Raising the Lowest-Ranked Adventurer, the Heroic Girl – Wasn’t I Just a Substitute Old Man?

Volume 5 Chapter 43 - Chaos, conversation, and amplification.

Raising the Lowest-Ranked Adventurer, the Heroic Girl – Wasn’t I Just a Substitute Old Man?

Volume 5 Chapter 43   Chaos, conversation, and amplification.

“What do you think about the current situation?”

However, as everyone fell silent and remained motionless, I broke the stillness and addressed Miyano and the others.

Perhaps it was because I was the first one to speak after that strange video, but all their gazes focused on us—on me. However, that didn’t matter at the moment. What was crucial was to hear and unify our opinions and thoughts within our group.

“Uh… Well, let me think for a moment.”

As I spoke, Asada snapped out of her thoughts and turned towards me. Unaware of the surrounding attention, she pressed her hand to her forehead and began to ponder with a troubled expression.

“I… Honestly, I’m having a hard time keeping up. I mean, I understand what they’re saying, but…”

“As for the content of what they said, there were parts I could agree with.”

“B-but… To destroy people for that reason… It’s just…”

Although the responses were not entirely coherent, Miyano and the others followed Asada’s lead and managed to voice their thoughts, albeit with some confusion.

However, that’s right. While there’s no concrete evidence to support what they said, their words did hold some persuasiveness to the extent that it made me think, “Perhaps that could be true,” especially regarding the reason behind the Gate’s appearance.

So, I can understand what that masked figure is trying to convey—the idea that humanity is a menace to this planet.

…If negative emotions stripped from human souls create the Gates, then would the Gates disappear if humans were eradicated?

If the masked figure’s explanation of the Gate’s origin is correct, then perhaps their line of thinking isn’t entirely mistaken.

“…Even so, no matter the cause of the Gates, my mission remains the same, right?”

Admittedly, humans have done wrong. Environmental destruction, pollution—it’s been an ongoing issue.

But these are things that have been said long before the Gates appeared. It’s not something that needs repeating, and to be honest, it’s a bit too late for that now.

Even if someone were to suggest wiping out all of humanity for the sake of Earth, I couldn’t accept it, nor would I ever agree.

I don’t want to die, and I don’t want them to die either.

Not just my friends like Nina, Hiro, and my sister and her family—anything I want to protect, even if it were a god, I’d fight to defend it.

That’s my wish, and my determination.

As long as I’m clear about that, regardless of what happens or what others say or do, my actions won’t change.

In such a situation, it’s strange that I find myself naturally smiling when I reconsider my feelings.

“Igami-san, why can you remain so composed? How can you still smile?”

However, Miyano’s voice sounded a bit frail and different from usual, as if she couldn’t afford to pay attention to her choice of words.

…It’s natural for her to feel anxious. Well, that goes without saying.

In a situation like this, it wouldn’t be strange for us to think that we might be the ones in the wrong if there was such a speech. After all, they are still students, going through a sensitive phase, and they are the kind of people who think of diving into dungeons to help others out of a sense of justice. It’s no wonder they’re feeling confused about their own identities.

Looking around at the others again, it’s not just the students who seem bewildered; even some of the instructors appear uncertain. Well, compared to me, the instructors are all young, and they too must have a sense of justice. It’s only natural for them to be unsure. I’d like to tell them to be more decisive since they’re supposed to be “instructors,” but oh well.

…There’s no helping it. It wouldn’t do if they empathize with the Savior Army’s sense of justice without doing anything or if they go reckless in despair. Though I don’t know how effective it’ll be, I’ll take some action.

With that decision made, I responded to Miyano’s anxious question as quietly and promptly as possible, using a single spell. She had asked, “How can you remain so composed? Why are you still smiling?”

“Well, of course, I’m surprised too. But does that mean I should think, ‘Okay, let’s die for the sake of Earth. Let’s kill people’?”

“I… I wouldn’t think that, but…”

Miyano answered my question, but her response was hesitant and unclear.

“Creating a better world is fine, but I can’t accept or intend to accept killing someone for that purpose. Besides, if we condone that, it might be me who ends up getting killed, right? I don’t want to die. So, I won’t accept such a foolish way of the world.”

Gesticulating more dramatically than usual, I continued to communicate my thoughts to Miyano and the others.

Yet, Miyano still wore a troubled expression and didn’t answer.

…It might be more serious than I initially thought.

Well, she’s always been someone with a strong sense of justice and responsibility, but she can be unexpectedly straightforward at times.

“I’m not saying don’t worry, and I’m not saying don’t think. But don’t overcomplicate things. In times like this, you should think simply and act boldly. Just be like your usual self.”

“Huh? Me? Saying ‘be like your usual self’ makes it sound like you’re mocking me… And what do you mean by ‘think simply’?”

As I spoke, I pointed at Asada, but she seemed confused and complained in a dissatisfied tone after suddenly being addressed.

However, unlike Miyano, she didn’t appear to be as troubled.

“It’s easy. —Here, hold this knife for a moment.”


In response to Asada’s question, I handed the knife I had to Miyano, who still showed signs of hesitation.

Then, I took her hand with the knife, and guided it gently.

“So, place it like this against my neck.”


As I moved her hand as if to press the knife against my neck, Miyano panicked and attempted to pull her hand away. However, she must have thought that moving it forcefully would cut my neck. Her hand froze in place.

“How about it? If you put force into the knife like this, I’ll die easily… Do you want to kill me? Do you wish for me to die?”

“What!? What nonsense are you talking about?! Stop joking! I would never think such a thing!”

Miyano had seemed indecisive until then, but she immediately dropped that facade and got angry as if it were the most natural reaction. I found it a bit comforting and couldn’t help but smile faintly.

“I know. That’s why it’s fine to keep it simple. You don’t want to kill someone you care about, so you protect them. That’s enough,” I said, placing my hand on Miyano’s head and gently patting it.

Perhaps it helped ease some of the unease Miyano was feeling, as she let out a sigh and released some of the tension in her previously anxious expression. However, I couldn’t assume that everyone else listening, apart from Miyano and Asada, wouldn’t end up with the idea of “killing someone for the sake of protecting what you cherish.”

So, I decided to add a few more words.

“If you want to protect, don’t kill anyone. By taking a life, you invite hatred from the person’s loved ones, and in the end, you’ll destroy what you wanted to protect. I’m not asking you to do anything extraordinary. Just continue living your daily life as usual. The police and the government are here for that reason. So—”

I paused my words and moved the hand from Miyano’s head towards my mouth. Then, I brought the other hand, which wasn’t on her head, closer to her face, gently pinching and pulling her cheek to make her smile.

“Hey, laugh like that. Innocently laughing is a privilege only students have, you know?”

While she tried to turn her face away, she couldn’t escape my grasp, so Miyano stared at me with an annoyed expression. But after a moment, she slapped my hand away with a thud.

“Hey, let go. Seriously.”

Miyano said while touching her cheek, seemingly trying to adjust something, but she appeared to be smiling.

“For now, just stay calm here. There might be monsters coming out of the gate, and the school will probably give us instructions soon.”

“Yes, you’re right.”

Seeing Miyano seriously nodding in response to my words, I felt reassured. Then, I turned to Asada and the others who had been watching us.

“Hey, don’t look so anxious. I know it’s easier said than done, but try to stay calm and act smartly. Especially you, Asada. You tend to rush into things without thinking, so don’t act on your own accord.”

“I know, okay? I’ve grown up too, so I won’t be reckless like before.”

Well, yeah. They really have grown.

Asada, who used to charge headlong into enemies in the beginning, now doesn’t do anything rash. If she does act impulsively, it’s because she genuinely believes it’s the best course of action.

They’ve all become quite impressive, and not just Asada, but everyone else too.

However, even with that understanding, I playfully continue the conversation.

“Are you really sure you’ll be okay? Should I hold your hand to make sure you don’t wander off somewhere?”


Upon hearing my teasing words, Asada looked at her own hand and hesitated for a moment before attempting to reach out slightly, only to withdraw it immediately.

“I-I don’t need that! I’m not feeling anxious or anything, so stop treating me like a child!”

“Well, you’re twenty years younger than me, so you’re practically a kid.”

Asada pouted and turned away. Normally, she would be more assertive or eager to approach me, but in times like these, she seems to keep her distance.

Well, I guess it’s because she doesn’t want to be treated like a child by someone she likes.

…Anyway, this should be enough. At least the people here should be fine. That’s what I think, at least.

“It seems like things are calming down, don’t you think?”

With the chaos settling down, Kitahara looked around curiously, tilting her head as if trying to make sense of the situation. But that’s exactly what I wanted – for her to react this way.

“Yeah, it was Koosuke’s magic.”

“Huh? Is there something you did, Igami-san?”

Though Miyano didn’t seem to catch on, as expected, Abe, who could sense any kind of magical activity, noticed that I had used magic.

Once they realized that I had done something with magic, Miyano and the others, including Abe, all turned their attention to me.

“Well, yeah, you noticed, huh?”

“Yeah, of course.”

Should I really answer their question?

It’s not like there’s any real problem with telling them, and I did it because it was necessary, but I also feel like I might get scolded for it. I’m torn about whether to share it or not.

“What did you do with the magic to calm things down?”

While I was pondering my response, Asada asked, tilting her head curiously.

“Do you want to know?”

“Yeah, I do, but… is it bad?”

“Well, it’s not bad, but….”

“Which is it?”

“It’s better to just forget about it.”

“Huh… even Haruka?”

As I hesitated whether to tell them or not, Asada and I were in the middle of the conversation when Abe chimed in to support me.

That’s unusual. While she’s not usually one to make a big deal out of things, she’s siding with Asada and the others this time.

Wait, is whe actually supporting Miyano and Asada? It wouldn’t be extremely hurtful to hear, but it will undoubtedly be embarrassing.

“I’m curious now.”

“Yeah, me too. If Haruka-chan says it, I can’t help but wonder.”

“So, what is it? What did you do?”

“… Will you get mad?”

“Is it something that would make me angry?”

“It depends on the situation?”

“Lie. You’ll definitely get mad.”

“What is it already? Just say it. If you don’t, I’ll get angry.”

“Either way, I might get scolded…”

Whether I tell them or not, I’ll probably end up getting scolded.

If they really want to know, then I guess I’ll tell them.

But before I do, I should confirm one more time, a final check, if they really want to know.

“Do you really, really want to know?”

“Just spill it already.”

“Fine, I guess I’ll tell you, even though I’ll probably receive complaints for it. During our conversation earlier, I used my magic to amplify our voices as much as possible, reaching a wide area.”

When I saw the tense atmosphere around us after that video of the Savior’s Army’s masked figure, I thought if I could ease the tension even a bit and guide the students’ thoughts in a positive direction, I should do it. So, I used magic to make our voices audible to as many students as possible, at least those present in this area.

Although sound-related magic belongs to the wind element, even without much proficiency in wind magic, I could manage to amplify voices in a limited area.

I felt a bit embarrassed to have our seemingly romantic-comedy-like exchange heard by others, but I convinced myself that it was necessary.

In reality, after listening to the banter between Miyano and Asada, the atmosphere among the gathered students seemed to relax a bit. So, the action itself wasn’t a mistake.

However, upon hearing this, Miyano seemed to freeze like a stone, remaining silent while looking directly at me.

“……? …..amplify?”

However, unlike Miyano, Asada couldn’t immediately grasp the meaning of my words.

Well, she understood, but it seemed like her mind was rejecting it.

Tilting her head slightly in confusion, she repeated my words with a somewhat absent-minded expression.

“Yeah, that’s right. In other words… Ah…”

“Everyone gathered here heard it.”

As I hesitated to explain, Abe sighed lightly in exasperation and took over the explanation for me.

“W-wait, you mean they heard our conversation from earlier, mine and Kana’s?”

Though she wanted it to be different, deep down, she probably understood that it was indeed the case. Miyano asked with a contorted expression.



Upon clearly nodding in response to Miyano’s words, she covered her face with both hands and shyly looked down.

As for Asada, she still didn’t seem to fully comprehend, but I’m sure she’d let out a surprised gasp before long.


As expected, my prediction seemed to hit the mark, and Asada widened her eyes and screamed. Her current expression alone clearly conveyed that she had no idea what was going on.

However, since she wasn’t using any magic for that scream, naturally, not only I but also everyone around could hear it.

Upon hearing Asada’s scream, the other students around turned their gazes back to us, but Asada, in her state of confusion, seemed oblivious to that and lashed out at me.

“W-Wait a second… You!”

But wait, hold on a moment.

Sure, I might have exposed our conversation to those around us, but the majority of it involved Miyano. As for Asada, probably only the part about “Don’t act recklessly” was heard by everyone. The rest were just some reactions during the conversation and unexpected questions – that’s about it.

It might be slightly embarrassing, but it shouldn’t be such a big deal, right? Well, I did mention holding hands, but that was just a minor slip. No need to make a fuss about it.

“No, wait. You’re not really affected much, are you? At most, just a little bit, right?”

“That ‘little bit’ is the problem!”

But even after I tried to convey that, Asada seemed unwilling to accept it, glaring at me with a sharp and angry gaze.

“Come on, think about it a little more. Miyano is the one who suffered the most, right? Compared to that, no one’s really going to care much about what happened to you right after.”


Perhaps hearing that Miyano’s situation was worse made her understand her own position, as I could hear a pitiful voice from Miyano, who had been covering her face. But I won’t let it bother me. If I start worrying about every little thing, I’ll lose.

“But, you see—”

“Let me interject here. Is it really okay to shout here? Even though I turned off the amplification, there are still people around, you know?”

“Ah… ugh…”

I cut off Asada, who seemed eager to continue her protest, and informed her of the current situation.

She looked around in surprise, but seeing the smirking faces of the students around and the frustrated expressions directed at me, she couldn’t say anything more and ended up just groaning in frustration.

As I observed Asada’s face, it displayed a complex mix of embarrassment and a desire to be angry.

“Hey, come over here for a moment.”

“Are you trying to drag me to a shady spot behind the school or something?”

And then, for whatever reason, she gave me a sharp glare and gestured with her thumb, indicating that I should follow her.

Her behavior reminded me of a delinquent or a bully from the old days, and I couldn’t help but make a sarcastic remark.

“Sorry, but that’s not happening. I can’t leave this place for now. We might receive instructions from the school soon, so we’ll have to wait here at least until then.”

I shrugged my shoulders as I said that, and Asada groaned in frustration, but it seemed like she had no intention of doing anything else. With a huff, she turned her face away.

I could only smile wryly at her reaction… Well, at least it seems like things have calmed down to some extent, which is good.

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