Raising the Lowest-Ranked Adventurer, the Heroic Girl – Wasn’t I Just a Substitute Old Man?

Volume 5 Chapter 40 - Survive

Raising the Lowest-Ranked Adventurer, the Heroic Girl – Wasn’t I Just a Substitute Old Man?

Volume 5 Chapter 40   “Survive”

However, it all depends on the path I choose. After graduation, if I were to simply go through a ‘period of service’ and then lead a regular life, I wouldn’t mind compromising to some extent. But if I intend to continue earnestly, it’s better not to skimp on preparing the latest equipment, regardless of the cost.

These guys seem to earn enough money to afford good equipment, and it’s not like they can’t acquire the latest gear.

Well, based on what I’ve heard before, it seems they will continue as adventurers. So, I should prepare the best quality equipment they can get. Although it will probably need replacement in a few years, by then they should have earned enough, so it won’t be a problem.

By the way, it looks like I’ll part ways with them in about a year. To be precise, it’s a year and a few months, but that much time will pass, and I’ll be separated from them.

For the time being, I’m supposed to be part of their team for work, but once they graduate, that will come to an end. Then, I wonder if I’ll be assigned to another group?

That’s… a somewhat disheartening thought.

After all, I was planning to quit being an adventurer, and even now, I want to quit. Maybe when these guys graduate, it’s also a good time for me to quit my current role as their instructor?

I took this job for the sake of Miyano and the others’ education, and although it’s only been two years of service, I don’t think anyone would particularly object if I leave afterward…

However, can I really quit being an adventurer? And if I do quit, what will I do?

…I don’t know the answer to that, but I should think about it before these guys graduate.

While pondering such things and observing Miyano and the others walking ahead, Asada suddenly turned back and asked me, “What do you think?”

I thought she might have noticed that I was watching them, but it seemed not to be the case. So, I decided to answer without showing my inner turmoil.

“Well, if you can change, it’s better to make the change. As Kitahara said, it’s inevitable to feel uncertain while making adjustments. Especially for you two, your fighting style is unique, so your weapons’ durability gets depleted faster than usual.”

“Yeah, you’re right.”

“And the ones you’re currently using are from about a year and a half ago, right?”

They modify their weapons, but essentially, they’ve been using the ones they bought since we started working together. In the beginning, they didn’t have much money, and their skills weren’t exceptional, so they used weapons that emphasized durability. Weapons that are sharp but break easily aren’t suitable for beginners.

But now, these guys have grown in both strength and skills since those days, so simply seeking durability in their weapons won’t be enough for them.

And it’s not just their combat abilities that have improved; their technical skills have grown as well.

“The technology using recent dungeon materials really advances rapidly. Within a year, even series produced by the same company can be completely different. So if possible, it’s best to update equipment every year. Well, that’s assuming you have the luxury to do so, but I suppose you guys have that luxury, right?”

The magical restraints I used in the ranking battles last year and the year before were updated for the same reason. The advancements in technology within a year allowed me to use equipment that wasn’t available in the previous years. Well, to be honest, I didn’t buy them; I received them as disposals of old equipment.

“If you ask Yasu, I’m sure he’ll provide you with decent equipment.”

“Speaking of Yasu-san, we took a photo together once, but nothing much has happened since then.”

“Oh, yeah. I thought there would be more requests since we had a contract.”

“Not really. Personally, I feel a bit embarrassed, so it’s actually nice to have fewer requests.”

They made a contract during the cultural festival. They provided them with equipment in exchange for using it for promotional purposes. Originally, they were probably targeting Miyano, the hero, but now I think Asada and the others are reluctant to let go of it as well.

Because apparently, they performed quite well during the recent school trip, even dealing with multiple dragons as a first-class adventurer, assuming there was a special-class adventurer present. So naturally, their reputation has grown.

Some videos and photos taken by citizens when they were attacked by dragons were circulating on the internet, and their names have become somewhat prominent on adventurer-exclusive information sites.

I watched the videos too, and Asada was blowing away dragons. Well, it’s only natural.

“Well, it was a contract that wasn’t meant to interfere too much, right? For Yasu, just the fact that you guys exist makes it worthwhile… That’s what he said.”

With the contract stating that they can leave anytime, and even without it, if Miyano and the others were to leave, it would be detrimental to the company’s reputation. So, it’s more than enough that they are associated with the company, even without asking for anything in particular.

As a result, Yasu probably wouldn’t forcefully ask for anything, but his parents and siblings wouldn’t mind the company, and if necessary, he’d most likely arrange things for them.

“Well, if we borrow the weapons this time, we might have to provide some photos and talk a little, but on the flip side, that’s about it. If it’s necessary, we’ll talk about it when we meet next time, alright?”

We had planned to gather as a team after the New Year to have drinks, so we could discuss the arrangements then.

“Oh, really? Well then, please.”

“Are you only changing weapons?”

“For me… um, I think I want to update everything this time.”

Asada wants fire resistance, huh? I wonder if that’s because her clothes got burnt during the battle with Nina the other day? It’s probably best not to ask directly; she might get angry.

“As for me… hmm, I guess I’ll update everything while we’re at it.”

Miyano seemed to briefly consider what to change, but ultimately decided to go for a complete update.

Well, she might have bought some things along the way, but other than that, her equipment is mostly still from the beginning.

“Alright then, I’ll convey that to Yasu.”

With everyone in agreement and no objections to Miyano’s opinion, it was settled. Yasu would be informed accordingly.

“—Still, it’s always so long.”

“But just a little more. It won’t take five minutes, right?”

As they chatted, they had approached the bell near the offertory box, now in plain sight. As Miyano said, they would arrive in a few more minutes.

“What should we wish for this year?”

“Good health?”

“That’s not something we wish for; it’s for him,” pointing to someone else.

“Of course, I’ll wish for it too…”

“Well, obviously.”

It’s not like it’s the first time they’ve talked about this. They do it every year, not necessarily asking a god for it, but more like encouraging themselves, thinking, ‘It would be nice if this happened this year.’

“But you guys should wish for something too. Seriously, you never know what might happen.”

They had heard from Saeki about the Gate’s collapse when destroying the dungeon core. There were already signs of something happening this year. They truly didn’t know what could occur, and the chances of encountering danger weren’t low either.

Although they didn’t really believe in Gods, if making a simple wish wouldn’t take much effort, it wouldn’t hurt to do so. Maybe by expressing their wishes, they could leave an impression on their own consciousness and reduce the likelihood of injuries.

They were determined not to let anything happen to them.

…So, if there’s anyone listening up there, be prepared. If there is such a thing as fate, and it puts them in danger, I will resist with all my might. It doesn’t matter if the opponent is a God; I’ll bet my life on it if I have to.

“Are you treating us this year too?”

After finishing their prayers, they continued with their tradition of visiting food stalls, just like they did last year. This place was quite spacious, and with a large crowd, there were probably around fifty stalls, if not more.

Well, in any case, there were plenty of options to choose from, so they set out to explore them all.

“You’ve got your own money, don’t you?”

“Sure, but come on, it’s fine. You have just as much as us, right?”

While they did spend money on equipment, since Miyano and the others were exploring high-class dungeons, I was earning significantly more than I did back when I was with Hiro’s team. So treating them at stalls like this wouldn’t be an issue.

“…Well, I guess it’s fine.”


And so, they went around the stalls, buying this and that. Takoyaki, grilled squid, Hiroshima-style okonomiyaki, fried chicken, potato butter kebabs, chocolate bananas, and various other treats.

They ate so much, it seemed almost impossible for it all to fit inside them. Even while they were eating, they kept buying more. Adventurers had higher fuel consumption than regular people, and it seemed to increase proportionally with their rank. So, what they were eating now would still be considered moderate for them.

For someone like me, I could get by saying, “I eat a bit more than the average person,” but when it comes to Miyano and the others, they could probably beat a competitive eater with ease.

“After visiting the shrine, what should we do next?”

“First, maybe you should wipe off the sauce from your mouth?”

As Miyano spoke with food bags in both hands, I pointed out that she had sauce on the corner of her mouth. In an instant, she showed her remarkable skills as a special-class Awakened One, swiftly wiping her mouth.

“By the way! What’s your New Year’s resolution, Igami-san!?”

She changed the topic a little hurriedly as if trying to divert the attention. I decided to go along with it.

“My New Year’s resolution, huh… It’s to survive.”

“Isn’t it always?”

“Yeah, you’re right. I just don’t want to die, that’s all.”

They say it’s never too late to start something new, but as you get older, the difficulty of starting something new certainly increases. I don’t have any motivation to set new goals anymore. My only aim is to do my best not to die, to maintain the status quo. I don’t have any particular desires or aspirations.

“If you have any complaints, then protect me. Though it may be a matter of skill and experience, in terms of raw power, you guys are superior.”

It’s absurd for third-class Awakened Ones to fight alongside first-class and special-class Awakened Ones. In reality, I should be the one being protected.

“True. Once we become strong enough to beat you, we’ll protect you.”

“But whether it’s one-on-one or in a team battle, we still can’t beat you.”

“Our New Year’s resolution is to win.”

“That goal sounds incredibly difficult.”

“Yeah, but that’s precisely why.”

“Alright then! Our team’s New Year’s resolution is to defeat Igami-san!”

“We’ll make sure to win this year!”

We’ve had occasional practice battles before, and they’ve never managed to win. Well, these practice battles are with time limits, and without them, there’s no way I can win.

However, if these guys could fully master their powers, coordinate with their teammates, and fight skillfully, they could defeat me in an instant without being restricted by time limits.

The fact that they can’t do that means there’s still room for improvement, so setting their goal to achieve that isn’t necessarily a bad idea. It might feel a bit off to make defeating third-class Awakened Ones their goal when they are first-class Awakened Ones, but maybe it’s not entirely wrong.

Or rather…

“What about the team’s goal? What am I supposed to do?”

“I don’t know. How about defeating a special-class Awakened One without getting hospitalized?”

“That assumes you’ll encounter a special-class Awakened One…”

Don’t base your thoughts on that assumption. Even though I do think it’s possible, I try not to say it out loud.

To be honest, lately, I even consider encountering just an ordinary special-class Awakened One as a relatively positive outcome.

If a third-class like me were to encounter a special-class monster, it’d be absolutely hopeless. Special-class is special-class. It’s better not to think about who’s stronger or weaker.

I know that, but…

Considering recent events, encountering just an ordinary special-class monster actually seems preferable.

“Multiple simultaneous encounters might be possible too.”


“Abe, don’t say things like that. It might actually happen, you know. And you guys, even if you don’t think it’s likely, at least don’t stay silent; deny it or something…”

“Well, anyway, my goal remains the same—to ‘survive’ without taking unnecessary risks.”

Even though I call it a safe goal, being an adventurer and based on my experience, it’s still challenging.

If I were to wish for something this year, it would be for all of us to survive together. In that sense, it’s a sufficient goal to have.

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