Raising the Lowest-Ranked Adventurer, the Heroic Girl – Wasn’t I Just a Substitute Old Man?

Volume 4 Chapter 8 - I'm not crying!

Raising the Lowest-Ranked Adventurer, the Heroic Girl – Wasn’t I Just a Substitute Old Man?

Volume 4 Chapter 8   I’m not crying!

“Please don’t worry. When I say ‘good,’ I mean it as a reference from a different perspective. In terms of the quality of teaching content, you are overwhelmingly superior, Igami-san. There was no one who could defeat me, and there’s no way I would dismiss you.”

“I didn’t hear any reassuring elements in that.”

But I suppose that’s true. Even without magic, Miyano possesses the power befitting a Special Class and has developed solid skills. When it comes to finding someone who can defeat her, it would likely have to be another Special Class instructor, whether they are a proper teacher or an instructor.

“Since you won’t be dismissed, you don’t have to worry about losing your job.”

“I’m not worried about that. If I wanted to, I could easily find another job.”

“A permanent job?”

Abe spoke with her usual low-toned voice, but by “permanent job,” she means… Oh, I see. She’s talking about marriage, right? No, more like the concept of marriage itself.

“You little… idiot.”

I flicked a small droplet of water at Abe as a protest, but it was instantly incinerated. Damn, she’s good.

After blocking my attack, Abe turned back to me. Her expression wasn’t her usual lethargic one; she had a slightly smug look on her face.

“A temporary job?”

Looking back at me, Abe returned her gaze forward and said that, but I’ve heard of permanent jobs, but I’ve never heard of temporary jobs.

A temporary job… like part-time work? Does that mean becoming a freeter?

“…So, is it like a part-time job or something?”

“Well… you have four potential job offers.”

“Oh, I see. So, that’s what you meant by ‘temporary.'”

When Abe mentioned job prospects, Kitahara nodded in understanding.

In other words, it seems that’s what it means.

If marriage is referred to as a “permanent” job, then “temporary” would be the stage before that.

However, comparing marriage to a permanent job implies being financially supported by the partner until death.

In the case of a temporary job, it means being financially supported by someone but with the possibility of parting ways along the way. If we were to put it into words…

“You mean being a freeloader.”

While these guys earn a decent income by exploring dungeons, I still find it questionable to rely on high school girls for financial support.

Moreover, I can live comfortably without resorting to such actions. Not to mention the bonuses from the research institute.

“Besides, other instructors have their own assigned students, so they can’t switch over to you.”

Well, that’s true too. Those present here are already assigned as instructors to specific students, which means they already have someone to teach.

While some instructors might agree to establish a connection with the Hero if proposed, it would inevitably create resentment among the students they are already teaching.

To avoid unnecessary friction, it’s best for the instructors not to do anything even if someone wants to rely on them.

“Oh, right. Igami-san, please take care of us again this year.”

As the conversation momentarily paused, Miyano suddenly uttered something that felt out of place.

Why is she greeting me again as if it’s a fresh introduction?

“Why now? What do you mean by ‘take care of us’?”

“We made a promise with Asuka-san and the others for a rematch.”

“A rematch?”

“Yes… Do you remember last year’s ranking tournament?”

“The ranking tournament? …Ah, that’s the event that became the catalyst for me seriously teaching you guys.”

That incident, or rather, dispute, became the trigger for me to teach them properly… I vaguely recall.

I think it was a fight that happened because that young lady tried to recruit Miyano, resulting in a showdown.

It was about a year ago, so I don’t remember it clearly.

I’ve been particularly busy in the past year for some reason…

…Oh, I see. Has it already been a whole year?


“If it weren’t for that, I probably would have quit by now…”

Originally, it was supposed to be just a three-month contract, but it dragged on and now it’s been a year.

“I’ll be participating again this year, so please take care of me.”

Even though they must have heard my murmuring, Miyano ignored it and continued talking.

But a ranking tournament, huh? It can be quite a hassle, but originally I had thought about helping them achieve a good ranking.

Well, more like I was asked to, or rather, I thought it would be nice for them to get a good ranking and earn the reward money.

Hmm… Ah, yeah… Alright.

“Well, whatever. I’ll participate to some extent.”

Even without me participating, these guys should be able to achieve a decent ranking, but occasionally joining in on this kind of “play” can be fun.


“Seriously? Why?”


“Are you really okay with that?”

However, as I nodded, for some reason, all four of them turned towards me with surprised voices.

“Do you guys want me to participate or not?”

I thought it would be nice to participate, but isn’t that reaction a bit harsh?

“Well, I mean, I want you to participate, but you’re usually so lazy.”

“Yeah, I thought it would be a hassle.”

“Then why?”

Miyano asked, but I do have a reason for wanting to participate. Well, it’s not that big of a deal, though.

“Oh, I still have the tools I prepared last year.”

“From last year?”

“Yeah. Look, now you guys have improved to some extent, but before, you were just slightly better than mediocre, right?”

“Your words feel prickly, you know?”

“But it’s true that our grades weren’t that good.”

As Asada pursed her lips and complained, Miyano smiled awkwardly and affirmed my words.

But in reality, although these guys have talent, they haven’t fully mastered it yet.

At that time, I could have fought them with some degree of negligence and still won.

Nowadays, if I were to do something like that, I would lose, so I train seriously. But back then, they were really weak.

“So, I had prepared various things to help you guys defeat the stronger opponents. But eventually, about one-third of them went unused because the matches went differently. I even have tools with expiration dates that I prepared, so it feels wasteful not to use them.”

At that time, there was also a first-round defeat, and due to an irregular interruption, I had planned to use more traps, but ended without using them much.

So, I still have the tools from that time.

One might think it’s fine to keep the tools in case they might be used someday, but it doesn’t work that way with magic-related tools.

They have specific expiration dates, and once they pass, their effectiveness diminishes.

Moreover, magic-related tools are typically set with a two-year expiration date. Some may have shorter or longer durations, but two years is the general guideline.

Furthermore, the tools I prepared are adjusted to unleash their full potential only within the rules of the Ranking Battle, making them unusable for regular dungeon exploration.

It’s not that they can’t be used, but I don’t want to deliberately use something knowing it will have a weaker effect.

That’s why it would be a waste if they’re not used here.

“So, you’ll participate?”


As I nodded, Miyano and the others smiled brightly and were delighted. It’s not a bad feeling to be appreciated like that.

“By the way, it’s already been a year.”

“Yeah, it’s true. We’ve changed a lot since then.”

Not only in terms of our capabilities but also in the dynamics among us. And as for my own situation, there have been changes not only in the relationship but also in my feelings.

It’s only been a year, but back then, I couldn’t have imagined that we would still be exploring dungeons or that I would be teaching others.

“Speaking of which, a rematch… I really want to win this time,” Miyano muttered, and her strong determination could be felt in the last part of her words. The other three nodded in agreement.

At that moment, Asada spoke up as if she had just remembered something.

“Oh, by the way, Mizuki was really down at that time, wasn’t she?”

“That time” referred to when they started fighting against the young lady. Mizuki was crying, regretting that her friend had been mocked because of her and expressing her desire to win. Although the other three may not have witnessed the crying scene, they were aware of Miyano’s struggle.

Even I decided to help her because I witnessed that sight.

Well, in the end, due to the interference of an irregular Special Class monster, we couldn’t win the match itself. However, we received an apology from the young lady, and the recruitment talk vanished, so it turned out to be a good outcome.

For me, it was more like a “good memory now” kind of thing, but Miyano seemed embarrassed when I mentioned it and lowered her gaze slightly.

“P-Please don’t mention that… Besides, if we’re talking about crying, Kana cried too.”

In response to Asada, Miyano retaliated with her words.

If Asada mentioned that Mizuki cried about something a year ago… Oh, was it when she challenged me? At that time, we used the training facility at the academy under the pretense of testing my abilities. She cried because the results showed that I surpassed her.

Wait… Did she actually cry back then? I’m not quite sure.

“I-I didn’t cry! I was perfectly fine back then.”

“But you were on the verge of tears.”

“I wasn’t even close!”

“Is that so?”

“Yes, it is!”

It seems that she didn’t actually cry but was close to tears. Although she denies it, well, let’s just go along with that.


“Don’t give me that glare for no reason.”

For some reason, she glared at me, but I haven’t said anything.



Miyano suddenly let out a voice, but her words trailed off. I wonder what’s wrong?

Well, it doesn’t seem to be a serious matter, and it’s not really my place to intervene in the troubles of high school girls. It would be better for her to talk to her friends who are right next to her and are her companions.

So, I intended to ignore it, but for some reason, Miyano turned to face me, the middle-aged guy standing behind instead of the girls who are her friends and companions.

However, when she turned around, there was a mischievous expression on Miyano’s face, giving off a slight sense of sadistic pleasure.

…What is it? I have a really unpleasant feeling about this…

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