Raising the Lowest-Ranked Adventurer, the Heroic Girl – Wasn’t I Just a Substitute Old Man?

Chapter 10 - I am the minister's daughter

Raising the Lowest-Ranked Adventurer, the Heroic Girl – Wasn’t I Just a Substitute Old Man?

Chapter 10    I am the minister’s daughter

A week or so had passed since that day.

After finishing my daily training routine, which had become a habit on days when I didn’t dive into the dungeon, I was lazing around in my room when suddenly the phone rang.

Who is it?… Miyano? Miyano… Ah, Miyano.

Even though I couldn’t immediately recall who that name belonged to, I remembered that Miyano had joined the team.

And this was a call from the girl who served as the team leader.

Considering that we weren’t on casual terms to easily contact each other, it was likely that the next dungeon conquest had been decided, so I answered the phone.


“Um, long time no see, Igami-san.”

“Yeah, it’s been a while.”

As I picked up the phone, I could hear Miyano’s voice, somewhat uncertain. But it was understandable since she was calling an unfamiliar adult.

“So, um… I’m sorry to ask, but would it be possible for you to come to school tomorrow?”

“Huh?… Ah, why?”

“Well, I submitted the report, but there are doubts about its authenticity.”

“Hmm… Did you write something that would raise doubts?”

Considering Miyano’s personality, it was unlikely that she had embellished the report. The same could be said for Asada and Kitahara.

While they might have concealed certain details, it shouldn’t have resulted in any significant contradictions.

Or perhaps my assessment of those guys was mistaken?

Thinking that, I furrowed my brows slightly, but it seemed that wasn’t the case.

“Well, actually, some of the dungeons presented as part of the exam turned out to be traps, and the one we ventured into, the Little Demon’s Hole, was one of them.”

“I figured. It wasn’t suitable for beginners to enter there.”

Well, I somehow got the gist of the conversation. Despite falling into a trap during the exam, they managed to submit the report without any issues. Is that the concern?

“Yes, when we decided, we chose a higher difficulty level to give higher evaluations, but our thinking wasn’t thorough enough.”

“So, you were singled out as someone who successfully survived in a dungeon that wasn’t meant for beginners?”

“In a nutshell, yes.”

Maybe if the support member was Class 1 or Special Class, it wouldn’t have been a big deal, but I’m only Class 3. Despite having accumulated some experience, it seems that clearing the dungeon with the baggage of being considered a beginner at Class 3 is challenging.

So, they want me to explain. …What a hassle.

“If I don’t go, will there be a problem?”

“No, there isn’t any particular issue, but…”

That’s a lie. Judging by the tone of this voice, there will be some consequences… not severe, but there will be some sort of response. At the very least, it must have been hinted at. That’s why the response isn’t clear-cut.

…Ah, damn it. It can’t be helped. It’s troublesome, but I became a team member. If I don’t go now, it would be too rude.

“…Alright, when is it tomorrow?”

“Are you sure?”

“Until I quit being an adventurer, we’re still on the same team. This is part of the job.”

“Thank you very much. In that case, please come to the school gate tomorrow after school… at 3 o’clock. I will come to pick you up.”

“Got it. See you tomorrow then.”

“Yes. I apologize for the inconvenience and thank you in advance.”

After hanging up the phone, I let out a deep sigh.

“Well then, this is the meeting spot… but it’s been a while since I’ve been here.”

The next day, as planned during the phone call, I came to the Adventurer School, but there was no one in front of the main gate. It seems Miyano hasn’t arrived yet.

“It’s been over four years since I last came here… Quite a while.”

I did attend this school for a year, just to clarify. Although it was only for a year, it wasn’t like I dropped out. It was just the system.

Just because you awaken as a power user doesn’t mean you can immediately fight. So, in order to learn how to use that power, all awakened individuals are required to attend the school. However, for naturally awakened individuals aged 25 and above, most of them receive intensive special classes for only one year.

In simple terms, it means, “We don’t have high expectations for you, but it’s a requirement for now, so we’ll make you attend school.”

Now, why did it end up like that…

“You there. What are you doing there?”


Lost in thought or rather immersed in memories, I was suddenly questioned by an unfamiliar voice.

When I turned my gaze, there was a girl wearing a school uniform.

Her hair was a dark shade of brown, and, ah, what was it called… a bun? It was styled like that.

“Yes, that’s correct. This area prohibits entry for outsiders. Although you don’t seem like someone from this school, may I ask what your business is?”

Ah, I see. Well, if an old man is standing in front of the gate, it’s understandable to be seen as suspicious.

…A suspicious person, huh? It’s ironic coming from me, but it’s making me feel somewhat melancholic.

“Ah… I’m actually a graduate of this school, and I was called here today by a student.”

“May I ask the name of that student?”

“It’s Mizuki Miyano…”


“Ah, do you know her?”

“…Well, yes.”

Judging by the slightly stern expression and attitude, it seems like they know each other in a not-so-positive way.

…But well, even if that’s the case, it’s not something I should be involved in.

“Hmm… As a graduate of this school, you’re a registered adventurer, correct? Would it be possible for me to verify your adventurer’s ID?”

“Hm, sure… here it is.”

“Thank you.”

Once it became apparent that I was an adventurer, the person softened their demeanor and spoke to me. However, as soon as they looked at the adventurer’s ID I presented, their face visibly frowned. What’s wrong?

“This… You’re only a Third Rank?”

“Yeah. Is there a problem?”

“Well… But to think that Miyano-san is associating herself with someone like you. With her abilities, she could aim much higher…”

Ah, I see. It’s that condescending attitude based on ranks. Admittedly, being a Third Rank means I’m just a weakling who could easily lose to an ordinary person without awakening. I’m well aware of that.

But even so, it doesn’t feel good to be looked down upon like this, after all. Well, it’s nothing new, though. It’s always been like this.

“So, what brings you here?”

“Huh? As I mentioned earlier, it’s because of Miyano-san—”

“No, I mean the reason you came to meet her.”

“Why do you have to pry into that?”

“Having someone of Third Rank status by Miyano-san’s side diminishes her reputation. She’s a Special Rank, possessing the potential to reach even greater heights. She should be working with someone of the same rank, like me.”

“So what? What’s your point?”

“If she remains in a situation like this, akin to a social club, it would be a loss for this world. As a Special Rank, she should be active in the same team as me, another Special Rank.”

“In other words, you’re saying you don’t like that I, a weakling, am with her.”

“I wouldn’t put it that way, but I think you should reconsider.”

“You’re practically saying the same thing.”

In other words, this person wants to imply that someone of Special Rank should associate with someone befitting their rank. And most likely, they’re referring to themselves, probably being a First or Special Rank.

“Well, in any case, it’s up to her to decide who she wants to be with or associate with. It’s not your place to say, and it’s not my concern.”

In fact, everyone in Miyano’s team is at least First Rank or higher. They are all “suitable” members, except for me. I’m the odd one out, and it’s not surprising to be deemed unsuitable.

Moreover, if this person wants to be on the same team so badly, they can simply join Miyano’s team. Adventurers typically form teams of four to six members, and Miyano’s team originally consisted of four people. Even if I join, it would make it five. There’s still one spot available.

So if someone else wants to join, I won’t say anything about it. After all, I’ll be leaving soon anyway.

“If you’re genuinely concerned, then why don’t you join Miyano’s team yourself?”

“…You have no intention of leaving?”

What I decide to do is my own choice. Do you think I’ll change my mind just because some kid tells me to?

“…Is that so? I don’t prefer to use this card, but I am the daughter of the Minister of Adventurers.”

From the wording, it seems lacking in authenticity, but recently, or rather since the appearance of monsters became more frequent, the Ministry of Adventurer Management was established.

The Minister of Adventurers is the head of that ministry. They’re not a minister who personally goes on adventures or anything like that.

And this young lady seems to be the minister’s daughter.

“I see. So what?”

“…Don’t you understand? If I were to inform my father, your life as an adventurer would be over, you know?”

…Huh? What? You mean you’ll make me quit being an adventurer before three months have even passed? Well, thank you very much?

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