Raising the Lowest-Ranked Adventurer, the Heroic Girl – Wasn’t I Just a Substitute Old Man?

Volume 4 Chapter 19 - The fate of being cut off before reaching the main goal

Raising the Lowest-Ranked Adventurer, the Heroic Girl – Wasn’t I Just a Substitute Old Man?

Volume 4 Chapter 19   The fate of being cut off before reaching the main goal

The morning after the day I completed the training, despite suffering from mental fatigue, we were waiting in the reception room of a control station in front of a certain gate.

Today, even though it’s a weekday, you might wonder why we’re not at school but in a place like this. Well, it’s because we have a match coming up.

“This time, the dungeon is a forest, right?”

“Yes. Or rather, it seems to be a place where the entire area is a forest.”

“Is that so?”

“Yes. In the official tournaments for adults, there are areas where the terrain changes, but it seems that students will be battling in the forest.”

“I see.”

Well, if it’s always battles in the forest, it would become monotonous, so it’s probably a good idea to change it up.

However, I think they decided on just the forest to make it easier for the students to handle in case something happens.

There may also be differences in the number of staff members involved.

“Well, that’s all well and good, but have you gathered information on our opponents?”


This time, the team selected as our first-round opponents is not the young lady but a team of first-year students, one grade below Miyano and the others.

In terms of team composition, it’s a bit unbalanced with one healer, one scout, and three warriors.

Dealing with every situation can be difficult with such an unbalanced team composition, but if we choose the dungeon to challenge carefully, we can function as a specialized team.

We can manage with tools when magic is needed, and ultimately, we don’t have to go if we don’t want to.

However, well, I don’t think our current abilities are anything remarkable.

In the half-year since enrollment, we’ve become slightly stronger than Miyano and the others were in the beginning.

In terms of ranks, the healer and the scout are first-class, while the other three are second-class, so in terms of raw ability, there’re below Miyano and the others, and perhaps even less experienced than when I first met them.

Probably, the reason the opposing team is focused on warriors is that they lack the strength to defend or attack compared to the support role. So they probably tried to balance the numbers.

I also looked up personal information such as family background and academic records, but there’s nothing particularly noteworthy.

This time, even without me, we should be able to finish without any problems.

Naturally, it will be considered Miyano and the others’ victory, but that’s fine.

“Still, it was quite a hassle to investigate humans like this.”

“Well, it’s different from investigating monsters, after all.”

That being said, we didn’t delve into deep personal information or anything, so it should have been relatively easy. We only gathered simple team compositions, names, the dungeons they’ve explored, and their achievements.

Well, just to be safe, I asked Saeki-san to look into their family backgrounds, but I didn’t expect that much from them.

“But information is our weapon.”

“That’s right. It doesn’t matter who the opponent is, that remains the same.”

As we continued talking, it was time, and we left the waiting room and headed towards the gate.

“Well then, do your best.”


And as we entered the gate and took our positions, the match began. As I expected, there was a clear difference in skill.

The opposing team, perhaps intimidated by Miyano being a “hero,” had gathered together, forming a defensive formation to protect the treasure. However, they were swiftly defeated by the three—Miyano, Asada, and Abe—who charged in.

After defeating everyone, we retrieved a piece of paper with a hint about the treasure’s location and discovered it. And that marked the end of the match.

From start to finish, it took about thirty minutes, I suppose? The treasure hunt aspect ended so quickly that there was hardly any excitement.


“Phew, good job.”

“Great work.”

Even though I said “good job,” I haven’t really done anything.

And these guys don’t seem particularly tired either. Well, there are times when our regular training is tougher, so it’s only natural.

“We can reflect on today’s match tomorrow. Let’s clean up our equipment and head home.”


I don’t feel like there’s much to reflect on, but it’s still important to review our actions later.

If there’s something to improve, we can fix it straightforwardly. And even if there’s nothing to fix because we were flawless, it still gives us confidence in our actions, so there’s value in reviewing.

But well, it’s not something we have to do right away, so tomorrow should be fine.

“So, until the second round, we’ll just have regular classes, right?”

“Yes. I believe the second round is in six days.”

There’s quite a gap until the next match, but considering the circumstances, it can’t be helped.

“If we’re only playing a few matches each day, then I guess that’s how it goes.”

“Originally, it was planned to last for a month, so it seems impossible to have no classes during that time.”

“Yeah, that makes sense.”

So, starting tomorrow, we’ll have to attend regular classes as usual.

“Was it the third time I met with the young lady?”

“Yes, that’s right.”

“Then, if things go well, it’ll be roughly ten days from now, right?”

Well, before encountering the young lady, there will be a second round, but even if it’s the third year, they should be fine.

“That seems about right.”

Towards the end, there are fewer teams participating, so it seems like we’ll have multiple rounds in a day. Until then, it’s relatively easygoing.

“I hope nothing happens this year.”

“Hey, stop it. If you say that, something’s bound to happen.”

As Asada jokingly responded to my words, the other three also laughed… But seriously, I hope nothing happens.


“Today is the battle against the third years… Are we going to be okay?”

It has been a few days since the first round, and today is the day for the second round.

The opponents are a team of third-year students, who have one year more of experience compared to Miyano and the others which are second-years. Generally speaking, they are considered stronger.

However, in the case of these guys, conventional rankings don’t apply as a measure. After all, there’s an individual among them who is called a ‘Hero’ and is of the highest class.

I believe they will win this time too.

Well, that doesn’t mean we’ll underestimate them.

The current third-year students were second-years last year, and naturally, they experienced that incident. The students who went through that attack have surely changed their mindset, and they are incomparable to the third-years of previous years.

“I’m fine.”

“I won’t lose no matter who the opponent is!”

“Yeah, no problem.”

“We’ll do our best.”

The four of us them determined enough.

If we win this, our next battle will be against the young lady, and I understand that.

However, that doesn’t mean we can afford to underestimate them.

“Alright, let’s confirm the enemies. There are five of them. Two magic users, two healers, and one scout. Additionally, the instructor also acts as a scout. Well, it seems like a team that’s biased in the opposite direction compared to the previous match.”

In this round, the basic strategy of the opposing team is for the healers to create barriers and use magic to eliminate the enemy. The scout’s main role is to survey the enemy and terrain, as well as cause disruption and hindrance during battles. While it’s relatively easy to win if we counter their magic attributes, they could be tough opponents if we’re not adequately prepared.

Well, as a trade-off, most of their team members are magic users, so they lack mobility.

However, they excel in annihilation battles and base defense.

As for their strategy, they consider themselves on the defensive.

In fact, that was the case in the previous battle as well.

Defend the treasure, fortify positions, and counterattack when the enemy charges in.

As long as none of us are defeated and we manage to defeat even one of them, we can win.

This game is based on adventurers’ activities, so it includes elements of gathering materials, as the objective is to find the ‘treasure.’ However, the opposing team doesn’t aim for the treasure from the beginning; their style revolves around winning through a numerical advantage before the time runs out.

From a gaming perspective, their strategy isn’t necessarily wrong, and if the goal is solely to gain rewards by focusing on subjugation in dungeons, it could work.

Well, this approach lacks versatility, making them vulnerable to unforeseen accidents.

“Now, about the strategy. The treasure will be held by Kitahara, and if the enemy happens to come, we’ll defend it with all our might. You and the others will charge in for exploration and subjugation. Any questions?”

It would be safest for Miyano to hold the treasure, but that would restrict the movement of the treasure’s owner, reducing our offensive capability.

So, it was decided that Kitahara would primarily hold it. If healing is needed, they can return to the base.

However, having just that would be problematic if, by any chance, the enemy disregards the usual tactics and charges in. So, we’ll set traps before we leave, and we’ve prepared a fair amount of magical equipment for Kitahara’s offensive abilities.

“No questions.”

“I see. Then, I’ll rely on your command.”

As I directed my gaze towards Miyano, they nodded firmly and glanced at all the members.

“Well then, everyone. Let’s win this round too!”


While observing Miyano and the others, who showed their determination by raising their fists, I didn’t utter a word but lightly clenched my fist around the area in front of my face.

With that, we left the waiting room and headed towards the gate, which would serve as the venue for the match.

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