Raising the Lowest-Ranked Adventurer, the Heroic Girl – Wasn’t I Just a Substitute Old Man?

Volume 2 Chapter 5 - Advice

Raising the Lowest-Ranked Adventurer, the Heroic Girl – Wasn’t I Just a Substitute Old Man?

Volume 2  Chapter 5   Advice

“I’ve only been here a few times, but it’s definitely more relaxed compared to short-term sessions.”

Today, I came to school because there’s a class with an instructor present.

“And as usual, I’m the only instructor over thirty. Everyone else is so young.”

Even though I’m in my late twenties…

As I casually glanced around, it was evident that there were only young people.

Considering that awakening after the age of twelve is considered late and comes with disadvantages in terms of talent, it makes sense that there are mostly young individuals, but still…

“Don’t they seem too young? I mean, if they’re only twenty, it means they’ve been active as adventurers for just two years. Is it really appropriate for them to be in a teaching role?”

“Hey, stop slacking off and start moving!”


As I muttered such things while observing the other instructors around me, a voice I had become all too familiar with suddenly sounded from beside me. It’s Asada.

“As an instructor, shouldn’t you at least pay enough attention to us, even if you’re not going to fight?”

“…If an old guy stares too intently at high school girls in gym uniforms, that would be creepy, wouldn’t it?”

I mentioned that I came to school, but it’s not like I’m studying inside the school building.

I’m currently in a spacious training ground where multiple teams can operate simultaneously, and the class being conducted is a simulated battle with other teams.

As an external member, I’m equipped with simplified adventurer gear, but the students are wearing gym uniforms with some modifications for safety.

Although it’s not bloomers but shorts, I can’t stare too closely at either.

So I’m just leaning on my magic-assist staff at the back, casually observing the other teams. It seems that the current match has ended.

I shift my gaze to these guys and their opponents, and judging from their expressions, it looks like these guys won. Well, that’s to be expected.

Honestly, even if I don’t do anything, they would still win. And personally, I think it’s better for their growth if I don’t intervene and they lose rather than me getting involved and winning.

Besides, to be honest, fighting is a hassle.

Well, I was hired to fight, so that’s true. But if possible, I’d rather not engage in battles because they’re troublesome.

…However, since I’m here to teach, it wouldn’t be right to offer no advice or guidance. I should say something appropriate and brush it off.

With that in mind, I straighten my posture from leaning on the staff, shift my gaze to Miyano and the others gathered in front of me, and convey what I sensed.

“Abe, focus on hindering the enemy. Magic with wide-ranging effects on the initial strike is good, but in a melee, magic with area effects can actually be a hindrance. Your role when the enemy gets close to our allies is to stop their rear guard from casting spells. Create openings in the enemy’s front line for our vanguard. There’s no need to inflict damage recklessly. Aim for their eyes or throat. Even with minimal damage, the enemy will falter.”

If you have the skill for delicate maneuvers, it’s fine for you to use magic attacks during close combat. However, Abe isn’t particularly skilled in delicate maneuvers.

It’s not that she can’t do it, but it requires concentration and time. It would be more efficient to allocate that time to other tasks.

Abe specializes in fire-based magic, and just having it occur at the edge of your field of vision is distracting.

And if something like that comes flying towards your face, you can’t help but be conscious of it.

Even if it’s just a weak intimidation tactic with little actual power.

“Kitahara, your role is to draw the enemy’s attention and to divert their focus. Healers who can be healed even if injured are seen as a nuisance by their opponents. That’s why healers are targeted first. However, you can use that to your advantage by attracting the enemy’s attention and diverting their focus. But be careful not to expose yourself too much, as you’ll be in danger if you’re actually targeted. It’s difficult, but even a small movement from you can be useful to our allies. Pay attention to the battlefield, as you can create openings for our allies or even assess the situation and terrain between our allies and enemies.”

Since Kitahara specializes in healing, there isn’t much for her to do unless someone gets injured.

But well, that doesn’t mean she can’t do anything at all.

As mentioned earlier, she can attract the enemy’s attention, and the fact that healers can survive themselves becomes a form of support.

She can also keep an eye on the surroundings. In order to prevent additional enemies from joining the fray during a chaotic battle, having someone on guard duty is necessary.

While she doesn’t have a role in terms of direct attacks, there are plenty of small tasks she can handle.

“Miyano, don’t try to use magic recklessly. I’ve told Abe the same thing, but magic that lacks precise control will only be a hindrance. It’s sufficient if used as a showy card and can attract attention as a decoy with its light and sound. However, it won’t provide direct attacking power. If you want to use it, first become capable of consistently producing electricity a hundred times in a row with stable power and control.”

Miyano, well… She’s well-balanced in terms of abilities, and she’s diligent, so there’s generally nothing to complain about.

However, lately it seems like she’s been trying to use magic too much, perhaps unable to forget the impact of that one strike she unleashed on a high-level monster. In situations where she used to charge with her sword, there are now instances where she tries to solve things using magic.

Certainly, being able to wield magic alongside combat can be a significant advantage, considering the level of power she can unleash. But in her current state, it’s leading to a decline in her combat effectiveness.

If she wants to engage in magical combat, she should first master control through regular training, rather than relying solely on battles.

“And Asada, you should charge in more.”

“Huh?! But if I do that, I’ll be taken down immediately!”

Normally, you wouldn’t tell a warrior to charge in like that, but in Asada’s case, it’s different.

“It’s fine. Your comrades will take care of the aftermath for you. Your strength lies in delivering blows that draw attention no matter what. Your attacks can’t be easily defended against. So, while opponents have no choice but to evade your attacks, the more you go wild, the more they’ll focus on you. To the point where you might surpass even a hero.”

Asada wields a large hammer with decent reach and high striking power.

Rather than coordinating with her allies for synchronized movements in the chaos of battle, it’s more effective to let her unleash her rampage without worrying about friendly fire, while others support her.

“The name of the hero is undoubtedly impressive. It’s enough to capture people’s attention. However, when it comes to actual combat, a clear threat that can unleash a dangerous blow that requires one’s full attention is more captivating than someone who only relies on sword skills without fully utilizing their abilities as a hero. At this point, you’re the star of this team.”

“M-Me…? Not Mizuki, but me?”

Asada seems puzzled, unsure of what I’m trying to convey. But honestly, when it comes to sheer offensive power, this person possesses a force that rivals even high-level individuals.

Well, in exchange, their mobility and durability are slightly below average compared to other top-tier members. However, when fighting as a team, unleashing their offensive capabilities as they please makes them stronger.

“Of course, when I say ‘star,’ it can change depending on the situation, and we don’t know what lies ahead. When Miyano becomes proficient in using her powers, she might attract more attention from the enemy. But in the current state of this team, you are the main focus.”

“Huh…? If you say so, then I’ll give it my all!”

As I goad them, Asada nods with a serious expression, but there’s a subtle smirk on their face, indicating they aren’t entirely displeased.

“So, you guys are the support. The basic strategy is to use magic to create a big impact before the melee begins, then Miyano charges in for close combat. After that, Asada jumps in and goes wild while the enemy is focused on the ‘hero.’ Miyano will then switch to support while Asada exploits any openings in the enemy’s formation. Abe, you’ll be a hindrance to the enemy once engaged. Kitahara, your role is to oversee the entire enemy formation and provide instructions… well, even if it’s tough, if you sense that the enemy is about to do something, prompt everyone to be cautious.”


The team energetically responds to my words and starts looking for the next team to fight against.

“Hmm? …You’re trying to leave, but you should fight too!”

However, as Asada takes a few steps away from me, they turn back and shout in that manner.

Tch. Did they not forget?

“If you need assistance at this level, it would be better for you to accept defeat gracefully. The enemy’s instructor might become a threat, but dealing with it will also be a valuable experience.”

It’s not like their lives are on the line, so even if they lose, it will still be a good learning experience. At the very least, they can become stronger compared to those who have never tasted defeat.

“So, do your best.”

As I say that, I take out a stick candy from my pocket, put it in my mouth, and casually avert my gaze from Asada.

It would be cool if I could pull out a cigarette here, but there aren’t many adventurers who smoke. Decreased lung capacity is a serious matter that can affect one’s life.

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