Raising the Lowest-Ranked Adventurer, the Heroic Girl – Wasn’t I Just a Substitute Old Man?

Chapter 26 - "Adventure Hunt"

Raising the Lowest-Ranked Adventurer, the Heroic Girl – Wasn’t I Just a Substitute Old Man?

Chapter 26   “Adventure Hunt”

“Twenty years have passed since the Gates appeared. So, it’s been fifteen years since the Gates were created. It wouldn’t be strange to have such a competition… or perhaps it’s even too late?”

“Adventure Hunt,” huh… Does it refer to the activities of adventurers, or does it literally mean hunting adventurers…?

Afterward, Miyano continued explaining the rules, and here’s a summary:

First, each team is composed of four to six members. While external official tournaments sometimes form teams with twenty or thirty members, the school doesn’t allow that.

Secondly, the teams hide their own “treasure” somewhere within a predetermined area, and they search for each other’s “treasure.” The victory condition is to find the hidden “treasure” of the opposing team. This represents the activities of adventurers since they not only fight but also collect specific items within dungeons.

Thirdly, each team must have a piece of paper with the location of their own “treasure” written on it. The number of papers with the locations increases based on the number of team members. For example, four members would have four papers, while six members would have six papers.

I wonder… Is this based on the idea that the more members there are, the more things they need to protect?

Alright. And fourthly, the leader must not be more than thirty meters away from the hidden “treasure.”

This one is straightforward. It’s probably a training method to protect the treasure.

Adventurers generally employ guerrilla tactics, but depending on the situation, they may need to stay in one place and defend something. I believe this rule is designed for that purpose.

Lastly, fifthly, even if the enemy team is completely annihilated, the match won’t end unless the treasure is found.

However, if neither team can find the treasure until the time runs out, the remaining numbers will determine the outcome. Essentially, team annihilation results in defeat.

This rule is also clear. In order for the game to be valid, it’s necessary to determine victory or defeat and set a time limit. This rule signifies that defeating the enemy without finding the sought-after item holds no meaning.

From what I’ve heard, it seems like a well-designed game overall. It trains the abilities of adventurers while still functioning as a game.

If one can achieve good results in this, it would likely make it easier to survive in actual dungeons.

…Ah, I see. Back then, Professor Momozono mentioned that there would be financial rewards for achieving good results in this event. If one can truly grow to the extent of achieving good results, it might be worth investing some money.

However, there are still a few questions.

“However, wouldn’t that create an unfair advantage based on the difference in team size?”

“Yes, but it’s also a match that takes into account post-graduation adventures. So, it becomes a matter of those who couldn’t gather enough team members being at a disadvantage.”

I see.

However, it seems quite elaborate. Having several one-on-one battles in different locations, are there even places like that around here?

Certainly, this is a rural area, and the school grounds are spacious. However, based on the current explanation, it feels like there might be a shortage of space to accommodate multiple battles simultaneously. They wouldn’t involve the school building, right?

“It takes place inside the Gate. It’s conducted in a relatively safe dungeon that is close to the school.”

When I asked Miyano about it, that was the answer I received.

Indeed, if it’s inside the Gate, there should be enough space… but is it safe enough in terms of security?



At that moment, Miyano seemed to have realized something and spoke up.

“Um… I explained it briefly, but the details should be written on the school’s website, so it might be easier to understand if you check there.”

“The website? Ah, right.”

I took out my smartphone and searched, and I found the page Miyano mentioned. However…


“Is something wrong?”

“Hmm… Ah, there are some things that I can’t understand just by reading what’s written here.”

“What is it?”

Firstly, you mentioned that the paper with the hidden “treasure” written on it, is it a map? Or is it just text?

“It’s both text and a map. The papers that indicate the location of the treasure are divided based on their importance. Some provide a general location, while others specify who it is near. Although I haven’t personally participated, based on my observation of last year’s match as a spectator, the maps clearly showed the exact location of the treasure.”

“There are spectators, huh?”

Given that there’s a tournament, it’s natural to have spectators. However, if it’s taking place inside the Gate, I wonder if there’s a need for a filming crew or something like that.

“…Well, leaving that aside, if the map is stolen, it’s almost a guaranteed loss, right?”


In that case, the hint paper is quite important. Not just the paper itself, but how it is handled. It can be manipulated or used as a decoy. Well, that’s something to consider.

“Secondly, how big is the paper?”

“It’s approximately forty centimeters on each side. About this size.”

“That’s quite big.”

“Yes. Additionally, it’s acceptable to fold it slightly or roll it into a tube, but clearly folding it and concealing it is not allowed. So, you can’t hide the fact that you have it. Basically, everyone puts it in a holder and wears it on their waist or back.”

Indeed, a paper measuring forty centimeters on each side is large. Although it was mentioned that it can be rolled into a tube, it’s still quite big.

“Thirdly, it’s not necessary for someone to always have the paper, right?”

“That’s correct. It’s possible for the team members to hide it somewhere without anyone carrying it.”

“However, the paper is enchanted with special magic, so by using a specific spell, you can determine the direction in which it is located. Whether it’s a map or a general indication of the location, I’m not sure.”

“So hiding it is possible.”

“Yes. However, if it’s found, it will be immediately taken away, and if the paper gets torn or burned and the text becomes unreadable, the person designated as the owner will be disqualified, so most teams avoid doing that.”

But it’s not necessary for the person themselves to have it, and hiding it is possible.

…What if it’s buried underground, about fifty meters deep? It may not be feasible due to the wasted magical power, but in terms of strategy, it might be possible.

“Oh, and one more thing, the contents written on the paper are shown to the referees in advance and recorded. Erasing the contents and rewriting them would be considered a violation.”


…I have a vague idea of a winning strategy.

The key is to prevent the treasure from being stolen and to reduce the opponents to a number equal to or fewer than our team, regardless of traps, poison, ambushes, or anything else. So, it’s just like any other battle, as long as there are no killings.

The only difference is that killings are off-limits, but that’s manageable.

After that, I should observe the opponents’ battles and training sessions to get a feel for the flow of the game, both in practice and in the actual tournament…



As I was contemplating the game, Miyano approached me with a slightly anxious look and asked a question.

“Do you think we can win?”

“You were upset when your comrades were belittled, right? You wanted to tell them not to make fun of us, right?”


“Then don’t say such pessimistic things like ‘Can we win?’ We will definitely win. We’ll win and show them what it feels like to be belittled. We’ll let them know that we’re not weak, that we’re not trash. Believe in that.”

“Well, I think that’s a bit extreme…”

“But you want to win, don’t you?”

In response to my words, Miyano remained silent but nodded earnestly with a determined expression.

“Don’t worry. I told you I’ll let you win. I’ll make sure you win.”

“Thank you very much.”

“Don’t mention it. If you win, my rewards will increase too, you know.”

He said it in a joking tone, trying to ease the tension, but…

“What do I need to do?”



Suddenly, a voice from behind startled both me and Miyano, causing us to jolt in surprise.

“Oh, Abe… Were you listening? What about alchemy?”

“I realized it was beyond my capabilities.”

There, before us were tools infused with magical energy, yet not transformed into magical implements.

There were more of them than I had imagined, indicating that Abe had spent quite a bit of time experimenting with them… though all of them seemed to be failures.

“To be honest, I don’t really care about winning or losing, but I want my own private room. Besides… I’ll miss Mizuki.”

In an uncharacteristically bashful manner, Abe averted her gaze and expressed her feelings.

Witnessing Abe’s behavior, both Miyano and I chuckled lightly, but without saying anything more, we began to move forward.

“Since we’re going to have a discussion, bring the other two who went to the training grounds.”

“Yes, understood!”

“Let go.”

In response to my words, Miyano stood up swiftly and grabbed Abe, who was nearby, before walking away.

Abe complained lazily in a weary voice, but Miyano showed no intention of letting her go.

“Now, Igami-san. Please take care of things!”

“Let go…”

While walking, Miyano turned back towards us and said so before facing forward again.

However, it seemed that Abe’s words were not heeded until the end.

With a wry smile at the situation, I took out my smartphone to prepare for the ranking match.

“Oh, Yasu? I have a favor to ask. Are you free now?”

Thinking that he must be free anyway, I made a phone call to Yasu, also known as Yasuda, who had been a fellow member in the previous team.

“I see, thanks… Hm? Yeah, I’m doing alright, but there are some issues. I need your help. There’s something I want… Yeah, I’m counting on you. I’ve sent you a detailed email, so please check that. I’ll treat you to a meal with a high school girl next time as thanks. Haha. Alright, talk to you later.”

After ending the call, I exhaled while looking up.

With this, the minimum preparations should be in order.

“Now, let’s see… Ah, you’re here.”

I was thinking of watching a gameplay video next, but before that, Miyano returned with Asada and the others in tow.

They came back sooner than I expected. They probably brought them along without even explaining properly. Well, it’s fine.

“Just because I said I’ll let them win, I have to make sure they actually win.”

But still, the ‘previous team’… I thought it was just a fleeting moment, but it seems like I’m unexpectedly attached to the current situation as well.

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