Paragon Of Sin

Chapter 1449 1443: CKC, Coming to a Conclusion

Chapter 1449 1443: CKC, Coming to a Conclusion

A single announcement that was broadcast throughout the entire world was met by a single-worded, simple, and joyous answer. Choked by emotions, Xue Yifei was the picture of delight, giddy with surprise and effusing an enchanting, blissful radiance. At the moment, in the eyes of countless, she was the Number ONE Beauty in the world. As she stood before Wei Wuyin, their looks complimented each other to an inconceivable, unforgettable extent.

Before long, Xue Yifei found herself moving forward, forgetting that others existed at this moment. She jumped into Wei Wuyin's arms, her body pressed entirely into his as if wanting to melt.

The Ascendant Emperor of Neo-Dawn, who had established himself as an era-definer and an unmatched talent, naturally responded. Hugging her slender waist and feeling her tightly wound arms around his neck, both of which possessed world-shattering strength, Wei Wuyin felt a wave of euphoria. It was hard not to.

What man wouldn't want a woman that wanted to be theirs in every way? Despite having dreams of a life since young that included ten wives, he had always imagined it to be a little like an imperial harem, and while there would be a tinge of love, the result was mostly of mutual benefit or built on selfishness.

It was only when he felt her hot tears stream down to his cheeks, the pounding of her heart containing every ounce of her nervousness and pulsing elation, and her mental fluctuations that were as exposed as if he was personally seeing it, that he knew that this exceptional woman...

...wanted to be his, not just in title, but in life.

Not for anything else, but because she genuinely felt emotions that he hadn't felt since that day. The day that he learned he would one day be a father alongside a lovely, beautiful woman. A feeling that died on the day he saw their grave, after properly burying their remains with his own two hands.

The feeling was like a clap of rowdy, violent thunder to his mind. He could feel his hands and heart shaking from the intensity of those heated emotions. His senses heightened unnaturally, and every motion of his body, from each heartbeat to every thought, was unfathomably loud to his True Soul.

He subconsciously clenched his arms into a tighter embrace. The strength he used was unintentionally terrifying. However, Xue Yifei didn't so much as grunt, her arms replied with a similar tightening, and the two stood there, in this unique realm, holding each other with enough strength to shatter planets and collapsed stars.

But neither felt any pain, only warmth.

Two draconic roars harmoniously were unleashed from their hearts, stirring the mana, air, energy, space, time, and every iota of essence into a frenzy. Su Mei was buffeted backward slightly, her eyes focused on the two, yet her expression unchanging.

The awe in everyone's hearts was indescribable. While no one had expected this to occur, the fact it did felt fitting somehow. The Ascendants were all aware of how hard Xue Yifei worked over the years for the Neo-Dawn Starfield, and many had wanted her to become the Ascendant Empress long ago.

While the Chosen from the World Beyond were somewhat confused albeit moved by the sight. Their ignorance only allowed them to know that Xue Yifei was a terrifying mortal with beauty and strength that vastly exceeded their preconceived notions of mere mortals, and Wei Wuyin was a figure shrouded in mystery, a mortal who's a Worldly Saint Alchemist! He had hijacked the Chosen King Competition and changed the rules.

At the very least, they could all tell that this moment was one of monumental importance. They remained silent and respectful.

Na Xinyi's grey eyes were emotionally complex and indescribably conflicted. Her internal feelings were left a little uncertain, and there was a tinge of discomfort that was tugging at her chest. Unknowingly, her hands were clenched tightly into fists, her nails digging into her palm, but she couldn't feel any of it as her eyes reflected the clear image of Wei Wuyin and Xue Yifei in a loving embrace.

Was she angry? Sad? Frustrated? She didn't quite know. Her Heart of Cultivation had remained entirely strong since, and she refused to simply settle for a title as the Ascendant Empress of Neo-Dawn despite having every opportunity to do so. She had often struggled alone, contemplating whether it would be better to simply formalize their relationship, becoming Wei Wuyin's first wife right then and there.

However, each time this thought came, her memories of her past self, her struggles thus far, and her experiences with Long Chen reinforced her desire to establish herself entirely. She didn't want to be the Ascendant Empress of Neo-Dawn, or the Neo-Dawn Alchemic Saint's Wife, or the perfect Yin Cauldron.

She wanted to be Na Xinyi.

She wanted to be a heaven-rivaling expert who was renowned throughout the entire world, all worlds, striving and treading her own path that was envied, admired, and unprecedented.

The Extreme Yin Saintess took an incredibly deep breath, her chest rising to its limits, containing all her hesitation and conflicted emotions, and she-

"Haaaa!" She expelled them all. The uncomfortable feeling within her heart settled and eventually dissipated. However, within her heart remained the purest emotions for Wei Wuyin. Regardless of how she wished to tread the path, she knew that since she first met Wei Wuyin, she would never be able to be with anyone else nor would she want to.

Moreover, this inexplicably brought warmth throughout her entire body because unlike Long Chen or any of the other suitors who wanted her for her beauty, physique, and talent, he fully understood her and held absolutely no greed for her. Anyone else in his position would have long since claimed her, throwing her own dreams and goals to the wind, and she would have been reduced to a measly foil.

Her jealousy of Xue Yifei wasn't strong, especially since she had already won in many ways. For example, she was the first woman that Wei Wuyin had 'proposed' to amongst any of his women. For example, she was the first to have him in the most intimate event possible out of them all. These two things were battles that Xue Yifei could never defeat her in.

A faint smug grin lifted on her lips, containing a sensual and tantalizing arc that could bewitch and stir any man's inner fire.

However, while Na Xinyi reined in her jealousy, there were a few who were dissatisfied or experienced other emotions. Even if they didn't speak their minds, how could they not be?

Within the Ninestar Starfield, a particular room was engulfed in a whirlwind of amethyst-colored light that shook an entire planet.

In that same starfield, within an alchemical chamber, an eruption of alchemical energies and spiritual energies occurred as a product met its unlikely and unfair demise.

On the planet Neo-Origin, a mother-daughter duo was sitting together, observing the two figures hug each other tightly as if they were the only two individuals in existence. The mother had a rather subdued expression, but the daughter was distraught. Inexplicably, the daughter felt as if she was losing her chance at something, and if she continued to wait, that chance of an abundantly rich future of happiness. She anxiously bit her lips. Noticing this, the mother held her daughter's hand.

Within the confines of a secret realm, a fire phoenix that was being waited on by hundreds of beautiful women of a Vermillion Bird's lineage, fanned, massaged, given honeyed drinks, and roasted flesh, living in much the same way as mortal monarchs, lifted their golden eyes toward the sky as a screen was projected with utmost clarity.

"I always liked her."

Four words, and it was enough to showcase her clear satisfaction with this outcome.

"More honey wine!" Bai Lin ordered. The Tang Clan members moved with practiced and readied motion, providing additional honey wine.

Back to the Evercrown Ceremony, there were other reactions equally as varied. The giantess Da Shan pursed her lips. However, within her eyes was not jealousy, but a fiercely competitive desire. Since Xue Yifei could do it, she could too!

Wu Baozhai was out of her 3rd Grand Transformation, and her cheeks were madly blushing with a rose-red hue, her expression gentle, and her eyes subtly distracted. Only a few understood what Xue Yifei's wish would result in, and her heart was pounding. While Xue Yifei's evolving status from concubine to a wife was shocking to many, to her, it was only a matter of time. She was more focused on what was likely to happen after the competition, and her body was slightly shivering. Whether it was out of excitement or anxiety, it was hard to tell.

After what felt like forever to them, Wei Wuyin and Xue Yifei finally separated with an air of reluctance.

"Will you come with me?" Wei Wuyin asked.

Xue Yifei understood that, now that she was his fiancée, future wife as well as the future Ascendant Empress of Neo-Dawn, she could no longer fight against the Ascendants for opportunities. While she could definitely maintain her forces and fight for opportunities against others, she absolutely could not fight against the Ascendants. In a way, it would be no different than Wei Wuyin fighting them for opportunities. Even before, they didn't dare to harm her too heavily. Imagine now!

Her status was no longer a simple concubine; as such, she firmly nodded her head with eyes of understanding, realizing that she'd be accompanying Wei Wuyin until the end of the competition. And she had no qualms with that!

Wei Wuyin smiled. "The Chosen King Competition may resume!" After saying that, a unique void energy fluctuation intermixed with two minor laws enveloped the two figures, and they vanished from everyone's senses in a blink.

The spiritual screens closed throughout the world, concluding the event and the announcement. The clamor that followed was so intense that it spread throughout the Sealed Regions within minutes. It was the topic that was on everyone's lips and would be for some time!

There was a silence that fell. Moreover, the various environmental forces began to reapply. Bei Weiwei's Spiritual restraint and spatial frigidity returned, as well as the An Sisters' gravitational forces.

Hong Chunhua was roughly breathing. While her wounds had miraculously stabilized while Wei Wuyin was present, even if she wanted to die, she simply couldn't as long as he was there. After he left, her wounds continued to worsen as she struggled to stabilize her injuries and expel Wu Baozhai's suppressive Imperial Heaven Aura within them.

Of course, Yao Houyi and Wu Baozhai no longer concerned themselves with the An Sisters or Hong Chunhua. Instead, all eyes were on a single figure that had stood behind Wei Wuyin throughout the entire thing: Su Mei!

She held the Evercrown.

However, she also held her saber!

Her eyes didn't have the slightest wisp of coldness yet it sent shivers down everyone's spines.

"Anyone want to fight for it?" She openly offered, lifting the Evercrown in the air, and waited for someone to respond.

A Chosen from the World Beyond took a single step forward in contemplation, believing that as long as one person showed their willingness to fight, others would, and then they'd team up against Su Mei once again, allowing everyone to claim the Evercrown. He was roughly three thousand miles away, so he simply needed to unleash his aura to have the other dominoes fall.

However, a saber howl resounded.

Suddenly, the Chosen's head slid off his shoulders. The light in his eyes faded. The life in his body dissipated.

"Anyone else?" Su Mei swept her glance around. She hadn't even moved a single step! Yet a Chosen three thousand miles away had lost their head! And most of them hadn't even seen how! They only heard the faint rippling saber howl.

Heavy gulps and cold gasps resounded.

The Ascendants weren't too surprised. But in truth, they didn't care about the Evercrown. They fought for the alluded to great reward that Wei Wuyin had mentioned prior to their participation. The title of Chosen King? What was that worth? In their eyes, they weren't even Chosen- they were Ascendants!

And the reward was as great as he promised! A 'reasonable' wish! And that was worth dying for! But the Evercrown? They were completely disinterested, especially after Xue Yifei had given those who fought for the Evercrown earlier a chance at sending a wish and having it fulfilled to an extent. While they might not get exactly what they wanted, they would definitely get something far better than an Evercrown!

In their heart of hearts, the King of Everlore wasn't worth much before His Majesty.

The only ones that had a will for the Evercrown were those from the World Beyond! However...when they saw how all the abnormal mortals were not making a move, and even Bei Weiwei and the An Sisters began to recede their environmental control, they felt tension develop in their hearts.

Not even a World Forbiddance Array could keep Su Mei trapped for longer than twenty minutes! And her speed was disgustingly perverse to the point they wanted to throw up thinking of dealing with it. The remaining Earthly Saints could only clench their fists and furrow their brows.

Was that all? Would the competition end...just like that?

"I want it!" A voice said that caused everyone to pause. A tiny little child bounced over, her figure almost ethereal, as she hopped over to Su Mei in large hops, seemingly unaffected by gravity as if she was carried by two invisible hands. When she arrived by Su Mei, she reached out her two little hands toward the beautiful Evercrown.

"Big Aunt Mei! Can I have it?" Her bright, large eyes flashed with a desirous light. It was Bei Yinyin!

Su Mei glanced at Bei Yinyin's shadow, then looked at her lovable face that carried an expectant shine.

Most of the Chosen from both worlds were confused. Who was this child? Whose child was this?




Erdiul's Note: I can already see some of you guys typing your comments about Na Xinyi this chapter. Crack your fingers and go ham. Anyways, WW about to receive a lot of new women with this wish galore.

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