Raising the Lowest-Ranked Adventurer, the Heroic Girl – Wasn’t I Just a Substitute Old Man?

Volume 5 Chapter 28 - Once the difficulty is resolved...

Raising the Lowest-Ranked Adventurer, the Heroic Girl – Wasn’t I Just a Substitute Old Man?

Volume 5 Chapter 28   Once the difficulty is resolved…


“Oh, it’s over, it’s over. Haven’t had such an easy time in ages,” Sieg said, chuckling while effortlessly holding the sword, which would require both hands for anyone else to lift. However, his front was drenched in dragon blood, making it look like a scene from a horror movie if encountered on a dark night.

“You’re the only one who can say facing a dragon was easy” Koosuke retorted.

Normally, dragons possess the power to bring down entire kingdoms. Even now, they’ve not only destroyed the building we were in, but also wreaked havoc on the surrounding structures.

If we were to face the dragons like the ones we encountered today, I believe even Miyano’s team would be in a somewhat perilous battle. They might be strong, but they still lack practical experience against formidable opponents.

Sieg himself wasn’t of much use at first. Although he understood tactics involving underhanded tricks like me, facing a dragon, I’m sure he’d feel overwhelmed and unable to move as usual.

Well, that’s just a hypothetical scenario of ‘if we were to face them.’ There’s no need to worry about it now, after all.

“Is that so? But no one died, and there are no major injuries. I think you can agree it was relatively easy,” Sieg remarked.

“Well… yeah, I guess,”

Glancing around, it’s hard to say it was easy, considering the numerous collapsed buildings and injured people receiving treatment everywhere. However, it’s fair to say it’s almost miraculous that there were no casualties facing such formidable dragons.

“Yeah, that’s right… Besides, these dragons, even though they’re called dragons, they weren’t that strong… um, I’d say they’re more like rank three or two dragons among dragons,” Sieg added.

Rank two dragons, huh? Well, that would explain why they weren’t overwhelmingly powerful. They were still quite threatening though.

Now that you mention it, they were easier to deal with than the dragon we fought alongside Sieg before. Both of us were weaker back then, and the knights, including Carter, weren’t prepared for the battle from the start, which made it more challenging. This time, we were ready, and that’s probably why it ended smoothly.

But if the dragons’ innate strength was different from before, then I can understand why it felt easier this time.

“Perhaps there were originally a bit more… maybe twice as many in the dungeon, and they were supposed to come at us in waves,” Sieg speculated.

“So, there’s a possibility that more might come? But…”

Looking around, there’s no sign of any more emerging from the gate. Carter and the others seem calm after observing the inside of the gate, suggesting there’s nothing left.

Are there really enemies as strong as the ones we faced just now?

“What if there were some complications because they forcefully opened the gate?”

“Complications, huh…”

Well, I have no idea how they artificially open a gate or even what the gate itself truly is. It’s like manipulating some incomprehensible supernatural phenomenon. It might be inevitable that things don’t go smoothly.

Or perhaps, we could think of the gate as an egg.

Suppose the gate was meant to naturally appear when the time came, but they forced its occurrence, resulting in something like a premature birth in living beings. That could explain why the monsters inside the gate weren’t as powerful, and their numbers weren’t excessively large. It’s one way to look at it.

But in reality, who knows?

Anyway, let’s put aside pondering how they opened the gate or why the number of dragons was low. It’s not like we can figure it out, and even if we did, it wouldn’t change anything.

Right now, the priority is to resolve this attack. To do that, we need to understand the current situation correctly.

So, I started looking around to find Carter, but I couldn’t spot him. I decided to use my phone to call him when I noticed an incoming call. It was from… Asada, I think.

Well, that’s expected. I remember hanging up during the explosion.

After that, we were busy dealing with the attack, and there were loud noises everywhere, so I didn’t even hear any ringtone.

Looking at the call history, it seems to be right after I disconnected the call with them. I might have worried them a bit.

“Ah, that’s right! What happened to them? I remember they mentioned something unusual happening on their end…!”

Recalling the conversation just before I hung up with them, I quickly dialed their number.


“They’re not answering?”

Could it be something happened to them?

Asada mentioned that the ambient magic was vanishing over there, a sign that a gate was about to appear, just like what happened to us.

“Hey, Carter! Carter!”

Calling out his name with urgency, I scanned the area, but Carter was nowhere to be seen.

Damn it! What should I do? Should I go meet up with them?

If a gate had opened on their end as well, knowing them, they wouldn’t just run away. They’d surely face the monsters coming out of the gate head-on.

They’re quite strong, after all, and I doubt they’d be defeated by ordinary enemies.

However, I can’t help but worry. Dragons appeared here, so it’s not impossible for them to appear on their side too.

In that case, would they be able to handle it on their own?

Dealing with one dragon should be manageable, maybe even two.

But what if there are three, four, or more? We had to face seven here, so it wouldn’t be surprising for multiple dragons to appear elsewhere.

Thinking about it, I couldn’t help but feel concerned. I can’t just relax and assume they’ll be fine.


So, with a message for Sieg in mind, I was about to head towards Miyano and the others when Carter appeared.

His steps seemed to be directed towards me.

However, the moment I saw his expression, an unsettling feeling washed over me.

“Sieg, and…”

Calling Sieg’s name, Carter turned his gaze towards me, and our eyes met. Yet, he didn’t call out my name.

Although our eye contact was brief, Carter closed his eyes for a moment, gently shaking his head. Then, he looked at us again and spoke.

“There’s something I need to ask of you.”

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