Raising the Lowest-Ranked Adventurer, the Heroic Girl – Wasn’t I Just a Substitute Old Man?

Volume 4 Chapter 12 - Why did you buy that thing...

Raising the Lowest-Ranked Adventurer, the Heroic Girl – Wasn’t I Just a Substitute Old Man?

Volume 4 Chapter 12   Why did you buy that thing…

After finishing changing and returning to where Miyano and the others were, they were all waiting.

…I said they could use the barrier.

Since everyone could move away, I thought, maybe they could go swimming or something while I was changing. So, I deliberately took a bit longer to change, just slightly more than usual, trying to make it appear natural. But none of them moved away.

“Hey, hey. Can you do me a favor?”

As I returned to them, slightly disappointed that they didn’t separate as I had suggested, Asada handed something to me. What is it?

“Huh? Sunscreen?”

“Sun oil. Can you apply it?”

When I looked at the label on the container, it had something written in English.

Based on the accompanying illustrations and the somewhat decipherable English words, I assumed it was sunscreen, but it turned out to be sun oil.

…What’s the difference between sunscreen and sun oil anyway?

“I’m supposed to do this? For you?”

I leaned in closer, peering at Asada’s face, wondering if she was serious. Her expression was filled with confidence, but her face was flushed, and she seemed to avoid direct eye contact with me.

“Yeah, that’s right. Hurry up.”

“…Are you really serious about this?”

“W-What? Is it no good?”

“Do you really want me to do it for you?”

As I held the container in front of my face and spoke slowly, trying to reason with her, Asada gradually grew more agitated. She anxiously glanced around, and eventually, she abruptly snatched the container from my hand.

“N-Never mind! Yuzu! Please do this for me!”

With the sun oil she took from me in one hand, she ran off to where Kitahara was watching from a distance.

“Sigh… Is this how it’s going to be from the beginning? I knew she would be active, but… Isn’t this going a bit too far?”

“Summer magic.”

Without addressing anyone in particular, I murmured to myself, and Abe, who was nearby, reacted.

Abe’s words were not about being enchanted by magic or anything like that. It was more like, “In the summer, people become bolder,” or something along those lines.

But, magic, huh? Even though we live in a world where magic actually exists, is that statement accurate?

Well, it doesn’t really matter either way.

“So, you don’t need to worry about being out in the sun?”

“I’m fine. I have a high tolerance for heat.”

Abe is a pyromancer, so it’s understandable that she has a certain level of heat resistance. I didn’t know it extended to sunlight, but now that it’s been mentioned, it does make sense.

Wait a minute, though. Upon closer inspection, it seems like they’re using magic to protect themselves.

“Isn’t it cheating to have a high heat tolerance?”

“It’s the result of regular training.”

Well, it’s not cheating if they acquired it through their own effort, right? Certainly, without the skill, they wouldn’t have been able to develop such a high heat resistance so beautifully and calmly. But it does feel a bit excessive, though I wouldn’t go as far as to call it a waste of skill.

In the first place, couldn’t Yuzu just heal us from sunburns?

“Oh, right. Sunburns are considered burns, aren’t they? So, if Yuzu can heal them, they should be treatable.”

I hadn’t considered using magic for that kind of thing since it never crossed my mind. If it were about protecting ourselves from the heat of magma rather than sunburns, I might have thought about it.

But I see, sunburns can be healed. In that case, we don’t need the sun oil or sunscreen that Asada had, do we?

Well, I mean, they might have different effects, but since we can just use healing magic later, any difference would become pointless anyway.

“By the way, aren’t you going to tell me about it?”

“Kana, that’s fine.”

“…I see.”


As Abe and I were having that conversation, Miyano, who had been talking with Kitahara and Asada, approached us.

“Thank you for complimenting our swimsuits.”

It seems Miyano came to express gratitude for the words I had spoken before I changed.

“I forgot. You’re welcome.”

“Well, there’s no need to thank me for something like that.”

Following Miyano’s lead, Abe also repeated those words and bowed, but I don’t think it’s necessary to go that far.

Besides, I don’t need any thanks. If anything, I’d rather they just forget about that whole incident.

I felt embarrassed even saying those words back then.

But upon hearing my words, Miyano smiled with a slightly troubled and tired expression, displaying a subtle mix of emotions.

“No, it’s not that simple… or rather…”

“Did something happen?”

“Well… yes. A lot of things…”

“A lot of things, huh?”

Miyano’s response to my question conveyed not only through her face but also her voice, showed signs of exhaustion.

Not only Miyano, but Abe also had a different expression than usual, and there was a certain air of enjoyment about it.

…What happened?

“Oh, can I ask what happened?”

I was curious about what might have happened to them, but I didn’t want to intrude too much, as delving into the worries of high school girls wasn’t something I should do bluntly.

However, it seemed that the issue that led them to be in this state was something they were willing to talk about. Abe nodded and started speaking smoothly.

“Kana went shopping to buy a swimsuit for today.”

I see. Well, in terms of content, it’s a common and ordinary thing. There shouldn’t be any problems, so if something happened, it must be related to the details.

But I wonder if shopping can be so exhausting?

What worries me is that Asada was the one leading the way. In fact, I can’t think of any other elements that could cause something strange to happen.

As I pondered this, Miyano gently shook her head in response to Abe’s words and began to speak.

“So, what kind of swimsuit would be good? Which one is better, this or that? At first, it was still normal, but gradually it started to get strange. Towards the end, she was about to choose one that was like, uh, just strings. It didn’t even look like a swimsuit anymore… It was hard to stop her.”

“And not just for herself, but for all four of us.”

Strings… Oh, I see. It must have been tough.

Actually, they sell something like that at stores?

“Well, uh… Thanks for not buying something like that.”

If Asada had gone shopping alone without Miyano, she might have actually bought something like that. And not just for herself, but for Miyano and the other two as well.

If they had really shown up dressed like that, it would have been a disaster. In many ways.

So, when I think about it, I might be grateful to her. No, I should be grateful.

Not just with words, but I should treat her to something later…

“Well, um… I guess so?”

But just as I was thinking that, Miyano responded, but she averted her gaze as if hiding something.

Moreover, her words were uncertain, giving off an unclear and hesitant vibe.

“Why the interrogative tone?”

“Well, whatever! Anyway, look, it seems like Kana and the others are finished, so let’s have some fun!”

I asked what was going on, but Miyano deflected the conversation in an unusually forceful manner and hurriedly walked over to Asada and the others.

“What’s going on?”

“We bought our swimsuits.”

I sensed something suspicious, but I couldn’t figure out why or what it meant. I unintentionally muttered to myself while watching Miyano’s back.

However, unlike Miyano, Abe answered in her usual voice.

But it’s obvious even without asking. After all, the four of them are here, dressed in swimsuits at the beach.

“Yeah, well, I guess so. You’re wearing them right now.”

“No, not that. It’s about the strings.”

Abe’s unexpected words came in response as she shook her head.



Strings?… Like, a string?… Huh? What’s with the strings? Did they buy them?

“Huh? Did you buy that? Didn’t you decide to stop?”

“We stopped picking them. But we still bought them.”

…Then what? Are they saying that everyone, not just those two, bought string swimsuits?


So, when Abe said “not just for herself, but for all four of us,” it didn’t mean “she was trying to buy four string swimsuits,” but rather “she was trying to make all four of them wear string swimsuits.”

“What are they buying…? Why are they buying it…?”

I find myself wearing an uncertain expression as I ask Abe, unsure of what to say. Seriously, why are they buying these string bikinis?

“Kana is calling for it.”

However, Abe briefly looks at my face, lets out a small chuckle, and then averts her gaze, heading towards Asada and the others.

…I am aware of the emotions they direct towards me, even with my limited understanding. Especially Asada. She makes it abundantly clear and leaves no room for confusion. I can’t possibly misunderstand her intentions.

The same goes for Abe, although it’s a bit more difficult to determine the extent of her sincerity. Considering her magic attribute is fire, I believe she’s about 80 to 90 percent serious.

As for Miyano, she probably has some level of romantic feelings, unless it’s all a misunderstanding or her own conceit. Otherwise, she wouldn’t have gone through the trouble of inviting me to a place like this, even if it was a decision made among friends.

As for Kitahara, since she doesn’t show herself and stays in the background, it’s hard to say, but I don’t think she dislikes me either.

However, despite my thoughts, I let out a heavy sigh.

I hope they don’t suddenly ask me to see their swimsuit later.

What should I do if they do?

“Igami-san, let’s go!”

“What are you doing, Igami-san! You’re supposed to join in too!”

In response to Miyano and Asada’s voices, I turn my gaze towards them. Ahead, Miyano and the others in their swimsuits are waiting. I let out another sigh and then start walking towards them.

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