Raising the Lowest-Ranked Adventurer, the Heroic Girl – Wasn’t I Just a Substitute Old Man?

Volume 4 Chapter 28 - Companion situation and premature reunion

Raising the Lowest-Ranked Adventurer, the Heroic Girl – Wasn’t I Just a Substitute Old Man?

Volume 4 Chapter 28   Companion situation and premature reunion

However, the princess, after revealing herself, doesn’t immediately launch an attack. Instead, she looks at me with a frustrated expression.

Although she still holds her spear, her grip lacks strength, giving off a sense of weakness.

“Does it bother you to lose against someone so mediocre?”

I asked, but the princess remained silent.

Since she didn’t seem inclined to attack, I let out a sigh and then spoke.

“Princess, your fighting style is too pristine. Your movements, the way you handle the spear, everything is like a perfect textbook example. You may have made some adjustments based on the advice I gave you before, but you’re still bound by rigid patterns.

Well, even so, it has become more challenging to fight against you, but it’s true that I can anticipate your moves in critical moments.

That’s why I was able to outmaneuver you so smoothly until now.”

“…And what does that matter? Are you saying it’s bad? Are you saying everything I’ve learned so far is pointless?”

“I’m not saying it’s bad or pointless. Following a textbook example means building upon the accumulated experiences of humanity. It means taking actions optimized for survival and victory. However, sometimes, there are moments when you need to get your hands dirty and take a leap, even if it may seem a bit unrefined.”

The princess tends to withdraw immediately when her predictions deviate or when she becomes uncertain. Indeed, it is an important trait for survival, and I also tend to do the same. If the prediction is off, I create distance, and if I’m unsure, I take precautions. And after securing a certain level of safety, I reflect on why things turned out that way.

However, that’s just the basic approach. Sometimes, you have to take risks and step forward, even if it involves a certain level of danger.

Yet, the princess shows no sign of such willingness. Even in our current battle, if she had accepted some risks and charged in, she might have defeated me in an instant. After all, my true form is significantly weaker compared to the special class.

But the princess doesn’t rush in; she either evades or parries, fully dealing with the opponent’s attacks before making her move.

“If you immediately retreat when your predictions go wrong, it means you entered the fight with the intention to retreat from the start. In that case, no matter how much experience you’ve gained, you won’t be able to give your full strength.”

Remaining faithful to the basics is important, but being faithful alone is not enough. When you truly want to win, even if it means embracing danger, being a bit rough or unrefined, you have to take the plunge.

“I might fail. I might lose—but I want to win.”

In a competition, training and talent are crucial, but one’s mindset is equally important. Even if you’re inferior in talent, with effort and determination, you can still overcome and emerge victorious.

“I have no idea what happens after a failure. I have no idea what it feels like to lose. I can’t back down here. I will win no matter what! It is through making that determination and giving it my all that I can grasp victory.”

The princess has talent. She puts in effort. She desires to win.

However, she falls just short.

She wishes to win, but she lacks the resolve to do whatever it takes to achieve victory.

She may think she has made up her mind as a princess.

However, by choosing the way to win, her desire is still incomplete.

That incompleteness can transform into unwavering determination that never accepts defeat. Unfortunately, at this moment, she hasn’t reached that point.

“Clichéd and cheap, these words may be common, but… If you lose in spirit, you won’t be able to win anything worth winning.”

Upon hearing my words, the princess contorts her face in frustration, fighting back tears, and tightens her grip on the spear.

I prepared myself, thinking she would come charging at me, but instead, she runs away from me.

“So, you’re running away… Let’s start over.”

Well, in a way, it’s a relief.

Though I spoke with an air of superiority, I was reaching my limit.

Despite enhancing my body with magical tools and magic, my original form is equivalent to a third-class. It’s only natural that various issues arise when trying to enhance it to the level of a special class.

I might not have been completely unable to win if we continued the fight, but it would have been a grueling battle.

For now, taking a breath as the battle comes to an end, I contact Kitahara and the others to confirm the situation.

“I’m here, just checking the situation. What’s going on?”

“This is Miyano. We’re still in the middle of the battle. We’ve defeated two of them, but it seems they’ve prepared a specialized barrier to protect the treasure. The defenses are stronger than we expected. I think the barrier can only be opened with a specific key.”

“Couldn’t you forcefully break it?”

“If we go all out, we probably could. However, in that case, we risk blowing away the treasure as well.”

This is a game that simulates adventurers’ activities. Therefore, if we destroy the target item, we lose, so we can’t use attacks that would cause it to break.

“I think we can break it given enough time, but there are still two remaining enemies causing trouble, so it’s difficult to handle… It’s uncertain if we can break it within the time limit.”

“I see… It can’t be helped. Defeating the enemies is already a good accomplishment. Take a step back for now—Oh, right. The princess might be returning to your location, so be careful not to run into her.”


However, a specific key, huh… While I could potentially crack it if I could touch it directly, unfortunately, I can’t move from where I am, so it’s impossible.

But I probably know where the key is. I’m not sure about its shape, but the princess most likely has it.

She’s the leader, the strongest force, and having the key would increase the opportunity for a direct confrontation with Miyano and the others.

But for now, it doesn’t matter.

If we managed to defeat two of the opponents, it’s already a significant achievement.

“Now, as for Kitahara and the others…”

As I was about to contact the group, I heard a voice from the communication device before I could speak. That voice… it’s Asada.


“Asada? What’s—”

“Yuzu and Haruka were taken down.”

Upon hearing those words delivered in a somber voice before I could finish my sentence, I found myself at a loss for words.

I quickly took out my phone and checked the remaining members of both teams. Indeed, there were two missing from our side.

“I see. What about Kudo?”

“I managed to defeat him, but…”

“A draw?”

“I’m sorry.”

Asada apologized in a voice I had never heard from her before, but the fact that she survived is already commendable.

“No, it’s impressive to hold your ground against a special class opponent. A draw is quite an achievement.”

“But if this were real combat, we would have died—”

“If this were real combat, we wouldn’t have planned such a strategy to begin with. Remember, this is just a game. Keep it light.”

In a real battle against a stronger opponent, we would have taken a different approach.

For example, we could have dealt significant damage to the enemy, even if it meant sacrificing ourselves to some extent.

There are fighting styles that involve attacking the opponent first, knowing that we will also suffer casualties.

However, since this is just a match, we chose a method that would give us a fairly stable chance of winning, even if we might get defeated.

To be honest, when Kudo went to Kitahara’s location, I was prepared for all three of them to be wiped out.

Yet, we managed to have one survivor and end up in a draw. That’s more than enough, more than sufficient.

However, with the remaining members now at three on each side, the situation is even.

We can count Miyano defeating two opponents, and Kudo taking down three opponents.

But we also lost Abe and Kitahara, reducing our numbers by two, leaving us with three members each.

If it remains like this, ending in a draw, the side with more initial members will be considered the loser. So, as it stands, if time runs out, it will result in Lady’s defeat and our victory by decision.

Ideally, I hope it ends like this, but the remaining time is the problem.

“We have thirty minutes left.”

“What do we do?” comes Miyano’s question through the communication device, likely while retreating from the enemy’s territory. Now, then…

“Miyano, regroup with Asada for now. Asada should still have some defenses functioning at her base, and you must survive until you meet up with her.”


“Got it.”

We had disguised either me or Kitahara as the guardian of the treasure to confuse the enemy. But with Kitahara defeated, there is no longer a guardian for the treasure.

Asada remains at their defense for the time being, and we can send Miyano to join her. However, I cannot move from the location where the treasure is placed.

Even in this situation, it would be strange if I didn’t go to protect the treasure.

Therefore, if I don’t move, it will become apparent that I am the true guardian of the treasure, not Kitahara.

“Since Kitahara has been defeated, the true location of the treasure is already exposed. Judging from the remaining members on each side, we are currently in the lead.”

However, it’s unlikely to end like this.

Young Lady fled with a look that made her seem on the verge of tears, but I don’t think she’ll break… probably.

… Well, let’s assume she won’t break and continue considering that.

“That’s why they might try to go after Asada to defeat her and reduce our numbers while aiming for the treasure. Once you two regroup, come over here.”


“Got it.”

The biggest concern right now is that we are scattered all over the place, making it easier for us to be picked off one by one.

For us, if we manage to escape without anyone getting defeated, we win. But for them, if they manage to defeat even one of us, they win.

So, instead of risking each of us coming to my location individually, it’s better for Asada to hold her ground at a well-defended position and survive.

With that in mind, I gave instructions to Miyano and Asada…

“Huh? … But who?”

The alarm I had set off reacted, indicating that someone else was approaching.

But who could it be?

It’s not Miyano and the others. If not them, then it must be an enemy, but it seems too soon for Young Lady to recover. I thought she would bounce back, but not this quickly.

Could it be the remaining members?

However, one of the two, aside from Young Lady, is unable to move due to guarding the treasure. So, it must be the other remaining member. But even if they survived Miyano’s attack, can they really move so soon?

As I pondered this, the enemy who was approaching from between the trees came into view.

“Why have you come here?”

However, it was the Young Lady, whom I thought had escaped earlier.

Wait, the Young Lady came? I expected her to recover, but… isn’t it too soon?

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