it sparingly, it should be enough to last you a while. As for the future, you’ll need to earn your own living. The Ye Family has done more than enough for you.”

Ye Bingtong’s face grew even paler, her voice trembling, “I… I have been living with the Ye Family since I was a child, I am a member of the Ye Family too. Dad, mom, brother, I know I was wrong, I will never dare to do it again, please, don’t throw me out…”

Ye Bingtong was crying while frantically rubbing her head, acting like a headache attack was coming on.

In the past, whenever she had a headache, the family would be very concerned.

But this time.

Her act no longer worked; the faces of the Ye Family were colder than ever, showing no intention of relenting.

“It’s no use. You have ten minutes to pack your daily necessities from your room. After ten minutes, I will have someone send you out,” Ye Bolin said coldly. “After you leave, do not contact us again. I worry Xiaoxiao might misunderstand.”

Ye Xiao was flabbergasted.


What the hell is ‘I worry Xiaoxiao might misunderstand’?

Should it also start snowing?

Did it snow more than when Yuan Hua was heartbroken on the day Ye Bingtong left?

Remembering that scene, Ye Xiao shivered.

Seeing that the Ye Family was unmoved, Ye Bingtong clenched her teeth and dashed upstairs.

In ten minutes, she could still pack some things to take with her.

Otherwise, she would have to leave empty-handed!

Worried that Xiaoxiao would be unhappy, Ye Bolin turned and explained to her, “Xiaoxiao, I will have someone watch her so she doesn’t take any valuables, just let her take some clothes with her. She still has some pocket money, let her take that. If she takes nothing, I’m afraid she might get into trouble, which would be more of a hassle for us.”

Ye Xiao’s expression became somewhat odd.

Big brother is worried I might think he’s soft-hearted.

No need to explain…

I know better than anyone that Ye Bingtong won’t go down so easily.

The ending in her book hadn’t changed yet.

Ten minutes later.

Ye Bingtong came down the stairs with an ugly expression on her face.

Big brother actually had a maid watch her the whole time, not allowing her to take any of the valuables that originally belonged to her.

What use were some clothes?

Ye Bingtong wanted to make one last effort.

With tears in her eyes, she approached the Ye Family.

Ye Xiao, seeing this setup, quickly reviewed the script. She still had one last word to use, to see if it could be of any use. Right now, the most important thing was to ensure that Ye Bingtong got the boot!

“Ye Bingtong looked anguished: I know I have done wrong, and I don’t dare to ask for everyone’s forgiveness. I will leave right now and can no longer repay the kindness of the Ye Family.

Ye Bingtong knelt down, earnestly kowtowing.

When she raised her head, her complexion was faintly blue, looking like she could faint at any moment.”

Ye Xiao raised her eyebrows. Was she going to play the pity card?

Although the family’s attitude seemed very firm.

But… just in case!

Ye Xiao steeled her heart, and directly modified one character.

Come on, let’s see how you can still pretend to be pitiful!

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