Raising the Lowest-Ranked Adventurer, the Heroic Girl – Wasn’t I Just a Substitute Old Man?

Volume 3 Chapter 34 - Flower

Raising the Lowest-Ranked Adventurer, the Heroic Girl – Wasn’t I Just a Substitute Old Man?

Volume 3 Chapter 34   Flower

“Well, today is the day of the cultural festival…”

It has been about two weeks since I collapsed. Today is the day of the cultural festival.

The impact of the self-destruct caused by the curse has recovered to the point where it doesn’t pose any problems for daily life, although it would still be unsatisfactory for engaging in combat.

“Looks like people are already lining up. Quite a lot of them.”

It’s around 8 o’clock in the current time, and there’s still about an hour before it starts, but when I look out the window, I can already see regular visitors lining up in front of the school gate, forming a queue.

“Well, that’s how it is with cultural festivals, right?”

It was just a murmured word without addressing anyone in particular, but I heard a voice that seemed to respond to those words. When I turned around, there stood Asada, wearing a bright red dress and makeup.

“Huh? Oh, it’s you.”

I didn’t see her dressed like this during our previous practice sessions, but it actually suits her quite well, given that she’s not originally unattractive.

However, there’s nothing more to say at this point.

After all, we’ve been together for almost an hour already.

Now, we’re not setting up our shop in the classroom yet. It’s more like a pre-open event before the official opening, from 7 to 9 o’clock, just for the students.

During that time, we, or rather Miyano and the others, will be parading around the school dressed in dresses as part of our promotional activities.

By the way, we won’t be running the shop during that time.

Due to our late application for participating as a vendor, we managed to secure a spot, but it’s in a relatively cornered area.

So, it’s unlikely that many people will come in the morning, and we decided it would be better to focus on promotion instead.

Besides, since we went through the effort of changing into dresses, it’s more enjoyable to show them off to people around rather than hiding in a corner.

“What’s with that reaction?”

“Oh, it’s nothing.”

As I shifted my gaze, wondering about the other members, I spotted Miyano and the others surrounded by other female students, engaging in conversation.

They are probably their acquaintances or friends. I feel like I’ve seen them a few times before.

“Wow, Mizuki, you look beautiful!”

“Abe-san, you’re so cute!”

“Yuzu, are you showing off with that big one? Is it a boast? Is it?”

Wearing somewhat daring outfits that reveal more cleavage than they usually do, they attract a fair amount of attention even among other students who are in cosplay.”


However, Asada approached me with a slightly downcast expression, leaning against the window just like I was.

“Hm? What’s up? Aren’t you joining them over there?”


She stopped there, directing her gaze towards Miyano and the others who were happily chatting, and let out a sigh.

“Even if I wear a dress like them, I don’t have the same elegance…”

Asada muttered softly, lowering her face and falling silent.

…It seems like she lacks confidence in her appearance.

I don’t think that’s true, though.

I thought the same earlier, but she doesn’t have a bad appearance at all.

Since she uses energy in battles, she doesn’t gain weight, and her skin doesn’t suffer from blemishes due to her awakened abilities.

In fact, most awakened individuals tend to have a good appearance, and she and the others are among the better-looking ones.

But it’s not just her; Miyano and the other three are the same.

That’s probably why she believes she’s inferior… Now, what should I do about it?

“…Are you an idiot?”

After considering my options, I decided to go in the direction of comforting and encouraging her, at least for now.

It feels a bit pretentious, and considering the delicate nature of our relationship, I didn’t want things to worsen later on.

But I couldn’t just leave it alone like this.

“What do you mean by ‘idiot’? I’m genuinely concerned—”

My words made Asada glare at me sharply, but even in her gaze, I sensed a lack of vigor, a lingering sense of despondency.

“For women, when they put on makeup and dress up, anyone can become ‘elegant.’ Sure, that elegance can sometimes be toxic or emit a foul stench… But that’s not you. Be proud of yourself. It’s unlike you to withdraw like this. Don’t envy others and allow yourself to wither away like a weed.”

Even if you put on makeup, you can’t fake your inner self, and even if you dress up, you can’t make your true nature appear beautiful.

But she’s different.

She already has a decently attractive face, and her active involvement in physical activities keeps her body in shape, highlighting her best features.

But above all else, her inner self is truly remarkable.

She’s not twisted or rotten. She has a kind and unwaveringly honest heart.

It’s because her inner beauty shines through that she can truly be herself.

It’s that kind of unique beauty that allows her to bring brightness to those around her.

“Stand tall and face forward. Just smile. That’s enough to be beautiful. You have your own ‘elegance.'”

I’m aware that I’m saying something quite embarrassing. Normally, I wouldn’t use such affected words.

However, although I adorned my words a bit, the underlying sentiment is not a lie. I genuinely think she’s beautiful and has her own kind of elegance.

“—Th… Thank you.”

“You’re welcome. Now go over there.”

As I looked at Asada, her expression contorted again, and she muttered softly, her words trailing off.

I placed my hand on her shoulder without being bothered by her reaction, gently urging her toward where the other girls were gathering.

“Igami-san, are you aware of your own words and actions? That’s why you’re giving the wrong impression, you know?”

“…You heard that?”

“I do have good hearing, after all.”

“Impressive for a Special Class, huh?”

While I guided Asada toward the girls, our conversation came to an end in that location. We then moved to a different classroom. At that moment, Miyano approached me and stood beside me.

We hadn’t been speaking particularly loudly, and there were enough students around us, so I thought no one would hear. However, it seemed Miyano had heard what was said.

“And why did you say that? You understand Kana’s feelings, don’t you?”

…Well, with everything that happened, it’s understandable. It hasn’t even been six months, so it’s too soon to forget.

I didn’t give a clear answer to Asada’s kindness. I technically refused, but it wasn’t a complete rejection.

If I were to refuse, I should have done so clearly, but despite having no intention of accepting, I approached her on my own.

Because of that, Miyano’s expression turned slightly stern, and I could sense her anger. Well, I suppose it’s only natural.

But even so, I couldn’t just leave it as it was.

“…When a girl is crying, it’s a man’s duty to make her smile, even if it means saying something pretentious. At least, that’s what I was taught.”

Back when she was my ex-girlfriend, Mika would jokingly demand that I comfort her in a cool manner during fights or when she was feeling down.

It became a habit for me, and I don’t think it’s wrong… Well, anyway, I messed up.

I don’t regret it, and I don’t plan to either.

“…She’s really a great person, isn’t she? It’s no wonder girls like her.”

“I don’t think so. If that were the case, it would just mean the others lack decency.”

“I see… In that case, do you have any intention of dating someone else?”

“No, I don’t.”

The conversation came to a halt, and Miyano let out a sigh.

But she quickly changed the subject and stood in front of me, twirling around and flipping her dress.

“By the way, how about me? Is there something, like what Kana has?”

“Do I need to say that it suits you? Isn’t it unnecessary? You’re not feeling down, and it’s a bit late for that, isn’t it?”

“That’s not true. Even though I don’t show it, I’ve been hurt by the fact that nothing was said. So, is there anything?”

Miyano said it somewhat jokingly, but I felt that her demeanor had changed considerably since our initial encounter.

It’s not about appearance or abilities. It’s something in her inner self… Perhaps it’s her way of being in her heart? It feels like that has changed.

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