Raising the Lowest-Ranked Adventurer, the Heroic Girl – Wasn’t I Just a Substitute Old Man?

Chapter 24 - I won't stay silent when my comrades are being made fun of

Raising the Lowest-Ranked Adventurer, the Heroic Girl – Wasn’t I Just a Substitute Old Man?

Chapter 24   I won’t stay silent when my comrades are being made fun of

Miyano lifted her head clearly and looked straight at me with tear-filled eyes, her mouth twisted in frustration.

“In this world where gates connecting to different dimensions have been established, my exceptional talent may indeed be valuable. I understand that what she says is not wrong. However, I want to continue working with everyone in the current team.”

With words that were bitterly spat out, tears finally overflowed from Miyano’s eyes.

“I truly believe this team is the best. However, when I was asked if we could win against Tenshi-san and the others, I couldn’t say anything in response…! I should have wanted to say it, I should have believed it… But I couldn’t retort. It makes me incredibly angry.”

Nevertheless, Miyano continues to express her emotions while crying, without caring about it.

“And to be unable to say anything when Kana and Yuzu were belittled, it’s frustrating… Being belittled as a team member, huh? Yeah, that’s right. It’s unforgivable. Those who belittle our comrades and myself, who couldn’t deny it.”

“Alright, got it. Let’s cooperate wholeheartedly.”


When I mentioned cooperation, Miyano withdrew the tears that had been overflowing until then and looked up at me with a dumbfounded expression.

“What’s wrong? Why the bewildered look?”

“Oh, um, well, I didn’t expect you to accept so easily…”

“You didn’t think I would?”

Miyano nods silently in response to my words, but well, considering my attitude up until now, she would probably think that way.

Actually, these guys have noticed that I’ve been keeping my distance, so they might be surprised if I suddenly offer to cooperate like this.

However, I have my own reasons for wanting to cooperate.

They’re not particularly significant reasons, and they’re based on very personal emotions. But they’re important to me.

“Did it hurt to see your comrades being belittled? Well, that’s a natural emotion. Comrades are precious beings whom we entrust our lives to. In some ways, they are more important than blood-related family. When such people are belittled, it’s impossible not to feel angry.”

Comrades who venture together in dungeons, risking their lives. They are, in a sense, more than just family.

Hiro, Kei, Yasu, and the others I belonged to before joining the current team, they are like cherished family to me.

When a comrade is sad, you want to do something to help them, and when something joyful happens, the whole group celebrates like fools. That’s what comrades mean to adventurers.

Those feelings will continue unchanged even after we stop delving into dungeons.

For adventurers, comrades are that important.

Therefore, no matter what the reason may be, I can’t stand those who belittle other people’s comrades.

It may not be fitting for me, who has been keeping my distance under the pretext of quitting soon, to say this, but even so, I am currently a member of this team. These guys are my comrades. There’s no way I would stay silent when my comrades are being belittled.

“I find your anger and frustration admirable, and I dislike those who belittle someone’s comrades enough to want to bring them down. That’s why I have no qualms about cooperating with you. I had originally intended to participate in such endeavors.”

“T-Thank you!”

Miyano’s face was still damp with tears, but her eyes were no longer overflowing with them.

“You guys are still young. Depend more on adults… Well, maybe I’m not the best person to say that.”

Even if I say to depend on me, I was the one who kept my distance, so you probably couldn’t rely on me.

“Well, you know what? You might have your share of worries, but in the end, there are plenty of hardships waiting for you in life. So, why not just laugh like fools during your student days? That’s a privilege reserved for children.”


Alright, things worked out somehow.

Now, all that’s left is to win the ranking match… Oh, but before I seriously teach you, there’s something I need to ask.

“However, there’s something I need to say. If you’re expecting to witness glorious victories by following me, that’s an illusion. I can’t provide you with splendid triumphs. What I can do is employ cunning tactics, outsmart my opponents, act despicably and greedily, all in pursuit of victory. Those who watch may criticize or disdain you. Are you okay with that?”

“…What adventurers need is not sacrificing comrades to win or losing gracefully, but rather crawling on their hands and knees to survive. That’s what you taught us, right?”

There it is. In the early days of summer break, when Asada charged forward into the enemy and called my teachings “uncool,” I responded with those words.

“It has only been about a month since I received your teachings, but even so, those lessons have become the foundation of ‘the adventurer within me,’ and I don’t consider that to be a mistake. Therefore, I have no intention to hesitate or waver over such matters at this point.”

“…Then, I’ll let you win.”


Miyano’s face, as she responded in such a way, no longer carried the same tension and unease that it did when she first arrived at this place.

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