Raising the Lowest-Ranked Adventurer, the Heroic Girl – Wasn’t I Just a Substitute Old Man?

Chapter 34 - Kana: If he can't do it, it's just because he's not trying hard enough.

Raising the Lowest-Ranked Adventurer, the Heroic Girl – Wasn’t I Just a Substitute Old Man?

Chapter 34   Kana: If he can’t do it, it’s just because he’s not trying hard enough.

______ Kana Asada ______

“It seems they’ve spotted us.”

Since the game began, Team Miyano immediately sprung into action.

However, their approach was different from that of Team Tenshi. It wasn’t about launching an attack; it involved a different kind of movement.

“Yeah, we better get ready too.”

“Well, there’s not much to prepare, really.”

“Yeah, you’re right. It’s already over.”

“Yeah, well, you know, it’s about being mentally prepared. Something along those lines.”

Currently, Kana Asada, Yuzu Kitahara, and Koosuke Igami of Team Miyano had taken their positions in a slightly open area within the forest.

Since there were no trees around here, they believed they would notice any approaching threats before they got too close.

“Still, isn’t that unfair?”

“Unfair and bad? Isn’t doing everything you can what it means to be an adventurer? Besides, you guys knew it too, didn’t you?”

“Well, yeah, I guess…”

As Koosuke spoke, Kana responded, her words tinged with exasperation.

“Just hiding won’t protect against radio waves, huh? Yeah, if we get caught, it could be pretty tough.”

“You… You managed to track Tenshi-san pretty well.”

“Well, there’s always a way. You don’t have to physically touch someone directly to track them. You can use small-scale magic and such.”

Before the start of this game, Koosuke had used magic during a handshake with Tenshi’s team, planting a transmitter and a bug on their shoes.

“Ordinary people can’t do that, though.”

“No, you’re wrong. Even a Third Class like me can do it. If they can’t do it, it’s simply because their efforts are lacking. If they train desperately, anyone can achieve what I can.”

“I find that level of desperation harsh, you know?”

“You find it harsh because you can’t do it. One mistake and you’re dead, you know? Not just you, but your whole team. One mistake you make can cost the lives of your comrades. If you find such a foolish thing detestable, then train and prepare. That’s all there is to it.”

Koosukei’s words were correct.

But how many people could actually live up to those words?

Being desperate is easy to say in words.

However, most people fail to follow through on those words. Somewhere, they give in to their own weaknesses and slack off, thinking they can get by with less effort.

But Koosuke knew that would only lead to death. He pushed himself to the brink and prepared himself obsessively.

“…You know, you’re amazing after all.”

Upon seeing Koosuke, who spoke as if it were nothing out of the ordinary, Kana remarked with a serious tone.

“What do you mean?”

“Well, it’s something that ordinary people can’t do. The fact that you can casually talk about it as if it’s just a normal thing, and actually follow through with it, that’s what makes it impressive.”

“Is that so…”

“That’s exactly it.”

From Koosuke’s perspective, he had only prepared himself out of the fear of his own death and the desire to prevent anyone around him from dying. He didn’t fully grasp the extent of his own “greatness.”

“Alright, let’s leave it at that for small talk. They’re getting closer.”

“Got it. Then let’s begin the operation… Yuzu, make sure you don’t mess up, okay?”

“I-I’ll be fine… probably.”

Upon hearing Koosuke’s words as he looked at the transmitter in his hand, Kana and Yuzu tightened their grips on their respective weapons and nodded.

“Say it with more confidence. ‘I’ll be fine!’… Maybe.”

“Well, even if we fail, we can still manage for now. Just go without getting too worked up.”



And so, after each of them took their positions according to the plan, it wasn’t long before the transmitter approached right nearby.

“They’re here. When I give the signal, start moving.”

And so, relying on the voices he heard from the bugs he planted on the Tenshi team, Koosuke calculated the timing and shouted,

“Run, guys! They’re enemies!”

Simultaneously with his shout, Koosuke activated the traps he had set up in advance.

As a result, a wall of flames appeared at the border between the slightly open area where Koosuke and his team were positioned and the area with trees.

Although the timing was slightly off due to Koosuke’s shout and the wall of flames, the enemy’s intended technique continued without being stopped and attacked Koosuke’s team by breaking through the wall.

“What the heck! They’re using such a powerful technique right from the start, even though they won’t die no matter what!”


“I’m okay! Let’s run!”

However, due to the timing being off, hesitation in judgment, and the obstructed view, the Tenshi team’s attacks missed completely, despite the thunderous sound.

“Yuzu, are you okay?”

“Yeah. I’m fine. I’m still okay.”

Although the scale of the attack exceeded expectations, everything else went according to plan.

“Now… they’re still chasing us, huh?”

After parting ways with Koosuke and escaping, Kana and Yuzu looked back while running and saw the Tenshi team, just as they had heard, chasing after them.

“Tenshi-san isn’t… here. She probably stayed behind with Koosuke. Even though he’s like that, he’s still our instructor.”

“Are we okay…?”

“We’re fine, we’re fine. We can’t defeat him even if we tried, so we won’t lose to someone underestimating us in a place like this. Instead, we need to focus on escaping. If even one of us gets caught, it’s over.”

“Yeah, you’re right.”

“For now, let’s keep going to our destination like this.”

And so, the chase through the forest between Kana’s group and the Tenshi team began.

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