Pick Me Up!

Chapter 27: Paid 5-Consecutive Draw (2) Part 2

Chapter 27: Paid 5-Consecutive Draw (2) Part 2

Nearly everyone from the waiting room had gathered there. They whispered and murmured, their attention fixated on the cause of the commotion.

I chose a suitable bench and took a seat.

In the center of the plaza stood five individuals.

Dressed in black leather armor, they were five men and women.

[5-Party will be renamed Fangwolf Mercenary Corps (Fangewolf Pack). Are you okay with this modification?]

[Yes (Selected) / No]

Anytng was preparing to form a fixed party.

It seemed he was rather pleased with the idea.

[Forming the party.]

[Drag and drop the heroes!]

[Avant () joins Galgineukdae!]

[Zacken () joins Galgineukdae!]

[Weyf () joins Galgineukdae!]

[Veigin () joins Galgineukdae!]

[Edis () joins Galgineukdae!]

[Avant () is designated as the leader of Fangwolf!]

[Open, the Rift of Time and Space!]


The front gate of the plaza swung open.

Are they sending us right away? murmured a sharp-looking man in the center of the group.

A vertical scar marked his right eye.

I swiftly scanned his Status Window. His name was Avant Dazik. Judging by his stats and skills, he was a one-handed sword specialist.

So, hes the leader, I thought.

The other four individuals discreetly observed Avants demeanor.

Come on, lets go! Lets go! The Master is waiting! he exclaimed.

They understood the situation without hearing a word from Iselle.

Shall we have a little adventure?

Avant took the lead, entering the Rift of Time and Space.

Zacken followed suit, discarding the remaining deers hind leg.

Weyf and Veigin trailed behind, with Edis bringing up the rear.

No mages among them.

They needed a spellcaster to bring a sense of balance, but luck didnt seem to be on Masters side yet.

The Fangwolf Mercenary party consisted of four warriors and one thief.

Once all five had entered, the Rift of Time and Space closed.

Ha, Han!

A middle-aged man approached me as I sat down.

It was Jeffery, the person who was chosen to enter the Forest Weekly Dungeon with us.

Whats the matter?

Do you know those people? Something seems off!

Theyre strangers to me.

Theyre carrying weapons!

I, too, am armed.

I have a feeling

That theyre not trustworthy?


I chuckled.

That was the source of the commotion.

They didnt strike me as righteous individuals too.

And they possessed power.

Jenna, what are your thoughts on those people?

The Fangwolf mercenary party? Well, Im not sure. Edis seems kind, but I cant say the same for the others.

I glanced back at Jeffery and spoke.

So, Jeffery, what do you expect me to do? Offer protection?

If you would, I would be grateful

For free?

Well, thats

I surveyed the surroundings.

Numerous pairs of eyes were fixed on me.

Those eyes shimmered with the same intensity as Jefferys.

If you desire protection so desperately, why not strive to become stronger yourselves? Why come seeking aid now, after casually training all this time? Isnt that rather pitiful? Moreover, can you guarantee that those individuals wont cause you harm? You made it look like a group of weaklings has been in control of this place all this time.

But youre strong! Jeffery said.

So is it your survival strategy to latch onto those who appear strong and behave like cowards?

Most of the 1-star individuals gathered here fell short, not just compared to Aaron, but even in comparison to Dica.

Even if they lacked exceptional talent, they werent so feeble as to be unable to defend themselves. Yet, they would venture to the training grounds, aimlessly swinging their swords, then return to feast on the meat hunted by Jenna and cooked by Chloea routine that had become their daily norm.

Learning skills wasnt their concern.

Even though they could have utilized their spare time to acquire skills from Chloe or the crafters, they cunningly evaded the synthesis by pretending to work hard, taking advantage of Anytngs lack of presence.

But that didnt mean I had any desire to chase after them or cause trouble.

After all, once the Master became more adept, those individuals would naturally fade away. However, this situation was different.

Leave before I lose my temper.

The crowd scattered in a hurry, leaving only me, Jenna, Aaron, and Dica in the square.

It was the same group of four that had ventured to the 6th floor.


Yes, hyung-nim.

While you were shedding blood and on the brink of death, those individuals were soundly asleep, merely toying with a couple of goblins.

Im well aware of that.

Then fix your expression. Its rather unsightly.


I shifted my gaze towards Dica.

So, Dica, what happened?

What do you mean

I said what happened? Did you fight with them?

How did you come to know?

With your face sporting bruises and swelling, would it be possible for me to remain oblivious?

Although his appearance had improved by now when we emerged into the square, Dicas face had been discolored and swollena clear sign of having endured a beating.

Dica responded with a downcast expression.

It was a simple sparring session. The newcomer requested a duel, and things escalated to this point.

I squeezed my fist and, with closed eyes, addressed Aaron.

Is that truly the whole story? Aaron, I assume you witnessed it as well?

Its not just that.

Alright, understood. Go and rest.

What about you, hyung-nim?

I wish to observe those individuals a bit longer before departing.

Time was growing late.

Aaron and Dica bowed their heads and made their way back to the lodging.

Why arent you heading back? I looked at Jenna.

Jenna stood by my side, whistling and indulging in her whims.

I chuckled.

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