Power and Wealth

Chapter 1337: Mayor Dong’s shocking betrayal

Chapter 1337: Mayor Dong’s shocking betrayal


Meeting room.

Dong Xuebing sat in his seat and ignored everyone. He kept looking at Jiang Fangfang, hoping to get her attention.

But Jiang Fangfang continued drinking her tea and did not notice him.

Dong Xuebing was getting more anxious. What should he do?

Discipline Inspection Secretary Pu An noticed Dong Xuebing and looked at him.

Dong Xuebing quickly made eye signals at him and shook his head slightly.

Pu An and Jiang Xiangrong had just joined the Jiang Faction and did not know what Dong Xuebing was hinting at.

Dong Xuebing was anxious. Everybody’s phone was switched off, and he could not communicate with them.

Meng Rui looked at everyone and said. “Everyone should know the agenda of today’s meeting. We will discuss other issues in our next meeting. We will only discuss how we will use the funds from the Central Government. All of you should have some ideas on how to use the funds best. Just speak your minds.”

Pu An glanced at Dong Xuebing.

Pu An also looked at him.

Mayor Jiang’s political view was to repair the roads. The roads must be repaired immediately. This is to benefit the residents. They had met and discussed the details, like which road to repair first and how much funds they should ask for. Pu An and Jian Xiangrong agreed and knew Mayor Jiang had spoken to Dong Xuebing. Road repairs is a County Government Civil project. Although Pu An and Jian Xiangrong were Party Committee members and had a say in the meeting, they could not suggest this. One is the Commission for Discipline Inspection, and the other is the United Front Work Department Minister. Their duties had nothing to do with road repair projects. They agree that it should be the Executive Deputy Mayor Dong Xuebing or Mayor Jiang to suggest.

But both looked at Dong Xuebing, and the latter said nothing.

Dong Xuebing took small sips from his cup.

Pu An and Jiang Xiangrong exchanged looks. They felt Mayor Dong was behaving differently. He should be the first to talk and support Mayor Jiang based on his character and working style. Why is he so quiet today?

Everyone waited for more than ten seconds. No one said anything.

Meng Rui wanted to hear the Jiang Faction’s ideas first. After all, Jiang Fangfang did not communicate with him, and he did not know their plans. He saw the outspoken Dong Xuebing keeping quiet and was puzzled. He turned to Zhang Wanshui. “Secretary Zhang, what’s your suggestion?”

Zhang Wanshui nodded. “I think we should repair the roads.”

Jiang Fangfang was unfazed and continued to drink her tea. Pu An and Jian Xiangrong were surprised. Road repairs? They suggested to repair the roads, too. Meng Rui asked Zhang Wanshui to voice his suggestions first because they had discussed them beforehand. This should be Meng Rui’s suggestion.

Meng Rui took a sip from his teacup. “Road repairs?”

Zhang Wanshui replied. “Yes. Everyone should know about our County’s road conditions. Even the roads in the County city are difficult to drive on. Since the Central Government has given us the funds, we should use them to repair our roads. This is a Civil project and cannot be delayed. I know the money is not enough to repair all the roads, but we can repair parts of the roads. I suggest repairing the County City roads first, and it should not cost more than 20 million RMB.”

The Publicity Department Chief Cheng Fuguang said. “I agree with Secretary Zhang’s suggestion. We should repair the roads.”

Organization Department Chief Liao Haiwei said. “We must repair the roads, but I think 20 million RMB is only enough to repair a few main sections of the County City roads. What about the rest?”

The County Party Committee Office Department Director Jiang Hai said. “We should repair all the roads. If 20 million RMB is insufficient, we will increase the budget. Anyway, it cannot be completed this year. It will take around two years.”

Deputy Mayor Ci Boyang added. “The County City’s roads should be repaired a long time ago.”

The Meng Faction’s men voiced their opinions, and everyone agreed to repair the roads.

Pu An and Jian Xiangrong frowned. They thought these people had the same idea as Mayor Jiang at first. But they realized there was a significant difference. The Meng Faction wants to repair the County City roads, not the towns and villages. Although the County City roads were in poor conditions, they were the best. Vehicles can still travel on them. But the towns and villages were different. Cars cannot travel on the roads to some villages. People had to walk. This was the difference between both sides’ proposals. The Meng Faction was trying to gain support from the County City’s residents. Repairing the roads to the towns and villages is to help the people.

One is to gain support and popularity, and the other is to help the people.

This is the difference between both sides.

The Jiang Faction could guess Secretary Meng’s intentions after listening to them. Secretary Meng’s people knew the roads to the villages and towns were terrible. But why did they insist on repairing the County City’s roads? This was to get the credit earlier. It was hard to repair the roads to the villages and towns. Vehicles could not access many areas. Many resources and manpower are needed, and it will take a long time to complete the project. It might take more than three years to complete the repairs. They have insufficient funds, and they cannot wait. They want to finish repairing the County City roads and get the credit first. Mayor Jiang was not in a rush to claim credit. She is younger than Secretary Meng and can afford to wait a few years. Repairing the roads to the villages and towns is for the people and developing the County.

Meng Rui nodded. “Do you have a proposal?”

Zhang Wanshui took out a few documents and gave them to all the members. “My men had investigated. The East-West Road must be repaired. This road runs through our County, and the western section’s condition is terrible. We need to widen the road. We would repair the North-South Road if we had funds remaining. The County Finance Department still has 40 million RMB. It should be enough to repair both roads. I had done the estimates. Please take a look.”

40 million RMB?

Utilized all the funds?

This is too much.

The County has 40 million RMB after repaying its debts. Pu An did not expect Zhang Wanshui to ask for all the money. It was Mayor Dong who got the funds from the Central Government. The funds were taken away from the City Government, and Mayor Dong almost died to get back the money. These people did not do anything and wanted all the funds for themselves. They are just after political credits.

Where were you all when Mayor Dong goes to the Central Government?

What were you all doing when Mayor Dong goes to the City Government to demand our money?

All of you gave lame excuses when we had to beg for financial assistance. Yet, you all are excited when it comes to using it.

Dong Xuebing looked at Zhang Wanshui and felt these people were pathetic. They were making a fuss over such a small amount.

You want everything?

F**k! Who do you think you are?

Road repairs fall under our County Government. A Deputy Secretary like you should not interfere.

Meng Rui looked at Zhang Wanshui and felt he was asking for too much. “The road repair project is critical, but we can discuss the budget later. After all, we only got so much funds. We must plan it carefully.”

Zhang Wanshui nodded and said nothing.

The meeting room became quiet again.

Although this is a road repair project, all the County Leaders will benefit from it. But this was suggested by the Meng Faction, and Meng Rui would put Deputy Secretary Zhang Wanshui in charge of it. After all, he suggested it. They could budget the funds to benefit the Meng Faction’s men.

The Meng Faction’s men felt something was wrong.

Why is it so quiet?

This is too quiet.

What’s wrong with the Jiang Faction today?

Where is Dong Xuebing? Why is he keeping quiet?

Many of Meng Faction’s men looked at Dong Xuebing. This guy is a troublemaker, and he should be interrupting others before they finish their sentences. Why is he so quiet today? This is too weird.

Jiang Fangfang puts down her teacup and glances at Dong Xuebing. She was about to speak.

Pu An and Jian Xiangrong understood. Mayor Dong did not mention their suggestion, and Major Jiang had to do it. The Jiang Faction had to fight for their benefits in this project. But to everyone’s surprise, Dong Xuebing spoke when he saw Mayor Jiang was about to speak.

Dong Xuebing had no choice. He cleared his throat loudly to get everyone’s attention. “I have a suggestion. I suggest we should repair all our County Government family quarters. Many quarters are old buildings and should be repaired. If not, they should be rebuilt. We are responsible for everyone’s lives.”

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