Perfect Superstar

Chapter 144

Chapter 144 - Interview

The special correspondentof QQ Music is surnamed Lei, Lei Lei.

She was nottall, and at most she was about 1.6 meters tall, but she was quite sexy andmature. She has an oval face and a willow leaf eyebrow, big eyes and dimples.When she smiles, she revealed two small canine teeth and some naivety of ayoung girl. It's a pity that she doesn't want to mix in the entertainmentcircle, but instead mixed in the entertainment journalism.

Lei Lei'svoice is very pleasant to hear, sweet and soft with the unique charm of a Jiangnanwomen.

It also madeLu Chen feel more cordial.

"TeacherLu Chen, what's the reason for you to finally embarked on the music path?"

3:00 PM, LuChen Studio Reception Room.

Lu Chen andthe female reporter from QQ Music sat opposite each other. The two cups of freshlybrewed coffee on the glass coffee table were swirling in white mist, the airwas filled with the faint fragrance of authentic coffee beans.

Comparedwith the fragrant coffee, Lei Lei was obviously more interested in Lu Chen. Whenshe sat down, she couldn't wait to open the recorder and ask the latter thefirst question.

Lu Chen saidwith a smile, "I really don't deserve to be called a teacher, Reporter Leican call me by my name. I'm more accustomed to it."

"Have acup of coffee first. Someone gave me ones from Brazil. It's quite delicious. Let'stalk slowly."

The title"Teacher" was originally used in the circle for those seniors who had madetheir debut early and have become famous for a long time. Later, it was alittle overused. However, it can be used for those who have a bit of fame, especiallyfor those who have no deep connections.

Lu Chen is anewcomer who has just made his debut. He originally didn't have such aqualification. Even if he wrote good works, his qualifications in the circle aretoo shallow. It is already great that others call him "Big Chen" or"Brother Chen".

However, hewas positioned by Beijing Satellite TV as a judge on the second season of"Singing China". Even though it's just as an audition judge, hisstatus in the industry was suddenly elevated, and he was no longer just asimple newcomer.

In addition,there is considerable respect for singer and songwriter in the circle, so it isnot too much to him a "Teacher".

A lot ofthings in the entertainment circle are just so wonderful, and if one is not inthe circle, one will not understand the connotation.

But Lu Chen doesnot righteously believe that he deserves it.

Face isgiven by others. Face is lost by oneself. Maintaining a modest and cautiousattitude, one can go further.

Lei Lei reallyhas a bit of a favorable impression on Lu Chen's modest attitude.

She relaxedand took a sip of her coffee.

The femalereporter's eyes suddenly lit up. She praised, "It's really good!"

Lei Lei is aregular coffee drinker. Although she is not a coffee expert, she can tell thedifference between good and bad taste.

Lu Chen saidwith a smile: "if Reporter Lei likes it, then take a can back. Anyway, Ialso borrow flowers to offer Buddha." (TN: Borrow flowers to offer Buddha- offer a gift to a guest with other people's things.)

His coffeewas from Wen Zhiyuan. There are two cans in all.

After the voicetest at EMI yesterday, Lu Chen refused the other party's invitation to dinner. Thedirector of the brokerage department probably felt very embarrassed, so he insistedon sending him two cans of Brazilian coffee beans to him.

Lu Chen askedChen Xin to buy tools and grind them into coffee powder to entertain guests. Theeffect was really good.

As the sayinggoes when you get something from others, you would have to cater to others. Afterdrinking a good cup of coffee, Lei Lei's attitude became a lot more easygoing.(TN: 吃人嘴软 which in MT is"eat people's mouth soft")

"ThenI'll call you Lu Chen, but you can't call me Reporter Lei."

Lu Chensmiled. "Ok, Big Sister Lei Lei."

Lei Lei isabout four or five years older than him. So, it's just right to call her bigsister.

If one wantsto be a star idol, it's very important to have a good relationship with mediareporters. Otherwise, others will be able to dirty your name in newspapers,magazines or on the Internet almost every day, and no one can stand that.

Therelationship between the really big figures and the media is often very good.For example, Tan Hong, he has not had any scandal for so many years. His owncharacter is one of the factors, and deep connections in the circle is the key.

Chen Jianhaohas imparted Lu Chen and Lu Xi a lot of experience on how to make a goodrelationship with the media.

Lu Chen has therich experiences of three lives in his dream, so it is not difficult for him tounderstand them.

After he andLei Lei have a pleasant talk together and got a little closer, they went backto the formal interview.

Theyreturned to the question that Lei Lei asked earlier.

Lu Chenthought for a moment and said, "I first came into contact with musicbecause of my parents' expectations of me. I learned to play the piano when Iwas a child. I probably didn't have enough talent, so I gave up withoutlearning much."

"Later,I took a liking to the guitar. So, I went to learn it by myself, but at thattime I thought that playing the guitar was a good way to chase girls."

At thispoint, Lei Lei showed a knowing smile.

A lot ofboys learn to play and sing, that is, to act handsome and cool to attract theattention of girls, and this move is quite effective.

Lei Leicouldn't help but think of her university days, there were boys singing for herin the downstairs of her dormitory.

It's a pitythat the other party neither have Lu Chen's talent nor Lu Chen's handsomeness,otherwise she might have said yes.

Lu Chen continued:"During my university time, something happened in my family. I came towork in Beijing early and became a singer in a bar, which is really mybeginning on the music path."

Lei Leisaid: "You once said in the "Singing China" competition that your dream wasto make a lot of money, and to help your family pay off the debt. Does your motivationto embark on the music path came from your responsibility to your family?"

Lu Chen wasunperturbed: "You can say that."

Afterwinning the championship of "Singing China", Lu Chen is an absolutecelebrity in his hometown, Binhai City.

So, soon on Inspurblog, someone broke the news about his family.

Lu Chen'sfather, Lu Qingsheng, was also a well-known entrepreneur in Binhai. Hisbusiness failure was entirely due to bad luck, which was affected by theinternational financial turmoil, resulting to the break of the financial chain.

Lu Qingsheng'sreputation in the local area has always been very good. He was straightforward andhonest. That's why so many relatives, friends and partners were willing to lendhim money for his turnover. In the end, his death due to illness is purely an unforeseencircumstance.

The LuFamily's bitter experience made people sigh with regret, but what is most surprisingis that Lu Qingsheng's widow, Fang Yun, that is, Lu Chen's mother. Sheresolutely took on this huge debt and did not let those relatives and friendswho trusted Lu Qingsheng suffer losses, as to not have Lu Qingsheng'sreputation be tarnished.

And thosewho know this matter has full admiration to Fang Yun!

Trustworthyreputation has always been the virtue of the Chinese nation.

Therefore, LuChen's talk about his dream of making money in the "Singing China"competition not only made everyone not have the slightest disgust, but alsomade people feel his sincerity, confidence and courage.

The song"Chasing Dream With A Childlike Heart" sings Lu Chen's indomitablespirit in the face of life's difficulties!

And ZhuangHao, who questioned Lu Chen's dream, has been criticized by countless people.Even "Elegant" magazine, where he works, can't bear the pressure from netizensand has to apologize for Zhuang Hao.

Now theso-called editor and music critic has shut down his blog and completely wentinto hiding.

Lei Leimentioned this matter, also has the meaning to rectify Lu Chen's name, afterall, the latter has not publicly explained the situation.

She went onto ask, "What makes you have such a rich and colorful musical idea andwrite such good songs like "You Who Sat Next To Me" and "In Spring"? What isyour source of inspiration? Why do you have such a different style ofexpression in your creation? What's your attitude toward other's questioning?"

Although shehas a favorable impression of Lu Chen, however, as they went deeper in theinterview, Lei Lei's professional nature was inevitably exposed. A chain of questionshit Lu Chen like a storm, which was a bit aggressive.

But she didn'tthink there was anything wrong. Since Lu Chen has stepped into theentertainment industry and became a star of great attention, then Lu Chen isbound to accept all kinds of interviews in the future and face more tricky,fierce and even vicious questions than hers.

If he can't dealwith one-on-one special interviews now, then there will be trouble in thefuture.

Therefore,Lei Lei deliberately sped up her speech, and the questions she raised weretargeted, which formed a sense of oppression.

She wantedto see how Lu Chen responds.

In fact,since Lu Chen participated in "Singing China", the voices questioninghim on the Internet have not completely disappeared, mainly focusing on hiscreative style.

The mosttypical one is "In Spring," a song that doesn't seem to be written bya 22-year-old.

But LuChen's performance was not as intense or flustered as Lei Lei imagined.

Lu Chensmiled calmly. He didn't answer Lei Lei's question directly.

"Big SisterLei Lei, let me first talk about my name on Inspur blog, the origin of LuChen's FMX."

Lu Chen's Inspurblog ID, Lu Chen FMX, now has more than 5 million fans, which is considered tobe the entry standard of Big V. The number of forwards, comments and likes onthe blog were quite high.

But no oneknows what this ID really means.

Lei Lei wassuddenly stunned, unable to think of the relationship between Lu Chen's blogaccount and her own questions.

But herreporter's intuition told her that Lu Chen must have a story.

So, shenodded with a smile on her face.

Lu Chenexplained: "Lu Chen FMX, Lu Chen is on behalf of myself, while FMX is onbehalf of three other people. Their names are Fang Mingyi, Mo Ran and Xu Borespectively. They are all my good teachers and helpful friends in my life and onmy music path."

"Theytaught me a lot about life…"

"Theytaught me the importance of persistence…"


At the timewhen he was selling the copyright of "In Spring", Lu Chen told others the storiesabout Xu Bo. (TN: Chapter 43)

At thattime, he had made a vow in his heart to make Xu Bo's name a legend in this world.

But not onlyXu Bo, Fang Mingyi and Mo Ran are equally indispensable existences.

He feels thatwithout any of them, his life after the long dream is no longer complete!

Therefore,taking the opportunity of this QQ Music interview, Lu Chen selectively told thestory of the three of them.

Not just toexplain.

It's a recollection, cherishing the memories, and also a memorial! (TN: of the three)

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