Power and Wealth

Chapter 1341: A shocking jump!

Chapter 1341: A shocking jump!

A while later.

The fire department arrived.

The firemen started putting out the fire and rescuing people. It was chaotic again.

“Is there anyone else inside?”

“Hurry and tally the numbers. Who else is inside?”

“Ah… Sister Liu! Sister Liu is still inside!”

“Didn’t Sister Liu send her child to school?”

“She came back earlier, and I did not see her coming out.”

Sister Liu stays on the sixth floor. We did not hear her shouts. Could it be she…”

The firemen who had just put out the fire started preparing the long ladder. They took a long time to prepare the ladder.

Dong Xuebing could not wait. Although he knew no one died today from the newspapers, he could not stand around and watch. He jumped and landed on a first-floor windowsill and jumped again. He reached the second floor. He caught the windowsill and quickly reached the third floor. He had lost count of the people he saved now. His clothes were torn and full of cuts. He was also covered in dust and victims’ blood.


“Mayor Dong went up!”

“Oh my god. That’s too high! It’s the sixth floor!”

“Hurry and look for cushions and mattresses in case he falls!”

Dong Xuebing’s movements were fast. He was more professional than those rescuers. Before those people could get over their shock and get the cushions and mattresses, he kicked open a sixth-floor window and jumped inside.

Everybody was dumbfounded when they saw Dong Xuebing’s agility.


Are you Spiderman?

The people outside were worried as they looked at Dong Xuebing climbing up the building again.

Jiang Fangfang and her men returned after evacuating the next building’s residents. Party Secretary Meng and Political and Legal Affairs Committee Secretary Chu Peng also arrived.

“How is it?”

“There’s still one person inside.”

“Only one? Great.”

No one has died until now.

The building might collapse entirely soon, and only one person is inside.

If they can rescue this person, there will be zero casualties in this incident.

Secretary Meng and Mayor Jiang were not at the building earlier and did not understand the situation. “Mayor Dong? Where is Mayor Dong?”

A Party Committee staff pointed at the building. “Mayor Dong went in to save that person on the sixth floor. He… he had climbed through the windows.”


“Sixth floor?”

“He climbed up?”

Jiang Fangfang turned and looked at a fireman. “Mayor Dong has not recovered from his injuries. How can you all let him go in?”

The fireman replied. “We tried to stop him, but he refused to listen. He rescued almost half of the people from the building. We could not do anything.” Dong Xuebing was too fast, and the firemen had to admit he was more efficient. The difference was too broad. When they were thinking of a way to rescue the victim and prepare the equipment, Dong Xuebing completed the rescue.

All the family members and Public Security Bureau staff who rushed over from work stood outside the family quarters. Meng Rui, Jiang Fangfang, and other leaders stood outside the cordon. Although they were far away, everybody was staring at that sixth-floor window. It was the apartment of the last victim.

One second…

Ten seconds…

Half a minute…

It’s been a while, and there are no movements.

Everyone was anxious. What happened inside? Where is the victim? Why hasn’t Mayor Dong come out?

Jiang Fangfang asked. “Why is the ladder not ready yet?”

The firemen were trying to fix the ladder. “There’s a malfunction. We are trying our best.”

“Malfunction? A malfunction at this time?” Chu Peng was furious. “Hurry and get the ladder up! The building is going to collapse soon! The stairwell had collapsed. How are they going to get down?”

The County’s fire department lacked funds for equipment and maintenance. All of their equipment was old and seldom used. It’s normal for them to malfunction. The firemen started to panic when the County leaders scolded them.

“Eh! Look!”

“That’s Sister Liu! It’s Sister Liu!”

“Mayor Dong came out too!”

Dong Xuebing was carrying a middle-aged woman at the windows. The woman was in pain, and her leg was covered in blood.

Jiang Fangfang asked. “Where is the ladder?”

A fireman wiped his sweat. “It’s not ready. We cannot open the ladder.”

Chu Peng shouted. “What are you all doing? Hurry and repair it before it is too late?”

No one knows when the building will collapse completely. They cannot wait.

Mayor Dong can climb up the building quickly, but it is harder to climb down. He could not climb down the building now. That is the sixth floor. He would fall to his death if he slipped. Moreover, he was carrying an injured woman. He was trapped upstairs.

The air became tense.

Dong Xuebing looked at the fire engine and knew the ladder might be faulty. It could not be extended. He did not mind and said to the woman in his arms. “Sis, hold on to my neck tightly. Don’t let go.”

The middle-aged woman gasped. “What are you going to do, Mayor Dong?”

“We are going down.” Before the woman could react, Dong Xuebing jumped out of the windows.


“Mayor Dong!”

“Are you crazy?”

The onlookers gasped. Mayor Dong was committing suicide.

Twenty meters…

Nineteen meters…

Eighteen meters…

Dong Xuebing carried the woman and fell quickly. When they reached the fifth floor, he stepped on the windowsill. His falling speed slowed down slightly. That sudden drop in speed caused him to lose his balance. The woman and him were falling diagonally. Air has resistance, and they cannot fall in a straight line. When they reached the fourth floor, Dong Xuebing was almost horizontal. But he was not worried. He reached out one hand and grabbed a railing. Crack! The railing broke off, and his falling speed dropped again. He also adjusted his body position. He was falling feet down again.

Thirteen meters…

Twelve meters…

They reached the third floor in a flash.

The woman realized Mayor Dong had jumped off the building with her and let out a shriek. “Ahh!”

Dong Xuebing still had time to make a helpless expression.

The people on the ground held their breaths and watched them fall.

Dong Xuebing broke the railings, but he did not throw it away. He carried the woman with one arm and pushed the railing down. The broken railing part flew into a third-floor window, and the other end was stuck. He held the broken railing tightly, and their falling speed slowed further.

Ten meters…

Nine meters…

They reached the second floor.

Dong Xuebing had let go of the broken railing. He noticed his body was slanting and patted the wall behind him three times.

Thud… thud… thud…

The friction caused his body to be upright again.

Dong Xuebing immediately stepped on the second-floor windowsill hard. His foot did not land on the windowsill properly. Although he slowed a little, their bodies flipped. He quickly kicked against the wall and repositioned their bodies.


They landed on the ground.

Dong Xuebing almost somersaulted in midair and landed steadily on the ground. His knees bent to cushion their fall, and he stood straight again. He put down the screaming woman and said calmly. “Stop shouting, Sis. You are safe now.”

They were safe.

Everybody was stunned.

WTF? How agile are you?

Meng Rui, Chu Peng, and the rest were also stunned. Mayor Dong was carrying a person! He was fine after jumping off from the sixth floor!

Everyone was silent for a while.

Clap… clap… clap… someone started clapping.

Everyone followed and started clapping.

The final person was rescued. Everybody was relieved.

But a lot of people looked at Dong Xuebing weirdly. He had not fully recovered from his injuries, and he was fine after jumping off from the sixth floor with a woman in his arms. How did he get all those fractures from falling off the City Finance Department building? That was only the third floor. You got injured purposely.

You purposely get injured to blow up that incident!


You are too evil!

The medical team quickly rushed over.

The middle-aged woman sat on the floor and thanked Dong Xuebing profusely. But her leg was bleeding nonstop.

“Let me see.” Dong Xuebing kneeled.

“I was hit on my leg and injured my blood vessel.” The woman said.

“It’s all right. Don’t move and bear with it.” Dong Xuebing pressed hard on a few acupuncture points on her leg.

The medical team reached them and said. “Leave the victim to use, Mayor Dong. We got to stop the bleeding first.”

Dong Xuebing stood up and said. “No need. Just send her to the hospital. The bleeding stopped, and she is fine now.”

“The bleeding stopped!” A nurse looked at the wound on the woman’s thigh. It stopped bleeding. It seemed the acupuncture points Dong Xuebing pressed earlier stopped it.

“You know Chinese medicine?” The nurse was shocked.

Dong Xuebing calmly replied. “I know a little.”

Climbing up from outside of a building.

Getting over obstacles.

Putting out the fire…

And stop bleeding with Chinese acupuncture points.

The fire department and medical team do not even need to be here.

Mayor Dong alone is enough!

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