Raising the Lowest-Ranked Adventurer, the Heroic Girl – Wasn’t I Just a Substitute Old Man?

Chapter 44 - Fire me already

Raising the Lowest-Ranked Adventurer, the Heroic Girl – Wasn’t I Just a Substitute Old Man?

Chapter  44   Fire me already

“Now that our contract with you guys is over, I can finally put an end to my ‘service’ as an adventurer… I wonder what I should do next.”

As time passed and I enjoyed my drink, I casually voiced my thoughts. I don’t usually drink this much, but well, it’s fine for today.

“Huh?… Well, first you should submit a request to leave the team, right? If you don’t do that, you’ll remain registered with the team indefinitely.”

“Oh, right, I totally forgot about that… Ugh, what a hassle.”

If I don’t go through the proper procedure, I’ll continue to be a member of Miyano and the others’ team, so I should cancel it as soon as possible. But, honestly, the paperwork is such a bother.

“Haha, you’re not good with these kinds of applications, are you?”

“Not good is an understatement… I just find them confusing. They should be more straightforward, without all the unnecessary clutter.”

“Well, that’s how bureaucratic work goes, I suppose.”

Sigh “Well, I guess there’s no helping it.”

“Anyway, enjoy the rest of the evening.”

“It’s my treat, though.”

Well, I guess I can think about those procedures later. It’s not something I need to worry about right now.


With that thought in mind, I brought the drink to my lips, but Miyano, who was sitting next to me for some reason, lightly grabbed onto my clothes. What’s up?

…Ah, right, right. I completely forgot.

“Oh, by the way, there’s something I need to tell you.”

“Huh? Something you need to tell me?”

“Yeah… Sorry for not letting you win.”

I had promised Miyano and the others that I would let them win, but in the end, I couldn’t make it happen in that battle.

During the game, everything was going well until we fought that giant ape, which caused Asada, Abe, and Kitahara from Miyano’s team to activate the healing barrier and be considered retired. As a result, only Miyano and I were left with a survival assessment.

On the other hand, the young ladies’ team had three survivors: the young lady herself, the one who had protected the treasure, and the one who had been initially defeated by Asada but didn’t retire.

In case neither team could find the treasure within the time limit, the team with more surviving members would be declared the winner.

In other words, we lost with a score of 2 against 3.

I couldn’t help but think about how that guy appeared, but battles with monsters are part of the game. That doesn’t change even if irregularities occur.

If we hadn’t been able to defeat him, it would have been a no-game situation, but we managed to take him down.

Well, perhaps they allowed it to pass like this to avoid disrupting the progress by scheduling a rematch at a later date.

“No, I think it couldn’t be helped. Besides, in the end, we’ve decided to continue with our current team, so the outcome itself doesn’t really matter.”

Although we lost, as Miyano said, the discussion about transferring to Miyano’s team didn’t happen.

It seems that after the battle, Miyano had a conversation with the young lady, but I didn’t ask for the details. Well, as long as it ended without any issues, that’s good.

“I see.”


With the conversation coming to a pause, I had said what I wanted to say, and I glanced down at the menu, contemplating if I should order something or not. However, Miyano unexpectedly murmured something.

“Igami-san, are you really going to quit?”

“Hm? Yeah. I’ve earned quite a bit of money, and I have enough savings to live a modest life without working. I can just find some decent job to keep myself occupied.”

Although the idea of receiving rewards for achievements during events didn’t work out, I had enough savings to sustain myself even without working.

To be honest, I could manage somehow without doing any proper work by simply growing my own food on my family’s land, enough to feed myself.

“…Is that so?”

“Instead of saying that, why don’t we continue a little longer together? You know, our adventures with you were quite enjoyable in their own way… right?”

“W-Well, yes… I did hear some insightful stories as well…”

“Yeah. There are still things I want to hear and learn from you.”

Not only Miyano but the other three also joined the conversation, seemingly hearing our discussion and trying to convince me to stay.

“It’s impossible. I’m quitting.”

Even so, I’m going to quit. If I continue like this, I’ll surely witness someone else’s death again. I don’t want that.

I dislike anything that causes me pain. The suffering, the pain, and the sadness… I hate it all.

…However, I hate it even more when someone I know dies, more than getting injured myself.

That’s why I’m quitting. If I quit being an adventurer, I can avoid witnessing the death of someone close to me.

But I have no intention of putting it into words.

“What? You hated being with us that much?”

Misunderstanding my intention, Asada questioned me with a displeased expression and tone.

“It’s not that I didn’t enjoy it… but I don’t want to die. I’m already in my mid-thirties. I can’t move like a young person anymore.”

As I said that, Asada seemed unable to complain about my age, and although she seemed like she wanted to say something, she turned her face away from me with a sullen expression.

Seeing Asada’s reaction, it reminded me of our early days together, and I smiled faintly before turning to Miyano and speaking.

“Well, that’s the situation. Miyano, do you have any free time after a week from now? I want to go submit my resignation from the team.”

“Um, I’m sorry, but I’ll be busy for a while… You see, there are various procedures to take care of regarding this incident… I probably won’t have any free time.”

“Are you that busy?”


Miyano seems to feel apologetic and slightly averts her gaze, lowering her eyes.

Hmm, well, I guess it can’t be helped. Even though our participation is over for now, the ranking matches were originally planned to continue for another month. It’s possible that things may not progress on their end, or it might be an extra hassle to call Miyano and have a discussion.

“In that case, when do you think you’ll have some free time? Maybe in about a month?”

“Well… I’m not sure.”

But even that should be fine if it’s a month after the ranking matches have completely ended.

Thinking so, I asked, but Miyano continued to avert her gaze… or rather, she averted her gaze even more, and finally started reaching out for the dish that was placed in front of her.

Her behavior reminded me of a child trying to hide something they did wrong.

Or rather, once I thought that, I couldn’t see it any other way.

“Hmm?… Hey, you. Hero-sama. Can you look this way and talk? Weren’t you taught to speak while looking into people’s eyes?”

When I called out to her, Miyano flinched.

The others were also watching her reaction, but no one said anything. If I were to describe it, it was just my former teammates, the three of them, smirking slightly with an amused look. It really pissed me off.

However, Miyano seemed unable to bear the situation of everyone’s attention on her and started speaking quietly.

“…B-but, I still don’t want you to leave me, and there are still things I want to learn from you.”

“No, no, you’ve become strong enough to receive the title of a hero, haven’t you? As for Asada and the others, they’re more than capable of continuing even after graduation. There’s no need for me anymore, right?”

While I haven’t taught her everything, I have imparted enough knowledge for her to function as a professional adventurer, and I have also provided guidance on the direction she should pursue in her training.

Even if I were to disappear now, they should be able to manage on their own.

“I don’t want that.”

“Hey, Hero.”

Finally, she boldly and clearly declared her intentions.


“Didn’t I say it from the beginning? I want to quit being an adventurer as soon as possible. As promised, I’m quitting.”

While pondering over what to say, I sighed and began speaking to convince Miyano.

Though I say convince, I haven’t said anything substantial.

“Please don’t say things like that. Just a little longer… Just a little longer, please don’t abandon us.”

Don’t abandon us… That’s starting to sound like we had some kind of relationship. Let me think a bit more—

“Oh, what’s this, a tangled love affair?”

“Well, you did spend the night with multiple high school girls, so it’s only natural.”

“Hey, hey, that’s not good. Take responsibility until the end.”

At that moment, my former team members started heckling.

I understand their reasons, but it really irritates me when it comes from them, the original instigators of this team.

…Seriously, these guys were probably hoping for this kind of development. That smug expression they had earlier says it all!

Well, I mean, if I were in the opposite position, I might do something similar, too!

“Don’t say such slanderous things! I’m quitting, okay!”

“…But in reality, you can’t leave without the team leader’s permission, right? And she definitely won’t give you permission.”

Either influenced by those idiots who used to be my teammates or poisoned by their influence, Miyano is saying such things.

Her attitude is like that of a sulking child, completely unlike her usual self.

…Wait, is she drinking alcohol?! Is she drunk?!

“Hey! Who gave her alcohol?”

“Oh, that? I think they probably mistook it for a non-alcoholic cocktail. The name and appearance are quite similar.”

Damn it, this is a mess. I should have made it more clear!

“Igami-san. I’ll be counting on you from now on..”

Whether it’s because she’s drunk or she’s swept up in the situation around her, Miyano is looking at me with an innocent smile, devoid of any worries.

“Now you can still go on adventures. …Do your best!”

“Don’t mess around, you guys! It’s impossible anymore! Consider my age!”

Hiro taps my shoulder and says that with an annoyingly cheerful smile. Kei and Yasu also give thumbs up, showing their agreement.

I can’t help but yell at those three, but the momentum of trying to hold me back doesn’t stop.

“Relax! We’ll support you!”

“I’ll help too.”

“Um, uh, well, please take care of me!”

And now even Asada, Abe, and Kitahara, who were previously sulking, are approaching me with smiles and calling out to me.

“So, let’s start planning our next adventure right away! What should we do next? Should we go to the dungeon after all?”

Due to the unfamiliar alcohol and her intoxication, Miyano is clearly in a different state than usual, happily laughing and grabbing onto my arm.

“Wait a minute. Wait, Hero! I’m quitting! I said that, didn’t I!?”

“N-No, you’re not. We’re still going on adventures together!”

“Damn it! Just fire me already, you damn hero!”

Will our adventures continue on!?

To be continued…?

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