Raising the Lowest-Ranked Adventurer, the Heroic Girl – Wasn’t I Just a Substitute Old Man?

Volume 4 Chapter 10 - Advice for young lady

Raising the Lowest-Ranked Adventurer, the Heroic Girl – Wasn’t I Just a Substitute Old Man?

Volume 4 Chapter 10   Advice for young lady


The following day, just like any other day, I was attending classes. Well, when I say attending classes, I mean I was on the teaching side rather than the receiving side.

For some reason, I found myself in the class of warrior-type students again today, and the only acquaintance I had there was Asada.

When I asked about Miyano, she apparently decided to undergo training as a magician based on what I had said last time, so she went over to that side.

As a result, unfortunately, there were fewer people who approached me compared to yesterday.

Well, even if Miyano were here, it’s not like I would be approached much during class anyway. We can talk normally outside of class.

The same goes for Asada.

So, I found myself slightly more free than yesterday, or maybe not really, and I absentmindedly observed the training of the students in a state of boredom.

As I glanced at the training ground, I noticed the figure of Tenshi Asuka, one of the few acquaintances I had. However, her expression seemed somewhat dissatisfied as she faced multiple opponents.

I wonder… Is she not satisfied with her opponents?

Since Miyano, who had been a decent sparring partner until yesterday, went to train with the magicians, I think that’s probably why.

It seems that the young lady, whether with the consent of her opponents or not, is using magic to handle multiple adversaries.

However, watching her, she can hold her own against multiple opponents even without using magic, and when she does use it, she moves with ease. It’s understandable that it may feel unsatisfying.

But that’s as far as it goes.

She has confidence, but it’s not overwhelmingly so.

She’s strong, but not a hero.

Watching her gives a sense of stability, but not reassurance.

It’s a subjective feeling that may be difficult for others to grasp, but that’s how it feels watching the young lady in battle.

Advice, huh…

“Hey, young lady over there.”

I don’t even know why I said that.

That young lady is already so skilled that she could go pro. Instead of giving unnecessary advice and interfering, I thought it would be best to let her continue in her current form for her own sake.

However, with that alone, her desire to help someone cannot be fulfilled.

Well, it’s not that it’s impossible to fulfill, but there might not be many people she can save.

…Did she form a bond after witnessing someone’s wish to help and their diligent efforts?

I felt that even with just a little advice, she wouldn’t stray in the wrong direction and could make good use of it.

That’s why, despite saying yesterday that I had no intention of giving advice, I approached the young lady when the opportunity arose, ready to offer my advice.

“Embrace more versatility. While using the wind for movement is undoubtedly fast, and your inherent abilities are high enough to handle most opponents, ‘wind’ is inferior to ‘thunder’ when it comes to sheer speed.”

That’s what I said first.

This young lady seems to be overly conscious of speed and overwhelming her opponents, perhaps due to being aware of Miyano, who is called a “hero” despite being the same age.

‘Wind’ and ‘thunder.’ These two have the common attribute of ‘speed’ as a characteristic of their magic.

They have a higher enhancement efficiency in terms of speed compared to other attributes, and they can even move at an incredible speed that’s hard to follow.

Miyano’s ‘thunder’ is sometimes said to be a superior attribute that combines the speed of ‘wind’ and the power of ‘fire,’ but I don’t think so.

Certainly, Miyano’s ‘thunder’ is fast and strong, making it quite troublesome, but honestly, it doesn’t synergize well with my fighting style.

It’s just that the applications are limited.

Either you release it directly or create a blinding effect, that’s all.

While it can be a nuisance when used as an attack, it’s not something I can’t handle.

On the other hand, the ‘wind’ attribute, which manipulates air, is easy to use because it’s invisible, perfect for surprise attacks.

Moreover, it can create a shield by compressing the air, use it as an offensive projectile, and even create footholds or perform double jumps.

Well, in theory, you can still do some tricks with the thunder attribute, but in terms of versatility, wind is overwhelmingly superior.

Despite that, this young lady ignores such advantages and heavily relies on self-acceleration and simple yet fast and strong attacks.

But with that approach, she won’t win.

It’s a simple fact. Wind speed, in most cases, is around a few meters per second, and even in the case of a typhoon, it doesn’t exceed a maximum of about a hundred meters per second, I believe.

Yet, lightning is measured in kilometers per second. I’m pretty sure it exceeds a hundred kilometers per second, but just from the unit of measurement itself, it’s clear that there’s no comparison.

Even so, if we’re fighting on the same ground of “speed,” there’s no way to win no matter how much time passes.

“…And what’s your point? I’d appreciate it if the other teams didn’t interfere.”

“Pointing out each other’s weaknesses is the purpose of this joint training, isn’t it?”

As I said that, perhaps unable to refute, the young lady moved her eyebrows and gave me a slightly displeased glare.


“Just as you are, you won’t be able to beat Miyano.”


With that one statement, the young lady’s attitude completely changed.

An intense anger emanated from her towards me, causing the surrounding students to recoil in fear.

But on the face of the young lady who emitted that anger, there was a mixture of frustration and sadness.

Well, it’s understandable. It must be frustrating.

This young lady had a sense of rivalry with Miyano, and if we believe Kudo’s words, she had admiration for me.

To be told by the object of her admiration that she can’t win against her rival, it’s only natural that she would feel frustrated.

“Well, even if I say all this, it probably won’t mean anything to you. But wind isn’t just about speed. It’s more about freedom. Move with flexibility, step on the wind, and flow with its current.”

It feels like I’ve become a bit too abstract in my words, but even so, it should be enough for this young lady.

Rather than explaining in too much detail, leaving room for her to think for herself seems more acceptable. If the answer comes from her own thinking process, she’s more likely to understand and accept it.

Besides, I have a feeling that she’ll consider various things on her own during the thought process, and she might even put it into practice when it comes to her fighting style.

“…Are you giving advice to the enemy?”

“That’s right. I’m offering you some advice, so accept it without hesitation.”

“Why? We weren’t on such terms, I believe.”

Her displeased attitude remains, but it seems she’s not ignoring my words without listening.

“If you fight against us, it will contribute to their growth. That’s why.”

Normally, such words would likely be met with discomfort, but with this young lady, it should be fine.

To be seen as nothing more than a stepping stone for her rival, well, her pride wouldn’t allow that, would it?

“…In other words, you’re saying I’ll be a stepping stone.”

“That’s right. Are you dissatisfied?”

“Yes… However, I appreciate the advice itself.”


“Whether I become a stepping stone or not is not something you decide; it’s determined by the outcome. If I lose, I’ll be a stepping stone. But if I win, they will become the stepping stones. Our only goal is to surpass your expectations and defeat Miyano’s team. That’s all, isn’t it?”

As the young lady spoke, her eyes showed a mix of frustration and anger, but she managed to swallow and suppress those emotions, focusing on me squarely.

“If we are underestimated, then we will simply prove ourselves through our results. Mere words won’t serve as proof.”

Ah… This young lady is truly amazing.

Despite her frustration and dissatisfaction, she continues to advance straight toward her goal.

That “straightforwardness” resembles Asada in some ways, but unlike her, she is not driven by emotions. She thinks carefully, swallows all her dissatisfaction, and moves forward.

“I see. Then show me by defeating Miyano and her team. Think hard about what it takes to win and give it your all.”

If she were to take my words seriously, contemplate and train, it wouldn’t be impossible for her to defeat Miyano.

However, I can’t stay by her side and teach her, so I’ll relay my message to Kudo to ensure she doesn’t head in the wrong direction.

“If you manage to win, then… I suppose I can teach you one of my secret techniques.”

“There’s no need for you to teach me such a thing.”

With those words, the young lady indicated with her chin that I should leave and turned her back to me.

“…However, it is us who will emerge victorious, so I expect you to keep your promise.”

But even though she turned her back to me, the young lady’s voice carried a hint of liveliness. I responded with a silent smile and left the area, returning to my original position.

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