Raising the Lowest-Ranked Adventurer, the Heroic Girl – Wasn’t I Just a Substitute Old Man?

Volume 4 Chapter 32 - After the settlement

Raising the Lowest-Ranked Adventurer, the Heroic Girl – Wasn’t I Just a Substitute Old Man?

Volume 4 Chapter 32   After the settlement

“Wow, I never expected to be turned around like that.”

In the end, we lost to the young lady’s team again.

That final battle between Miyano and the young lady… It ended with Miyano’s victory, but that was just a game. The outcome doesn’t solely depend on their fight.

We may have won against the young lady, but according to the rules, it’s considered our loss.

No way, I can’t believe it. I never thought we would lose in such a way.

“It’s your fault, you know. Take responsibility for not being able to protect the treasure.”

“One date.”

“W-What? Me too?”

“Of course.”

“Don’t mess with me! There’s no way I can prevent that!”

Asada and the others say that the reason we lost lies with me, but I want to tell them not to mess around. In fact, I did tell them.

“The ground we had prepared for defense was completely gouged out! Look at that place. Everything is gone!”

We had multiple layers of protection on the treasure before burying it in the ground… Yeah. Instead of being protected, the ground was blown away entirely.

As a result, our team lost the treasure, and we were defeated with just a few seconds remaining.

Normally, damaging the opponent’s treasure is not allowed, so you could say the young lady is also partially responsible, but it felt more like Miyano was the one who destroyed it in that case.

Certainly, the young lady’s attacks were impressive, but most of their effects were directed toward the ground.

However, it was different with Miyano’s attack. The lightning unleashed from her swung sword collided with the young lady’s magic, shattering and blowing away the ground.

You could say it was the clash of their magic, but well, it was mostly due to Miyano’s attack.

“Well, maybe that went too far, but hey, if Igami-san had held on, we might have won by a judgment, you know?”

“Hold on, wait. It’s impossible to stay in that place and protect the treasure amidst that storm and impact. The barrier was even broken!”

I want them to at least praise me for setting up the barrier in an instant.

“But the result is the result. Ahh, we lost again.”

“Those who just clung on and screamed should stay quiet, shouldn’t they?”

“Mmm… What’s with that attitude? It can’t be helped. Anyone would be scared if lightning suddenly struck nearby.”

“You won’t die even if you get hit, so don’t worry about it.”

“That’s a separate issue!”

As we were talking in the infirmary, someone entered the room.

“It’s quite surprising to see you all so lively after such a match.”

It was the young lady who arrived.

While the rest of us, aside from Abe and Kitahara who lost to Kudo, weren’t particularly severely injured, it seemed different for the young lady.

After her battle with Miyano, she ran out of magical energy and collapsed on the ground after being struck by Miyano’s sword.

Even though she received healing, she must still be tired, yet she came all the way here.

“Oh, young lady. Congratulations on your victory.”

“…I’m not pleased.”

“What? You were so eager to win, and now you’re not happy?”

Well, I can understand that feeling. It was a victory, but not the kind she had desired.

“Even if they say we won in that manner, I can’t accept it.”

The young lady said with a displeased expression, then she shifted her gaze towards Miyano.

But it wasn’t just Miyano; the young lady’s gaze moved to everyone else in the room, and finally, she stopped and looked at me, letting out a slow sigh.

“Nevertheless, to fight so disgracefully and end up losing despite being covered in mud, it goes beyond frustration and becomes pathetic. Going to the extent of getting injured… it’s uncool.”

In the direction of her gaze, there was an arm where the clothing was unnaturally torn from the elbow down. It seemed she tried to guard against Miyano’s final sword strike with her arm, but it ended up being cut through completely.

Well, there was a healer present, and the arm was promptly treated, so it’s firmly attached now.

But well, that self-assessment is a bit too self-deprecating.

At least, I didn’t think it was uncool.

“What’s wrong with being disgraceful? What’s wrong with being covered in mud?”


“No matter how many wounds or how much dirt you have, something truly beautiful remains beautiful and cool. In fact, scars and mud add to its history, increasing its value.”

It’s true that those who haven’t struggled and haven’t received a single scratch might be considered beautiful.

They become like flowers carefully nurtured in a greenhouse.

Beautiful appearance. Beautiful behavior. Beautiful heart.

I won’t say there’s no value in those. However, such things have their limits.

“So, be proud of that mudiness. Those scars are proof of your efforts. The more scars you have, the more attractive you become.”

At least personally, I find the sight of someone desperately struggling, even if they’re covered in mud, to win much more admirable than the young lady who used to try to handle everything cleanly and perfectly.

“It’s frustrating to lose in the competition itself, but there’s no need to feel pathetic. You are plenty cool.”

That’s my genuine belief. If anyone thinks that battle was embarrassing or disgraceful, then they lack discernment. They have a blind spot, to say the least.

“—Next time, we will show you that we can win!”

“Well, tell that to Miyano, not me. Besides, in the first place, you won the competition, didn’t you?”

Just like last time, it feels like we won the battle but lost the overall match.

“But well, here’s the thing. I’m expecting great things from you, Asuka.”

I hope you’ll continue to be a good rival for Miyano and show us your genuine growth.

However, for some reason, when I said that, Tenshi frowned and turned away.

I was told to address her by her name, so I tried, but it seems like it was too familiar after all.

Or maybe she didn’t like my cheeky remark?

Well, regardless of the reason, there’s no point in dwelling on mistakes. From now on, I’ll go back to using names and be more careful.

“Listen, young lady. If you consider yourself a loser, then losers should go back and train instead.”

“What kind of attitude is that?”

As I said those words, the young lady not only gave me an irritated look but also glared at me with displeasure.

“But I will do just that. I will return for the sake of winning next time.”

After glaring at me for a while and sighing, the young lady turned her back to us and walked away.

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