Raising the Lowest-Ranked Adventurer, the Heroic Girl – Wasn’t I Just a Substitute Old Man?

Volume 5 Chapter 14 - I have arrived

Raising the Lowest-Ranked Adventurer, the Heroic Girl – Wasn’t I Just a Substitute Old Man?

Volume 5 Chapter 14   I have arrived

After facing each other and having a proper conversation, the lingering tension among the members of Team Miyano was not entirely resolved immediately, but they managed to make some progress.

In the midst of all this, we went through various experiences, gathered at the meeting point, and finally reached the airport to board the plane…

“We’ve arrived at the airport… Looks like we’ve finally made it,” I said.

The arrival was surprisingly quicker than expected. Just a few years ago, it used to take several hours to fly from Japan to Europe, but thanks to the items obtained from the dungeon, the flight time had been reduced to about half of what it was before.

It didn’t bother me much, though. After all, spending hours on a plane could get boring, and sitting still for so long could be tough.

However, there would still be a few hours of travel ahead.

But now that we had arrived, a new issue arose. Well, to be fair, it was more of a personal issue, a matter of my own feelings.

“Instead of saying such things now, let’s enjoy ourselves,” Miyano said.

During the plane ride, Miyano seemed to have sorted things out to some extent, as she appeared more energetic, although not as bright as usual.

“Well, you know what? Since everyone can enjoy themselves for once, I can’t afford to be gloomy…”

“It’s been a while, Koosuke Igami.”

“…Wait, who are you?” I asked, taken aback. “Uh… who might you be?”

When someone suddenly called out my name, I turned my gaze in that direction, only to find a completely unfamiliar man standing there. Seriously, who is this guy?

He seemed to be around forty years old, with short, golden-brown hair and a muscular physique. Maybe a professional wrestler or a fighter?

However, there was something off about the vibe he gave off. It wasn’t that typical aura you’d associate with a pro wrestler or a martial artist.

“Do you not recognize me?”

“I’m sorry, have we met before?”

“Oh, indeed we have. But I understand if you don’t recognize me in my current appearance.”

I felt like I should remember someone I’ve met before, especially someone like him. Moreover, considering he’s a foreigner, I don’t have acquaintances in my circle who could be him.

Hmm, could he be someone I met during my previous trip here? But I can’t recall anything. I don’t remember making any acquaintances here, especially someone who would call me by my name.

As I struggled to recall who this person in front of me might be, the man received something from a younger man behind him, with a similar build but much younger, and he put it on his head. Wait, seriously…

“Do you understand now?” he asked.


The man had put on a Western-style full-body armored helmet.

The moment I saw that figure, memories from the past resurfaced in my mind, and I felt a cold sweat running down my back.

Could it be that this person is the one I clashed with when I left this country? …This is not good, is it?

“I see you remember,” he said.

“Uh… uh, yes, well… you’re quite skilled in Japanese,” I replied.

“Is that so? It pleases me to hear you say that. After all, I had many things I wanted to talk about when I met you. Back then, I couldn’t speak a word, let alone listen. But since then, I’ve been desperately learning. Ah, there are truly so many things I want to discuss.”

I recalled various things.

Sieg mentioned that someone was waiting for me, could he have been referring to this guy?

Come to think of it, I don’t even know his name.

Well, that’s not important. What matters is that he is a “Knight” of this country.

Calling him a knight may sound like a joke, but it’s neither a mistake nor a joke.

It seems that just like Japan has onmyojis or exorcists with hidden “powers,” other countries also have individuals with such abilities.

And in this country, there are those called “Knights” who promptly responded to the appearance of the gates.

This guy seems to be one of them, or rather, he appears to be in a leadership position among the knights. Or so it seems.

“Do I dare say, Knight Commander?”

It sounds cool, but I never thought I’d hear a name like that in reality. Wish I could be reincarnated in a fantasy world… Well, considering how fantastical this reality has become, it’s not far off.

Last time we met, this guy was fully clad in armor, including a helmet that concealed his face. I remember he couldn’t speak Japanese at all.

However, now he speaks so fluently that it doesn’t feel out of place. He must have studied quite hard, but I can’t help feeling uneasy. Did he want to talk to me that badly? Not thrilled about it.

“So, will you come with me?”

I pondered how to respond, and the man glared at me with sharp eyes.

Come with him? Are you kidding? I don’t want to go.

“…Uh, may I ask who you are?”

“Don’t play dumb. I won’t let you pretend not to recognize me. Or perhaps…”

The man stopped speaking at that moment, and in an instant…


“Do you need me to recreate that moment again for you to remember?”

An overwhelming sense of danger engulfed me, unlike anything I had experienced before.

His intimidating aura, almost like a tangible threat, instinctively made me reach for the concealed dagger at my waist, preparing to defend myself.

However, the pressure from the man subsided after just a moment, allowing me to refrain from drawing the dagger.

Displaying weapons at an airport, even if legally permitted, could still cause trouble, so I was relieved to have held back.

Yet, despite that, I needed to figure out how to handle this guy in front of me…

“Well, what will it be? Answer me, ‘Survivor’ koosuke Igami.”

“…You even know that nickname, damn it.”

Even if this man knew my name from our previous encounter, he shouldn’t know my alias. Uttering it meant he must have done some research on me.

There was no way I could escape with misunderstandings or deception.

But at that moment, I noticed Miyano and the others, who seemed concerned for me.

Perhaps they felt the pressure I had felt earlier, as they had reached for their weapons, but seeing me holding back, they hadn’t drawn them yet.

However, seeing Miyano and the others gave me an idea. Maybe there was a way to handle this situation.

“No, um, you see, I’m currently working as a school teacher, and we are in the middle of a group activity…”

That’s right. I’m not here on my own; I’m in the middle of a group activity with my students. I can’t just act on my own, and if I use that as an excuse to escape from this situation…

“Oh, don’t worry. We’ve already discussed it.”

…it won’t work.

I scanned the area, trying to find the person in charge of this trip, the teacher who had organized it. Even when I spotted them, they only looked at me without making a move. It seemed like they really had already discussed the matter.

Sigh, what else can I do?

…But well, they said they’ve already discussed it, right?

The situation doesn’t seem like an immediate revenge or venting of anger. Maybe it won’t hurt to listen to what they have to say.

It’s still unpleasant, and if possible, I’d love to escape from this situation entirely. But if I do, I have a feeling they’ll keep pursuing me endlessly.

So, maybe it’s better to listen to what they have to say, calm the situation down, and then avoid getting further involved.

“…Ah, Miyano. What’s our plan after this?”

Startled by my sudden change from a defensive stance to a more relaxed one, Miyano looked perplexed. However, she quickly took out the travel itinerary to check our upcoming activities.

“Um, wait a moment… After sightseeing together, we’ll stay at the hotel, and the next day is free for everyone. By the way, this is the hotel.”

Miyano showed me the itinerary, and I leaned in to see while she explained, pointing at the details.

“I see, I get it now.”

If I’m spending the day with the teachers, it should be fine even without the instructor.

Well, I guess I have no choice but to follow along with them.

“In that case, let’s meet up at the hotel later.”

“Aren’t you coming with us, Igami-san?”

“Should I leave these guys alone? Or should I bring them along with me?”

I pointed to the men with my finger, including the young man to whom the helmet was handed over, who had gathered around the man I had been talking to.

If I were to travel with this bunch of men, I doubt I could have a decent trip.

“…I don’t think that’s a good idea.”

Miyano’s face slightly twisted, probably imagining us parading through the city with a bunch of burly men.

“Don’t you think?”

“Is our conversation over? Then follow me.”

Perhaps he sensed that our conversation had reached a conclusion, the man urged me on.

Well, it’s not like I can change the fact that I’m going with them. There’s no point in dragging it out, so let’s just get this over with.

“Listen, guys, sorry about this. I can’t stay with you today, but make sure to get along and enjoy yourselves without getting into any fights.”

I tried to ease their worries by shrugging my shoulders playfully, but even so, Miyano and the others still looked concerned.

“Are you sure you’ll be fine?”

“I’ll be fine, don’t worry. Even if something were to happen, I can handle it and escape if need be.”

I lightly replied to Asada’s concern, then turned around to face the man and sent him a glance. In response, he turned around and started walking, so I decided to follow him.

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