Pick Me Up!

Chapter 28: Paid 5-Consecutive Draw (3) Part 2

Chapter 28: Paid 5-Consecutive Draw (3) Part 2

Do you even know who we are?

I know very well. Youre one of them.

I gestured toward the scattered bones on the square.

Whats that?

Its trash.

In an instant, Avant unsheathed his sword and charged at me.

I remained still, awaiting the swords approach.

[Stop it!]

Iselle intervened, appearing between Avant and me. Avants sword clashed against an invisible barrier, abruptly coming to a halt. He gritted his teeth, putting more strength into his grip on the sword.

Step aside if you dont want to get hurt.

[Hero-to-hero fights are strictly forbidden! Do you want to face the Masters wrath?]

Well, it may not be strictly forbidden.

I voiced my opinion.

[But still!]

Is this the right moment?

[Avant() shows hostility towards Han()!]

[Zacken() shows hostility towards Han()!]

[Weyf() shows hostility towards Han()!]

[Veigin() shows hostility towards Han()!]

[Hostile relations have emerged between Han() and the Fangwolf team. Pay close attention to the interactions among the heroes!]

Edis kept her head lowered.

Shifting my gaze to Avant, I spoke again.

Hey, lets be honest. You guys are not part of the mercenary group, arent you?

What nonsense are you spouting? We are legitimate mercenaries hired for missions.

Dont play innocent. Youre a band of thieves.

Look at this guy! Do you want to end up in pieces?

Their pretense of being righteous heroes no longer held any weight.

These individuals are nothing but an obstruction. Occasionally, heroes with malicious inclinations are summoned regardless of their rank. They cause chaos in the waiting room, disrupting its order and efficiency. They are the culprits who disturb the peace and undermine the waiting rooms functionality.

In other words, they are the trash that needs to be eliminated.

This was the second significance, the true essence of elimination.

I gather such individuals in one party and send them as the vanguard to the advanced dungeon. Most of them end up perishing.

If I were the Master, I would handle it the same way. Unfortunately, I am a hero by nature. Hence, it was time to employ the second method.

Iselle, initiate a duel.

A d-duel?

[Han() challenges Avant() to a duel!]

[Tips/Duels are one of the methods to resolve conflicts between heroes. Special conditions can be set based on mutual agreement.]

I will show you all what you truly are. Who do you think you are? A Guardian of this place? Who gave the right to complain about anything were doing?

Think of it as being bitten by a mad dog.

I know the behavior of such individuals all too well.

If they perceive their opponent as weaker, they will mercilessly overpower them. Their inquiry about the people gathered here was most likely for surveillance. If theyre weak they can do whatever they want. If they encounter someone stronger, it would pose a problem, so they better eliminate him.

As soon as I voiced my objection, they reached a decision, and this was the outcome.

Do you really think devouring a newly summoned 1-star hero is worth it? Its not much of a gain, is it? How about you try me?

Oh, so youre offering yourself as the sacrificial lamb?

Only if you can defeat me.

Oppa, what are you talking about?

Its simple. If I win, I devour him, and if he wins, he devours me.

That sounds amusing.

[Avant() has accepted the challenge.]

[Each hero proposed Synthesis as the condition for the duel. Do you agree?]

[Yes / No (Choose)]

A refusal, huh.

I chuckled sarcastically, What a coward.


[Han() expresses confidence!]

[Will you accept the duel between Han() and Avant()?]

After a brief moment of hesitation, Amkena made a decision.

[Yes (Choose) / No]

[The duel between Han() and Avant() begins!]

Avant, theres no need for you to step forward, Ill take him

Why do you think he will lose?

What did you say?

I glanced at the 1-star heroes trembling in the corner of the plaza.

Jenna, take those people to the accommodation. Lets not waste any more words.

Are you sure youll be okay alone?

Do you think Ill lose?

Of course not!

Jenna holstered her bow and approached the newcomers.

They looked at Jenna with fearful eyes.

Since its dangerous here, follow me. Ill guide you to a safe place.

Following Jennas guidance, the group of eight survivors returned to the accommodation.

The mercenaries stared at me with a mixture of awe and disbelief. Only Edis chewed her lip, her gaze fixed on the ground.

Once the word surrender comes from either of your mouths, the match is over. Do you agree?

Do as you wish. But dont die. I need a fresh sacrifice.

Iselle, make sure no one interferes.

[Are you really okay?]

I wont lose.

Hah, quite the character.

Avant laughed as if he found it absurd.

And then, he charged at me, sword drawn.

His status window had already been cleared.

Im currently at Level 2, and my strength is already approaching 20. Even my basic swordsmanship has reached the 3rd level. Judging solely by my abilities, it seems like I stand a good chance.

That being said

[Han() has entered a frenzied state!]

I seized Avants head and forcefully slammed it onto the ground.

Blood splattered at the point of impact.

Swiftly unsheathing my sword, I drove it into Avants right shoulder blade. The blade pierced through his leather armor, penetrating the bone and lodging itself into the metal floor.

Kuh, Kuaahhh!

Avant screamed, commanding the plaza to retreat. His scream carried the sound of missing teeth.

Status window.

[Han Israt() Lv. 9 (Exp 11/70)]

[Class: Novice]

[Strength: 28/23 + 5]

[Intelligence: 1/11 10]

[Stamina: 26/21 + 5]

[Agility: 26/21 + 5]

[Skills: Novice Swordsmanship (Lv.5), Pain Resistance (Lv.2), Calmness (Lv.3), Frenzy (Lv.1)]

[Current State: Frenzy (Lv.1)]

Finally, I achieved success in triggering the uncontrollable frenzy state that I couldnt reach before.

One side of my head burned intensely, but an inexplicable sensation tempered the heat.

I looked down at Avant.

Despite the level difference, hes woefully inadequate. His skills are inferior to mine as well.

This is the perfect sight of someone recklessly running amok without any restraint. Avant writhed on the ground, face-down.

Ugh, Kuh, Kuaaah!

If you move, it will only bring you more pain.

Unless I crush his head or heart in one swift blow, he wont die.

I exerted too much force, causing my right hand to feel stiff. I rotated my wrist and surveyed the mercenaries. They stood there, gazing at Avant in a daze.

Suddenly, Zacken swiftly raised his axe and charged towards me.

Iselle flew towards Zacken and swiftly swung her right hand. Her hand moved with such speed that it was almost imperceptible, catching the axe and hurling it far away.

I chuckled and whispered into Avants ear.

Say the word surrender.

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