Raising the Lowest-Ranked Adventurer, the Heroic Girl – Wasn’t I Just a Substitute Old Man?

Volume 3 Chapter 28 - You're ready!

Raising the Lowest-Ranked Adventurer, the Heroic Girl – Wasn’t I Just a Substitute Old Man?

Volume 3 Chapter 28   You’re ready!

“Hey, wait, don’t glare at me. I’m not in the wrong here, you know? In curses, whether someone is a virgin or not is quite important. Especially being a virgin. You’ve heard of summoning demons, right? It’s a bit different, but it holds significance when using magic. It symbolizes purity and prosperity, representing holiness. By tarnishing that purity, it takes on the opposite meaning. So, we capture the source of the enemy and create a situation where we can ‘restore the pure state’ by spilling virgin blood there. Then, I mix in my impure blood, symbolically defiling the virginity, which in turn contaminates their ‘prosperity,’ and by adding other curses, we bring about their downfall. That’s why virgin blood is necessary, and I’m not in the wrong.”

To avoid being criticized or labeled as a pervert, I did my best to explain why I needed virgin blood.

I feel like I ended up speaking faster than usual and making more excuses, but I suppose it couldn’t be helped.

“There’s no way you’re not in the wrong! I mean, you… asking for virgin blood!? That’s… troubling!”

“Hey, hold on. What do you mean troubling?! What are you thinking?! Stand your ground and say no! Well, being rejected in this situation would be troublesome, but still!”

“You pervert!”

“I’m not a pervert! I just mentioned it because it’s necessary for the spell! At least I’m not asking for defloration blood! I’m decent!”

“…What’s defloration?”

“Huh? That’s… uh…”

I tried to explain further, but my words came to a halt. Or rather, I stopped them.

Is it a bad idea to say it? Well, it seems like it.

“Hey, someone…”

Hoping someone would explain, I shifted my gaze towards Miyano and the others. However, when I looked at the three of them, Miyano, Abe, and Kitahara all averted their eyes from me.

They seem to have some knowledge, or so I thought. If that’s the case, someone should step up and enlighten me, but no one even tried to meet my gaze.


…Don’t you go acting all innocent and pure in a situation like this! Know your stuff!

Although I wanted to shout that in my mind while looking at Asada, who continued to tilt her head with a clueless expression, I’m not at fault. Besides, I have no intention of explaining.

Why should I have to teach a high school girl what defloration means? I’d refuse even if I were offered money.

“Ah… Look it up yourself later.”

“What’s with that reaction?”

“Kana, Kana. Well, you know? Let’s save that topic for later, okay?”

“Yeah, that’s right. Right now, the priority is to survive, you know?”

“The main goal now is to defeat the enemy.”

Asada frowned at our strange reactions, but Miyano and the others came to our aid, downplaying the situation. …But I wish they had supported me earlier instead.

“…Well, I don’t really know, but what is it? Why is everyone reacting like that?”

“Forget about that discussion for now! There’s something more important than that!”

But once again, my words came to a halt. I know we need to hurry, but…

“Ah… Ugh! …If anyone has virgin blood, please put it in here. I beg you.”

I unconsciously switched to using polite language, though I didn’t think it was wrong. Because it wasn’t wrong.



I thought someone would say something again, but Abe nodded in agreement. Miyano and Asada seemed to have made some noise, but I didn’t pay it any mind. It was probably just my imagination.

“I appreciate it.”

“I’m the one who should be thanking you.”

And so, somehow… I mean, really, somehow, I managed to prepare for the curse.

“Igami-san, is one person’s worth enough?”

“Yeah. This should be sufficient, and it becomes troublesome to adjust if we use multiple sources. Given the current situation where we have to make do with what we have, I want to simplify things as much as possible.”

“I see…”

Hey, Miyano. Why do you look slightly disappointed there? I’m definitely not going to ask you, you know!

“Mmm! Alright, we’re ready!”

“Um, so what’s the plan? Are we going to find the boss?”

“We’ll have Miyano and Asada go outside the barrier to search for the boss.”

But how should I explain it to them? It’s a very dangerous thing to do. It’s not something I, who should be protecting and guiding them, should say.

Besides, is this plan really the best option?

In the first place, even if we don’t find the boss, we can still curse them through their minions. Wouldn’t that be a better approach?

“Me and Mizuki going outside the barrier to capture the boss?”

But perhaps sensing my hesitation, Asada spoke up, followed by Miyano, who continued the conversation.

“When we approach, we’ll stick to the perimeter of the barrier and won’t be able to see anything. But we can’t undo the barrier. So, someone has to charge in. Right? And if we’re going to do that, it would be better if both the vanguard, me, and Kana go together. Isn’t that right?”

“Well, that’s true, but… It’s dangerous, you know?”

“I know it’s risky! But… we don’t have any other choice, do we?”

Asada’s expression, as she said that, was different from her usual one and the one from a moment ago. It was a determined face, ready for what lay ahead.

“Miyano, are you really okay with that decision?”

“It’s fine. Kana is motivated, and I can’t let her go alone. Besides…”

Miyano paused for a moment and smiled, appearing somewhat troubled.

“I’m a ‘hero’ after all.”

Unlike Asada, Miyano showed a slightly troubled expression, but the determination in her eyes was no less than Asada’s.

“So, I just need to stab it with this, right?”

As Miyano said this, she picked up the knife I had prepared, stood up, and started discussing with Asada, who was already standing next to her, which one of them should take the only remaining knife.

Observing their interaction, I furrowed my brows, clenched my lips, and took a trembling breath, steeling myself.

“…The boss is probably at the center, but I can’t say for certain. Nevertheless, I want you to go.”



Both of them nodded in response to my words without any hesitation.

“On our end, we can provide some support, but with limited visibility, we won’t be able to make significant movements.”



It’s frustrating and embarrassing to find myself in a position where I should be the one helping but instead need their assistance.

But right now, I have no choice but to rely on these two.

“I feel pathetic that I can’t act in this situation, but… I’m entrusting this to you.”

“We accept the responsibility!”

Miyano and Asada spoke with smiles on their faces, expressing their joy and determination.

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