Raising the Lowest-Ranked Adventurer, the Heroic Girl – Wasn’t I Just a Substitute Old Man?

Volume 4 Chapter 6 - Why not tell

Raising the Lowest-Ranked Adventurer, the Heroic Girl – Wasn’t I Just a Substitute Old Man?

Volume 4 Chapter 6   Why not tell


“After becoming a tactical instructor, that class was the one that made my job as a public servant so annoying. I have to watch classes other than my own, it’s such a hassle.”

After completing our training session, we gathered around a bench near the training grounds and procured drinks from a vending machine. We engaged in casual conversation.

However, the bench was not large enough for all five of us to sit, so I leaned against the vending machine by myself. There were other benches in a slightly distant location, but it would be troublesome to talk over there, so it ended up like this.

It’s not like I particularly mind or find it burdensome, since I’m not tired or bothered by it.

Besides, doesn’t it look a little cool for me to lean against the vending machine and talk alone?

I’m not saying I’m a narcissist or have chuunibyou or anything, but aren’t men always unable to let go of their sense of romance, no matter how old they get?

It’s like when Japanese people find the katana cooler than the broadsword or when they want to try a weapon with a drill-like tip rather than a simple spear. It’s a similar feeling. Probably something like that.

Sometimes, without any particular reason, I unconsciously find myself engaging in actions that appear cool. That’s just the nature of men.

Men can never completely shake off their own karma, no matter how much time passes.

…Such foolish thoughts, I must say.

However, I don’t think it’s entirely wrong either.

Cutness is justice, and coolness is also justice. Furthermore, even if it’s deemed inefficient, romance is also justice.

Well, if you overdo it, you just end up looking like a crazy person.

“But hey, you haven’t taught anyone in the first place.”

Without even noticing the absurdity of my thoughts, Asada leaned against the backrest of the bench and tilted her body further, looking up at me upside down, directing her face towards me.

“I haven’t taught anyone, or rather, no one has come to ask.”

“If someone came to ask, would you teach them?”

I don’t think anyone would come to ask… But if they did, huh.

I’ve thought about it during my conversation with Kudo, but if possible, I don’t want to directly teach anyone.

And it’s not just limited to the young lady.

Not only that young lady, but I don’t have the desire to instruct anyone on their fighting style other than the four. Or rather, I don’t want to.

“…If possible, I don’t want to teach too much.”

“Why is that? I think everyone could become stronger if they learned from you, Igami-san.”

But it seemed like Miyano couldn’t understand my thoughts as she looked at me with a curious expression.

Well, considering my actions up until now—rescuing and assisting injured individuals in the dungeon, and training these guys to ensure they don’t die—it might be puzzling.

After all, if I teach them properly, the chances of the students dying decrease.

So, it might be unlike me to act this way, making sure no one dies up until now.

However, that’s from an external perspective.

In my mind, these students have a higher chance of survival if I don’t teach them. That’s why I don’t want to provide guidance.

And if I were to give vague instructions, I would be the most inferior among the other teachers and instructors.

In that sense as well, I don’t want to teach. It would be a waste of time for them to learn from an unmotivated person like me.

“Are you trying not to make those around us stronger for our sake?”

“You idiot, you imbecile. If it’s for your sake, I’d rather make everyone else ridiculously strong and corner you.”

“That’s what you’ve decided…”

“But there’s a reason why I won’t do that.”

It seemed like Asada thought I didn’t want to make others stronger for the sake of these guys, but that’s a big misconception.

However, if we were to train only ourselves without making the surrounding students stronger, it wouldn’t be strange to have such thoughts.

At this point, these guys are already capable individuals within this school. In fact, they seem to be capable of competing for the top spot.

I’m sure this school had some sort of ranking system, and when I met them, their grades weren’t particularly impressive. But now, if they seriously aim for the top, they definitely have the potential to be strong.

So, if they can reach the top in that ranking… or even if not, if they can rank high, it would be an enjoyable and delightful achievement.

However, while it would certainly be a joyful achievement in itself, if I truly had these guys’ best interests at heart, I would make them taste countless hardships and bitter experiences in this school. I would even force them down my throat, so to speak.

After all, if they graduate from school and dive into the dungeon, even a single “loss” is not tolerated. Because that would mean death.

So, by experiencing defeats while we’re in a safe place like this, they can learn to strategize and prepare for such situations in the future. It would be much more beneficial for them than easily winning and laughing gleefully.

Therefore, I don’t desire to bring others down or solely focus on making these guys stronger for the sake of ranking.

…I don’t desire it, but I still couldn’t bring myself to nurture the other students.

“My way of thinking and fighting style is peculiar, isn’t it?”

“Peculiar… Well, it’s definitely not the typical path.”

“Yeah. And to execute it perfectly, you’d have to correct your original way of thinking.”


“Is it necessary?”

“It is necessary.”

All four of them tilt their heads in confusion at my words, but I suppose it’s understandable.

After all, they’re already in their second year, so if there was something that required correction, it should have been addressed in their first year.

And when it comes to correcting one’s mindset, it implies that their thinking is distorted to the point where it needs fixing.

However, I can’t imagine any of the four needing such correction.

And that’s understandable. After all, what I’m talking about is not about principles, beliefs, hobbies, or personal preferences.

What I felt needed correction was their approach to fighting.

Those who willingly become adventurers undoubtedly possess a certain amount of vanity.

They want to appear cool. They want to be thanked by everyone. They desire admiration from those around them.

There’s a desire to present themselves in a way that earns praise and recognition.

Otherwise, why would anyone willingly take on a job that risks their life, even when it’s not an obligation?

Sure, there may be a sense of duty to protect the citizens from the monsters that appear through the gates. But how many truly embrace that cause from the bottom of their hearts?

Perhaps, at best, it’s only a fraction of adventurers, maybe around ten percent.

The rest may have become adventurers because they awakened to their abilities, or they were inspired by heroic tales. Or maybe they were driven by the pursuit of wealth and fame. But for the majority, it’s the latter. And in terms of the desire for fame, it likely outweighs the desire for money.

It’s hard to believe that individuals driven by such pursuit of fame would readily listen to others.

After all, my way of fighting is not something that earns admiration.

I use traps, deceive with words, employ cunning strategies, get covered in mud, and employ surprise attacks to kill.

It’s a style of fighting that doesn’t fit the image of a fairy tale character and certainly isn’t the kind of fighting that would be praised as heroic.

Even if it’s necessary for survival, few would willingly accept and execute it.

Therefore, first and foremost, there is a need to adjust one’s attitude towards fighting, to be able to accept my way of thinking and approach to combat.

However, correcting such a mindset is not easy.

In the case of Miyano and the others, they smoothly accepted it when I taught them. But I should probably attribute that to luck—luck that I ended up teaching them. Or rather, if I hadn’t met them, I wouldn’t be an instructor now. I would probably be leading a normal working life, or rather, I was probably leading one, so was it unlucky?

“But you know, even if it’s partial, there are times when just knowing about the correction can be useful, right?”

“That’s true. Just having that knowledge can make a difference in certain situations.”

As Asada decided to ignore the meaning of the word “correction” that I mentioned, Miyano nodded in agreement with Asada’s words. But I shook my head, denying their words.

“That’s because you guys are exceptional. Normally, additional thoughts that are added later tend to get in the way.”

That was the honest truth.

Even if they were able to correct their regular fighting style taught in class and the specialized—or rather, underhanded—fighting style that I teach simultaneously, it’s undoubtedly because these guys are exceptional that they accepted and adapted to it.

“Well, maybe,” Asada said, her unexpected words seeming to bring her joy. After blinking her eyes a few times, she shyly laughed and averted her gaze, and the other three did the same, diverting their eyes in a similar manner.

“Well, besides being exceptional, it’s also because from the beginning, you guys showed an understanding of my thoughts and wholeheartedly worked towards our goal.”

No matter how exceptional they are, if they couldn’t accept my way of teaching, there would be no way forward.

But perhaps because they had a goal in mind, they accepted it without much resistance and put in effort.

That’s why I’m still teaching them.

There’s also the fact that they convinced me to stay, but the truth is, I have enjoyed teaching them as well.

“Even if professionals can handle being taught a different fighting style, the students here are still not perfect in their own fighting styles. So, what do you think would happen if they were taught a completely different approach… one that goes against everything they’ve been taught and practiced so far?”

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