Raising the Lowest-Ranked Adventurer, the Heroic Girl – Wasn’t I Just a Substitute Old Man?

Volume 3 Chapter 11 - Invitation to the Cultural Festival

Raising the Lowest-Ranked Adventurer, the Heroic Girl – Wasn’t I Just a Substitute Old Man?

Volume 3 Chapter 11   Invitation to the Cultural Festival

Furthermore, the next day arrived. After school, I came to the laboratory without meeting up with Miyano and the others.

“Hey, glad you could make it,” greeted me as always, Saeki-san. He was smoking a cigarette and gazing at the sky in front of the building.

This person is always here, but is it okay for him to slack off? He’s supposed to be in charge, after all.

But maybe being in charge is just like that, I thought, as I replied.

“Well, I’m being called ‘father’ now, for what it’s worth.”

“It’s not just being called, though. According to the records, you’re officially her adopted father.”

“That happened without me even realizing. I don’t recall signing or agreeing to anything.”

“Well, you know, since it’s all ‘above,’ everything can be arranged however they want,” he said with a casual tone.

Since the day Nina started calling me ‘father,’ somehow I had become her father. Now I’ve come to accept it, but when I was informed about it on my next visit to the laboratory, I was at a loss for words.

“Well, there’s nothing I can do about what I said, so it doesn’t matter. But speaking of which, did you get the approval?”

“Sort of. I had to persuade them, saying it was necessary to strengthen the chains that bind her. Despite their reluctance, I managed to obtain their consent, although there are time restrictions.”

Compared to before, Nina has become overwhelmingly quieter. The frequency of her tantrums has decreased, and she rarely acts spoiled anymore.

However, it’s still too early to feel completely at ease. She can still be demanding at times, so removing the time restrictions was out of the question.

The ‘higher-ups’ are still far from granting Nina full freedom.

But it’s true that the restrictions have loosened to some extent.

I hope that someday she can live a normal life outside like anyone else.

“Oh, by the way, the defense proposal I asked you about, it got approved.”

“Huh?… Are you serious?”

“I’m serious.”

Upon hearing that from Saeki-san, I couldn’t help but respond sincerely.

The defense proposal refers to the document I submitted when they demanded, “Figure out how to prevent future attacks after multiple incidents occurred not only at the school but also at several other locations simultaneously, causing multiple casualties.”

Honestly, I didn’t think it would be accepted.

Because that proposal is unorthodox, deviating from conventional and legitimate methods. It’s more like an underhanded technique.

To be frank, I didn’t think anyone would seriously consider implementing it.

“But, um, to be honest… I kind of came up with it quite casually. I don’t even know if it’s possible. It’s a messed-up concept based on basic principles–”

“The country is backing it. If there’s a method, it means there are people capable of executing it.”

Ah, well, even if it’s reckless, if I gather experts in that field, wouldn’t it be possible?

After all, I only scratched the surface and didn’t study the theory or construction of magic in a specialized manner.

“…Well, as far as I’m concerned, if it can be done, it’s fine.”

“Haha, when they first saw the proposal you wrote, they were wide-eyed. Apparently, they said, ‘The person who wrote this must be completely insane.'”

“Insane, huh? It’s a harsh way to put it, but well, I can understand. It’s like smashing common sense and tossing it into a blender.”

Magic also has its own schools or styles. What I proposed was a mishmash of the best aspects of those schools.

The history, pride, and beauty behind the creation of that magic are irrelevant. It’s purely about seeking effectiveness.

It’s like a musical score using words instead of symbols to indicate what to do in each section.

Or perhaps like inputting archaic expressions into mathematical equations or adding textual annotations to a painting?

…I’m using confusing examples, but in any case, it’s something that would make experts blush and get angry.

I did pack in the effects like a “greedy set,” but I never expected it to be accepted…

“Well, anyway, I might come back with more information later, and when that happens, I’ll contact you.”

“Yes, understood.”

Well, even if I came up with it casually, if it got approved, there’s no help for it. Let’s deal with it when something happens. I hope nothing happens, but if something does, it’s bound to become a hassle.

“Then, um… it’s best to go to ‘your daughter’s’ place. The longer you spend time with her, the less likely the instructors will be burned out.”

“…Regarding the previous incidents?”

For a moment, Saeki referred to Nina as “that,” but he quickly corrected himself to “daughter” since I’m playing the role of a father.

Personally, I can’t say I have no intention behind calling Nina “that,” but that’s just my own selfish thoughts. I’ve been on that side myself, so I have no right to complain.

Rather, it’s just grateful that he corrects it in front of me.

Besides, I also understand that Nina still lacks many things to be recognized as a “normal girl.”

“Recently, the most significant damage was a minor burn on her limbs. Compared to before, it’s almost negligible. After all, the instructors who come here are all ‘problematic,’ so even if they die, there’s no damage.”

“Nevertheless, emotional outbursts won’t disappear, right? Even if they’re ‘problematic,’ it’s still problematic to harm people. I want to completely eliminate it, even if they have issues.”

The ‘instructors’ who teach Nina here are all criminals.

Among them, they are relatively decent, and since all the conversations in the room are being monitored and anything inappropriate will be immediately erased, the content they teach is reasonable.

Using criminals is because it won’t be a problem if they die when there are consequences for Nina’s actions.

Still, I can’t say that killing people is a good thing, but I have no intention of opposing that policy. Speaking up here won’t change anything, and it might even provoke hostility from ‘above.’

“Well, it’s easier for us this way, and ideally, that’s how it should be. Anyway, it’s best to go soon.”

With that, I ended the conversation and made my way to Nina’s usual room.


“Welcome back, Father!”

The term ‘Father’ has become completely familiar now.

For Nina, I am her father.

Considering our ages, it’s not strange at all, and I… well, I don’t mind it.

“Oh, here’s the souvenir for this time. It’s the honey made from the plants we gathered in the dungeon.”

“Thank you very much.”

This is a part of the random syrup we collected yesterday. It turned out well without any bitterness.

As I handed it to Nina, she seemed extremely delighted, clutching the container of honey tightly. But with your strength, be careful not to break it, okay?

After giving her the honey, we talked about the dungeon where we collected the honey and how Miyano and the others were doing.

However, there was something that had been bothering me, and despite thinking that I shouldn’t ask, I couldn’t help but inquire.

“…Hey, do you think I’m worthy of being called your father? Even though I can only come here for a very limited time…”

“I don’t know anything about parents or family, but being like this makes me feel incredibly at ease. It’s not like the unsatisfying world I’ve experienced before. I feel like I’m not alone, that I exist here.”

“I see…”


I’m not married, and I don’t actually have any children, so I have doubts about being a father.

But if Nina says it like this, even though I may not be capable, I think I should try to be more like a father.


“Yes, what is it?”

“There’s a cultural festival at Miyano’s school coming up. Would you like to go?”

“Mizuki’s school? …What’s a cultural festival?”

For a moment, I thought she didn’t understand, but considering her background, it’s likely that she’s unaware since she hasn’t been involved in such things before.

“Ah… it’s a festival where students set up small shops and present their research. Well, it’s a day for students to have fun.”


I answered with uncertainty about what to say, but it seems that Nina understood it as something enjoyable.


However, I quickly wiped away my smile and stopped my words.

“…But is it okay for me to go?”

It seems that she has come to understand her own position in her own way. She has started considering the things she needs to do to go outside and the impact it will have when she does.

She seemed to have been thinking about it before, but now she’s especially concerned about it.

“I got permission. So, what will you do?”

“I’ll go!”

I reached out and patted Nina’s head, confirming that permission had been granted. I asked again, and Nina happily replied with a smile.

And as time passed, it was time to go home today.

“The next time, I’ll make sweets that go well with the honey I  received today, so… please come as soon as possible.”

“Ah… I’ll come as soon as possible… at the very least, I won’t leave long intervals like before. So, be a good girl and wait without burning anything.”

“…I’ve reduced the number of things I burn compared to before. I haven’t burned any of the ribbons I received!”

“That’s right. Yeah, you’re a good girl.”

Hoping that one day we can live a normal life, I gently stroked Nina’s head one last time, then left the laboratory and returned home.

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