Raising the Lowest-Ranked Adventurer, the Heroic Girl – Wasn’t I Just a Substitute Old Man?

Volume 5 Chapter 4 - Details of tricks

Raising the Lowest-Ranked Adventurer, the Heroic Girl – Wasn’t I Just a Substitute Old Man?

Volume 5 Chapter 4    Details of tricks

However, as she clenched her fist without remembering the presence of the magic stone she was holding, there was some pain. She flinched for a moment, her body trembling briefly, and Asada lowered her gaze to her own hand.

“And how does this magic stone relate to all of this?”

“Even though warrior types have magical power within their bodies, they can’t use magic because it is automatically used for self-enhancement. But besides that, there is also a defect of not being able to perceive magical power in the first place.”

“So, it’s impossible either way.”

Asada pursed her lips and said, but it’s too early to draw conclusions.

“However, here’s the thing. Even though you can’t perceive magical power, it doesn’t mean you can’t perceive it at all. I had you undergo training to sense presence before, right? That is also magical power. But you understand that, don’t you?”

That’s right. Asada can already sense magical power.

Sensing presence means perceiving the magical power emitted unconsciously by people. And even during that training, Asada was able to do it just fine.

“But… why?”

“Not being able to perceive magical power is partly due to having inferior ability compared to mages in sensing magical power. However, the essence is different. Since your body is constantly filled with magic due to using magic all the time, you can sense the magic outside of yourself, but you can’t distinguish which part within yourself is your own magic.”

Frontliners like Asada are constantly enveloped in magic since awakening. It remains the same even when unconscious and will continue until death. It is precisely because of this state that they cannot comprehend their own magical power.

To illustrate it with ordinary humans, it’s like blood. Even though humans know that their bodies have blood flowing within them, they can’t tell which blood is theirs without directly seeing it. It’s the same concept.

“A magic stone is a condensed form of magical power. It’s a suitable tool to understand what magical power is like.”

“But even if I touch it, I can’t understand anything.”

“Well, in general, it doesn’t leak outside. That’s why it’s not just about holding it but doing this.”

I tightly gripped the newly retrieved magic stone and, after strengthening myself with magic, crushed it with a firm grip.

“When you crush a magic stone, the stored magical power within it is released for a brief moment, and during that time, a small amount of released magical power is absorbed by those nearby.”

While using a replenishment potion is the usual method to replenish magical power, this method also allows for the restoration of magical power to some extent. However, the absorption efficiency of raw, unprocessed magical power is low, so the potion is generally preferred.

However, the purpose this time is not to restore magical power.

“The goal is to experience the discomfort felt when absorbing the raw magical power of an unprocessed magic stone adjusted for humans, without using a replenishment potion.

By crushing the magic stone and absorbing its magical power, the magical power within oneself becomes disrupted at that moment.

During that process, you may feel slightly uncomfortable, but once your magical power is disrupted, you may be able to distinguish which part belongs to your own magical power. Maybe.”

In the previous analogy of blood, it’s like being aware of your blood flow when receiving an IV drip. When you receive an IV drip, you can tell that the drip fluid is flowing from that particular spot for a while.

Another difference is that while you can’t control your blood with your own will, you can control magical power.

“That way, you recognize your own magical power and the infiltrating magical power. Once you can do that, all you have to do is manipulate your own magical power to adjust the degree of self-enhancement, as I mentioned earlier.”

Well, I wonder how many magic stones will be needed until then. If it can be done with less than a thousand, it would be more manageable. But since it’s not something someone has researched, nor have I witnessed someone succeeding. After all, I am a mage, able to handle magical power from the start.

I did come up with this method while I was with Hiro and the others, so I had them try it as well.

Although it involved using cheap, worthless magic stones we found during our adventures to avoid spending money on gathering them, they were able to sense the discomfort, but ultimately couldn’t manipulate the magical power.

So I really don’t know if it will truly be successful.

But even so, I have to display confidence that this method is correct. Because if the teacher appears uncertain, the learner won’t be able to give their best from the depths of their heart, right?

“And one more thing. This comes after achieving those abilities, but there is another step above.”

The first step is sensing your own magical power.

The second step is being able to manipulate that magical power and adjust the degree of self-enhancement magic.

And then, there is yet another step beyond that. It is the ability to manipulate magical power other than what originally belongs to you. That is when the third step is achieved.

However, even within that third step, there are further stages.

“I mentioned this earlier, but there is a method to temporarily enhance magical power by incorporating external magical power using replenishing potions. However, replenishing potions don’t instantly replenish magical power. There is another method for that…”

The recovery of magical power through replenishing potions is gradual and doesn’t happen immediately. Therefore, for frontline fighters who constantly have their magical power drained by body enhancement magic, while there may be some level of enhancement, it won’t reach a level beyond “some.”

Well, since it gradually recovers, it does improve endurance and sustained combat ability, but it’s not useful in critical moments.

However, there is a solution to that. There is a method that can instantly replenish magical power.

…But, can I really share this? Is it something I can openly discuss?

I said earlier that the teacher should not hesitate, but this is something that naturally causes hesitation.


“Speak up. Because it’s you, there must be concerns and hesitations about the risks, right? Speak up. I want to become stronger.”

As I looked into Asada’s eyes, who stared at me directly despite my hesitation, I was overwhelmed by her determination. I sighed and made up my mind to teach her.

“If you could completely control the released magical power when the gem is shattered, and make it all your own… it could replenish a far greater amount of magical power in an instant compared to replenishing potions.”

“If that’s possible, then…”

Certainly, in terms of replenishing magical power, it would be beneficial if it could be achieved.

However, if possible, I don’t want to allow it, and there are issues to consider.

Firstly, the problem is that I mentioned being able to control all the magical power from the shattered gem. But in order to do that, one must first be able to control external magical power. Otherwise, it wouldn’t be possible to absorb all the released magical power.

Furthermore, the main reason I don’t want to allow it is that… raw magical power, without being processed for human use, only brings harm to humans.

Even the small amount of magical power absorbed when the gem is shattered can cause discomfort.

If one were to absorb all the magical power from the gem, they would likely collapse.

No, it’s not just likely, they would undoubtedly collapse. This is something known from previous research and my personal experience.

When I was experimenting with methods to become stronger, attempting to be able to kill a Special Rank with just a Third Rank, I tried to absorb all the magical power from the gem and ended up collapsing.

That’s why I gave up on directly handling it and chose a different method. But she isn’t a mage, so she can’t do that.

“…But, is it possible?”

As I showed signs of hesitation, Asada, perhaps thinking that she can’t do it, anxiously looked at me and asked.

…What am I hesitating for? I’ve already decided to guide her. I wanted to lend her a hand, to help her. That’s why I wanted to teach her. Don’t hesitate now of all times.

“I decided to teach you because I believe you can do it. Don’t worry, you can do it.”

Just as Asada had resolved herself to become stronger, I too had made up my mind to lend her a hand and help her become stronger. I smiled to dispel her anxieties.

And, while I do have concerns, I also believe that she might succeed.

Earlier, I had pondered the doubts about the Forced Magic Activation Trait, but magical power can be quite difficult to handle. If one fails to construct magic properly, it can lead to self-destruction. Even skilled mages can’t use even the simplest magic without completely letting their guard down and treating it as naturally as breathing.

Yet, those with the Forced Magic Activation Trait unconsciously use magic. That’s abnormal, isn’t it?

Considering that, I’ve come to think that those who awakened and developed their power in response to magical power—a fitting term for them would be “Awakened Frontliners” or something similar.

Their bodies unconsciously evolved to activate magic for the sake of survival in a world with magical power, displaying an affinity for magical power.

As for us, other Awakened individuals like us in the Rear Guard, we are probably only partially adapted to magical power, and we can only use magic by consciously intending to do so.

Well, even if that were true, in reality, Awakened individuals of the mage type have higher versatility, so it doesn’t change much.

…However, if it were true, wouldn’t their affinity and handling of magical power be far superior to that of us mages?

It’s because of this line of thinking that I believed Asada could do it.

At the very least, she has more potential than I do.

“…Just a moment.”

Upon hearing my words, Asada lowered her head and left to retrieve something from her belongings near the wall. She rummaged through her bag and returned with something in her hand.

“I’m giving this to you.”

“What… a bankbook?”

Indeed, what she handed over was a bankbook.

I wondered why she would give me something like this, but it must be related to the tuition fee I mentioned earlier.

But why did she suddenly come here to give it to me?

“I’m giving it to you. You can use it all.”

“That’s too much…”

I tried to refuse, but Asada grabbed my hand holding the bankbook and pushed it back to me.

“It’s okay! I’m giving it to you! So please… please teach me.”

“…I’m not fully prepared yet. We’ll start from the day after tomorrow.”

Seeing Asada bow her head, I reaffirmed my determination, took a deep breath, and called out to her.


Upon hearing my words, Asada lifted her head and responded with a joyful smile.

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