Perfect Superstar

Chapter 152

Chapter 152 - Offer A Melody

ZhangWentian has been inactive for nearly ten years, and is still a well-knowndirector domestically and internationally.

Therefore,the comeback of this great director will inevitably attract the attention ofall parties, even if he had made blockbuster films that made a loss. With hisfame and connections, it is easy to attract enough investment.

The bigstars in the film and television industry, plus the stakeholders of investors, willinevitably want to compete for roles in this new film. Even if it is a smallrole, they will fight for it.

It doesn’tmatter if the film loses money. Zhang Wentian’s works always have the traditionof participating in foreign exhibitions and have won many awards. Who doesn’twant to walk the red carpet at those high-profile film festivals?

So even if theyare paid less, many people are willing to not mind it as long as they got moreappeal.

As anewcomer, an independent artist and a singer, Lu Chen has no qualification toparticipate in such a game. His influence and connections in the industry arestill too small.

If itweren't for today’s chance coincidence that let him use an absolutely classic“A Man Should Strengthen Himself" to move this great director, even if heused his connection to ask for a small role, it may not be available!

Now, ZhangWentian took the initiative to give Lu Chen a small supporting role, which wasa pleasant surprise!

Lu Chen hasexperienced three lives in the dream world. Among them, Mo Ran is a verytalented actor. Unfortunately, his star luck is not good, he has always been ina supporting role and has never been a very popular.

This part ofMo Ran's life has given Lu Chen a different feeling for the actor. He once madea vow in his heart that he would realize Mo Ran’s long-cherished wish in hisown world and become a real protagonist.

However,rice has to be eaten bit by bit, and the road should be taken step by step. If oneruns too fast, it is easy to harm oneself1, and Lu Chen doesn'twant to harm himself.

Therefore,he started his career with pop music, and waited until he had accumulatedenough before moving on to film and television

Because ofthis good mentality, Lu Chen had never thought of asking Zhang Wentian for arole just now.

The script,the crew, and the actors were all in place. Wouldn't it be embarrassing if hewanted to force himself in?

It would befoolish to arouse Zhang Wentian's disgust.

Lu Chen wasalready satisfied to have his work be the theme song of the film.

However, theworld is full of wonder. He didn't desire or demand anything, but ZhangWentian, in turn, wanted to return the favor.

Even if itwas a small supporting role, Lu Chen was overjoyed and agreed withouthesitation.

Actingcontentious and reserved at this time would be silly, right?

Lu Chen’sjoy and excitement made Zhang Wentian smile - that’s right.

If Lu Chencan remain calm and unmoved under such circumstances, then he really has todoubt whether the former is a reincarnation of an old monster, or whether hisreputation has declined to the point where he can't impress a young new artist.

The directornodded and said, “Let’s talk about the script, the acting contract, and thecopyright transfer of your work.” Your part is in the latter part of themovie, so you have plenty of time to learn some acting skills and performwell!”

Unless asinger is a professional actor, otherwise acting is a big problem. Although LuChen’s character only has few scenes, he can’t be careless and just rely on hisface to muddle through.

Regardless whethersomeone is a big shot or a newcomer, Zhang Wentian’s requirements are strictand serious.

Lu Chen saidgladly, “No problem. I will try my best to learn.”

With Mo Ran’slife memories, he has the ability to do the role of the protagonist. A smallsupporting role was naturally easy.

But in frontof Zhang Wentian, Lu Chen cannot show too much self-confidence. It was right tobe modest.

Zhang Wentiannodded and said, “As for the arrangement of this song, and the soundtrackof the film…”

Lu Chenhurriedly said: “In terms of music arrangement and soundtrack, this junior’sability is lacking.”

Are youkidding me? A soundtrack to a blockbuster is a big deal. He is still veryself-aware.

This is LuChen’s biggest weakness, and that's why he has to go to Beijing Conservatory ofMusic to study and accumulate knowledge.

ZhangWentian said with a smile: “I mean I can’t give it to you, but as the creatorof the theme song, I hope you can provide advice when necessary. I intend tolet Professor Gao finish the arrangement and soundtrack.”

Ah! I'm gotahead of myself!

Lu Chensuddenly blushed. He was thinking too much - calm down, calm down!

At thistime, out of the corner of his eyes, Lu Chen caught a glimpse of Qin Qing nearby,chuckling.

Showing amaiden's loveliness.

Lu Chen canonly smile bitterly.

Thearrangement and soundtrack of the film are so important. It was impossible forZhang Wentian to let him do it.

After all, hisqualifications are too shallow and he has no experience.

ZhangWentian gave Lu Chen a small supporting role as a mean of compensation, becauseLu Chen provided the theme song.

Gao Yue saidwith a smile, “Just at the right time, Lu Chen is coming to Beijing Conservatoryof Music to attend lectures, and it is also very convenient for us tocommunicate with each other.”

He was very considerateto resolve Lu Chen’s little embarrassment.

Lu Chen saidgratefully, “Professor Gao, I want to learn a lot from you!”

Isn’t thisanother opportunity for him?

Since ZhangWentian has entrusted this work to Gao Yue, who is also a professor in Beijing Conservatoryof Music Composition Department, he must have rich experience, and if he canget the other party’s careful guidance, he will certainly get twice the resultwith half the effort in learning relevant knowledge.

ZhangWentian encouraged: “Lu Chen’s work has given me confidence. Next year, Iwill participate in the Beijing International Film Festival, and I willdefinitely compete for the Best Music Award!”

BeijingInternational Film Festival, Shanghai International Film Festival and theGolden Peony Film Festival are the three major domestic film festivals.

Among them, theBeijing International Film Festival was established in 2000 and is sponsored bythe State Administration of Radio, Film and Television and Beijing MunicipalGovernment. It is an international, professional, innovative, open, high-endand market-oriented large-scale film theme event. It enjoys a high reputationin the industry for its authority and professionalism.

The BeijingInternational Film Festival aims to integrate domestic and international film resources,and build a platform for exhibition and exchange. Since 2010, it has held anannual session and set up award-winning units, including 10 awards, BestPicture Award, Best Director Award, Best Actor Award, Best Actress Award, Best SupportingActor Award, Best Supporting Actress Award, Best Screenplay Award, BestPhotography Award, Best Music Award and Best Visual Effects Award.

The GoldenTripod Award of Beijing International Film Festival is very valuable* and has acertain influence in the international community. (TN: *original text is "goldcontent" which means how much value something has.)

ZhangWentian was aiming for the Golden Tripod Award, which showed his strongconfidence!

The BestMusic Award was just an excuse. Best Picture and Best Director are what hereally wanted to pursue.

At hislevel, it doesn’t really matter whether he can win a prize or not. What mattersis the spirit to rise up again.

ZhangWentian saying this was also a compliment to Lu Chen.

Chen Pu saiddisdainfully, “Next year? Can you finish this film and participate in theexhibition within a year?”

Gao Yue laughedheartily.

ZhangWentian was speechless and could only pick up the teacup and drink water tocover up his embarrassment.

Chen Pupoked at his weakness, that is, he would drag and grind the production too much.For a production that other directors can finish in half a year, he often dragsit for a year in order to strive for perfection, resulting in a huge increasein the budget and pitting several investors.

Putting downthe teacup, Zhang Wentian said proudly, “I’m sure I’ll finish shooting withina year!”

The BeijingInternational Film Festival was held early December and it is now the end ofAugust. Even if the filming is completed within a year, if you add in the timefor post-production, one would be very nervous to participate in the filmfestival.

He must alsocomplete it, otherwise it will be difficult to explain to the investors.

According tothe requirements of the investors, after participating in the BeijingInternational Film Festival, it will be shown to the public on New Year’s Day,and winning major awards will undoubtedly play a significant role in the boxoffice.

Now is notthe 1980s - 1990s, investors are very shrewd, and always put the box office first.

Chen Pu “snorted”with a look of disbelief.

Gao Yue smooththings over and changed the subject. He asked Qin Qing, “Qin Qing, are yougoing back to the academy this afternoon?”

Qin Qing noddedand asked, “Professor Gao, what's the matter?”

“That’sjust right…”

Gao Yuepointed to Lu Chen and said, “Can you accompany Lu Chen to the AcademicAffairs Office and find either Director Lu or Director Chen? Get Lu Chen a permitto attend lectures. “

Send Buddhato the West. Although he has already given Lu Chen a written note, but with QinQing leading the way to help, Lu Chen can get the permit and curriculum thisafternoon, which will save a lot of trouble. (TN: Send Buddha to the West - a proverbthat means to help people to the end or do good things to the end.)

Qin Qing wasa little surprised, but she didn't object: “OK.”

She has areserved disposition. However, Professor Gao has already said that he wouldhelp and it wasn't a very difficult matter.

Lu Chensmiled and said, “I troubled schoolmate Sister Qin.”

In fact, hecan handle it by himself. There was no need to bother Qin Qing, but it's notgood to brush Gao Yue’s good intentions.

Qin Qingsmiled.

She got upand said, “Then we should get going. If we’re late, the Academic AffairsOffice will be off duty.”


Chen Pu calledout, “Qin girl. You play for us first. I haven’t heard you play the zitherfor a long time!”

As he saidthat, he glared at Gao Yue and blamed him for spoiling the fun.

Qin Qing satdown again and said graciously, “Then I’ll offer a melody for youelders.”

ZhangWentian, Gao Yue, Chen Pu and Chen Jianhao all smiled.

Qin Qing'sfamily background is extraordinary. She is only beautiful and brilliant, butalso intelligent and clever. Since she was in primary school, she hasoutstanding zither skills. (TN: Her name also means zither.)

There aremany guests who can come to Yuming Tea Garden, and those who can listen to herplay the zither is really few!

But when QinQing waved her fingers and played the zither, the smile on everyone’s faceturned into a wry smile.

Because whatQin Qing was playing was the ancient melody “General's Mandate”!

Comparedwith Lu Chen’s adaptation, what she was playing has the original charm. In the firstpart, she used a wide range of finger and left-handed techniques to show ascene of drum horn sound. The melody is tense and mysterious.

Then, in thesecond part, an image of a wise and brave general was drawn through exaggeratedchanting and sliding technique of her left hand,

The thirdpart, she used the continuously accelerating “fast four point”technique to express the situation of the rapid advance of the soldiers information. The fourth part depicts the scene of the two armies fighting eachother, killing each other in the battlefield, and returning to their camp triumphantly.

The whole melodywas composed of four parts that flow smoothly in one go. It has an urgent rhythmand her playing was full of vigor, demonstrating superb skills!

ZhangWentian and the others were completely absorbed in listening.

Lu Chen hada faint feeling that this junior sister seemed to challenge herself in thisway.

Of course, itcould be that he was just imagining it.


TN: The tuneof the song "A Man Should Strengthen Himself" came from the Chinese folk songcalled "The General's Mandate". The music: Here.I think she was playing the zither part of the "song".

TN: Original text: If one runs too fast, it's easy to pull one's eggs. Lu Chen doesn't want his eggs to be pulled.

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