Pick Me Up!

Chapter 56: Reporting Ceremony (2) (1)

Chapter 56: Reporting Ceremony (2) (1)

[Party 1, come to the Square!]

Iselles shout echoed out.

I rose from my seat. Papers about Pick Me Up were scattered across the desk in the room. After collecting the papers and placing them in the drawer beneath the desk, I locked it.

As I stepped out into the square, four people had gathered.

Jenna, Aaron, Eolka, and even the temporary member Edis.

From the rift, a party of three emerged, having just finished a battle. It was a reserve party of five composed of promising 1-star candidates. However, only three individuals came out. The three passed us with emotionless faces like plaster statues.

Are we gonna hit the 11th floor again today?

Jenna, with a short bow slung over her back, asked.

Probably the 12th floor.

We had spent enough time on the 11th floor.

Experience efficiency had dropped, and it was time to advance to the next stage. Anytng would know that too.

[Open, The Rift of Time and Space!]


The door at the front of the square opened.

The three went in, and as Edis was about to follow, she grabbed my sleeve and whispered.

Is it okay to not say anything?

What do you mean?

Fighting against humans.

Its not like were children. No need to explain everything.

I answered and went inside.

After Edis let out a sigh and entered, the door closed behind her.

The mirror on the left lit up and a message appeared.

[Main Dungeon, the current challenge floor is the 12th floor.]

[The door will open in 10 seconds. Get ready!]

Edis spoke in a low voice.

Whatever happens, just do what needs to be done.

I know even without you saying it.

If you know, even better.

Jenna blinked with a puzzled expression.

Aaron turned to Edis.

Are the monsters on the 12th floor that strong?

Theyre not too strong. Youll see when we get there.

Ediss eyes grew cold.


I drew my sword.

The sound of the blade scraping against the sheath tickled my ears.

The longsword caught the light, casting a sinister gleam.

Teleport, maybe the nth time.

When the light that filled my vision disappeared, I found myself in an unfamiliar place.

[Floor 12.]

[Mission Type Subjugation.]

[Objective Annihilate the enemy!]

The field resembled a city.

Brick-paved roads stretched between low walls and buildings.

However, the streets are deserted. Unnamed leaves are swept away by the wind and fly far in the distance.

Were subjugating. Where are the enemies?

Jenna nocked an arrow with confidence.

Confident eyes. The effect of Heroic Responsiveness Research. Now, other heroes could also see the mission objectives displayed as system messages.

[Human Soldier Lv.11 X 13]

Hu human soldiers?

Jenna tilted her head curiously.

Who are you people?

A mans voice came from the other side.

I turned my gaze to that direction.

Across the street, seven armed soldiers were looking in our direction. Clad in chainmail and helmets, they aimed their spears at us.

They can see us.

Different from NPCs.

So theyre enemies.

I drew my shield.

Aaron intervened.

Hyung-nim, theyre not monsters. Theyre humans, arent they?

You mean you wont fight?

Well, I think we should at least talk first.

I turned around.

The three of them had puzzled expressions.

Eolka, who had been rigid, regained her composure and spoke.

I agree. We might get information about this place. We could pass without fighting.

Not fight?

I dont want to take unnecessary lives either.

What about you?

Ah, well

Jenna scratched her head.

Edis was standing far away from us, her eyes closed as if she didnt care.


Aarons eyes were wavering.

He doesnt want to fight.

I could probably force him to listen, but considering what lies ahead, it wouldnt be a good approach.

It seemed like they needed to see it themselves.

Lets do that.

Thank you. Ill try talking to them.

Aaron walked towards the road.

When he reached the middle of the road, Aaron shouted.

I am Aaron. I wish to speak with you!

Aaron stopped in the middle of the road.

A figure who seemed like a leader stepped forward.

Were in the same boat! We were dragged to this strange place for no reason.

What are you saying?

Its so complicated that its hard to explain. It might be better if you come closer. Dont worry, we wont harm you. We just want to go back. We cant leave because of the strange barrier.

Then Ill come to you.

Put down your weapons before you come. Our comrades are quite wary.

Aaron hesitated but lowered his spear.

I said, Stop.


Are you an idiot? Are you just going to do what they say?

I grinned then shouted.

Come over here, all of you. Put down your weapons. Were also wary.

Thats inconvenient!

Its okay for us to drop our weapons, but its not okay for you?

As I argued, the leaders expression noticeably hardened.

After conversing with the soldiers beside him, the leader nodded.

Fine. Three of us will go instead.

As many as you want.

The leader and two subordinates placed their weapons on the ground and approached us.

Hyung-nim, are you trying to talk to them?

If communication was possible, there were things I wanted to ask.

There was a lot of information to be obtainedhow they came to this stage, and how they ended up being judged by the system as monsters. Any thing else that they knew.

If thats possible.

Clang. Clang. Clang.

With each step the soldier took, the joints of their armor emitted a friction sound.

The leader stopped three meters away and spread his hands, speaking.

As you can see, were unarmed. Wed appreciate it if you treated us the same way.


My shield tumbled on the road.

Afterward, the sword was dropped beside it.

Is that enough?

Fine. Now we can talk properly. But do you know? Theres a constant voice in my head. I cant stop it even if I try to block my ears.

The leader approached me slowly.

The voice is saying this and that. Its still talking even now.

Oh, really? And what is it saying?

Well, thats

The mans pupils turned bloodshot.

Dark blood vessels started throbbing beside his eyes.

Its telling me to kill you!

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