Raising the Lowest-Ranked Adventurer, the Heroic Girl – Wasn’t I Just a Substitute Old Man?

Volume 5 Chapter 48 - New 'Hero' and its meaning

Raising the Lowest-Ranked Adventurer, the Heroic Girl – Wasn’t I Just a Substitute Old Man?

Volume 5 Chapter 48   New ‘Hero’ and its meaning

One month has passed since we started moving to handle the gates.

In the beginning, Miyano and the others struggled with dungeons that had very little prior information, and they suffered injuries as well. But now, that’s no longer the case.

Although the dungeons had scarce information, fortunately, the majority of the gates’ appearances were in locations with common characteristics. The knowledge they accumulated from their activities in various places, such as the environment, plants, monsters, and other factors, proved to be quite useful. So even for their first encounter with a new dungeon, it wasn’t entirely devoid of any information.

Thanks to this, we were able to survive another day safely, and now we are gathered in the institute’s discussion room, more like a living space for us, to take a break.

“Phew… We made it through another day.”

One month has passed since the massive gate appearances began, and we started our activities to deal with them. Today, too, we dived into the dungeon and reached the core.

When I say “reached the core,” it doesn’t mean we directly destroy it. Instead, we set up remote-controlled bombs to do the job.

During this past month, we managed to find a way to destroy the core without using human sacrifices. It involves using remote-controlled bombs. Despite being called “bombs,” they rely on magical power to destroy the core, so it’s more of a magical explosion rather than a physical one.

However, to do that, we need reasonably powerful magic stones, and it takes quite some time to create one. So, we can’t prepare so many of them, and that’s why we are still using human sacrifices where necessary.

Still, it’s something to be grateful for that we managed to come up with some countermeasures to deal with the situation, even if they’re not perfect.

“But seriously, how much longer do we have to keep going? It’s already been a month, right?”

“It’s been over a month. Yesterday marked one month since the abnormality started.”

“Exactly! It doesn’t seem like it’s going to end anytime soon, though.”

“But, from the perspective of society, it feels like things have somewhat calmed down, right?”

During this past month, our lives and environment have changed significantly.

Of course, that’s to be expected. Even though we say we’re handling the gates, we can’t destroy all of them. Some places become overwhelmed by monsters pouring out of the gates before we can destroy them.

In those cases, unfortunately, those who were at the location become sacrifices.

Not just us, but those capable of fighting rush to those places, yet injuries and fatalities still occur in reality.

Some citizens complain, asking why we don’t handle the situation sooner, but all those voices are simply ignored. In severe cases, they might even be restrained or have their support reduced.

But there’s no helping it. Everyone is facing hardships, and shouting for help in such a situation won’t make anyone come to your aid.

Some politicians and corporate executives have pressured Miyano and other heroes and adventurers to prioritize their own safety, but it’s no surprise. People, or rather, those who have gained power, are unchanging in their selfishness, and it’s just exasperating.

I thought we should try to fulfill their wishes to resolve any troubles before they occur, but Miyano and the others ignored all of that.

According to them, “Since everyone is in trouble, we can’t prioritize anyone. We’ll handle things one by one.”

Truly the embodiment of a ‘hero.’ Their words and actions are more than enough to make one believe in the true nature of a hero.

However, naturally, when going against such orders, there will be opposition from the “higher-ups,” and indeed, there was some resistance.

But in reality, these politicians and corporations have no real power.

Well, to say they have no power might be misleading.

However, it’s true that their words lack any ‘power’ when giving orders.

What can they do to Miyano and the others to make them protect themselves? Hand out punishments? What kind of punishments?

Imprisonment? That would be foolish in this situation. It would be senseless to immobilize the force of heroes.

Fines? The rewards from handling the gates are more than enough to cover any fines, and in fact, they should be paying Miyano and the others for their services.

Forced labor? They’re already doing labor by handling the gates.

In the end, whatever they say remains mere words. They can’t do anything else.

As a result, even when facing Miyano and the others, who refuse to prioritize their own safety, those who tried to make a fuss found themselves powerless.

Yet, there are still some who continue to make noise, and unfortunately, there are also a certain number who fail to grasp the situation.

These individuals act without considering the circumstances, without looking ahead, and forcibly imposed punishment on Miyano and the others.

Punishment, or rather the act of reducing support supplies, was like strangling oneself. By doing such a thing, if, by any chance, a “hero” were to die, it would delay the gate handling and put everyone in danger. However, it seems they don’t understand the consequences of their actions and are only thinking about holding others back.

The reason they did such a thing was that they believed they should prioritize protecting themselves, the ones leading the country. To summarize, it’s just a foolish statement from someone who mistakenly believes they are special. They went on spouting even more meaningless words, but it’s too painful to remember, so let’s skip that part.

From the perspective of an ordinary citizen like myself, it’s like saying, “Who cares about leading? Just shut up.”

“I need the people to be a king, but the people don’t need a king to exist.”

I think I heard or read something like that somewhere, and it’s exactly right. We don’t necessarily need politicians.

Sure, when trying to build a certain level of civilization, someone needs to take charge, but if that person is a rotten apple, we don’t need them. In fact, it would be better if they weren’t there at all.

Those who say they will guide us and need our help are just a nuisance, so please disappear.

With that in mind, I decided to get rid of those who were causing trouble.

I didn’t kill them or anything. I could have done it, but there was no need to take such risks, so I just used the mass media.

With the cooperation of Saeki-san and others, I gathered documents related to the punishment imposed on Miyano and reported on achievements, breaking several gates day after day, and return with injuries. Then, I had the media show those punishment-related documents on TV.

Just that was enough to stir up the citizens, and the person who issued the punishment resigned, and the punishment itself was withdrawn.

However, it didn’t end there. The person who issued the punishment continued to receive items thrown at their home and was subjected to graffiti as if releasing the pent-up frustration caused by this abnormal situation. Eventually, they reportedly developed a neurosis and disappeared somewhere.

Since then, no one else dared to pull such foolish stunts and interfere.

Without even resorting to punishments, some people came directly to confront Miyano and the others. But when they complained to Miyano, who was covered in blood after finishing gate handling, they faced a torrent of insults from the surrounding citizens. It was almost turning into a violent altercation, but Miyano stopped it, and the complainer, facing a blood-drenched Miyano, couldn’t say anything and left.

With various incidents like that, things have calmed down quite a bit now, a month later.

While there are still some who complain or make a fuss, those who do so openly find themselves crushed by those around them, and now everyone has become more subdued.

With the obstacles gone, gate handling is proceeding smoothly, and the nation’s destruction has been avoided, at least for now.

At first, they often got injured because they couldn’t adapt to dungeons without prior information, but recently, the frequency of injuries has decreased, and they no longer come out of the gate covered in blood.

“Well, that’s just how humans are. Once you get used to it, you can manage somehow. Humans can get accustomed to any situation, no matter how abnormal it may be.”

“I don’t think I want to get used to this kind of situation, though.”

However, despite the situation stabilizing and them getting used to it to some extent, the danger remains constant.

While they have faced life-threatening situations in dungeons before, Miyano never imagined that it would become a normal state. Accepting this “abnormal familiarity” is difficult for Miyano.

Well, I feel the same way. I don’t want to experience enough of this situation to get used to it.

“Of course, anyone would feel the same. I’m no exception. I never wanted to get used to this,” Miyano replied.

In reality, she should have already quit being an adventurer and found a regular job somewhere. Yet, here she was, compelled to take action to resolve this unprecedented situation.

“But compared to other places around the world, Japan is relatively better, right? I’ve seen news about riots and such happening in different locations…”

Kitahara had a point. Even though the situation had somewhat stabilized, it was only true for a few limited areas.

In Japan, there were an absurd number of formidable awakeneds, quite literally one in a thousand, who could handle gates relatively easily—the so-called ‘heroes.’ Because of this abundance of heroes, the number of gates was decreasing, and any emergencies were promptly dealt with.

“That’s probably true. Japan has a high number of powerful awakeneds considering its size. We currently have ten heroes, and that’s quite a lot.”

“Ten? Isn’t it nine?”


Including Miyano, there were ten ‘heroes’ in Japan, but one of them had been lost during the collapse of a gate. The information about a hero dying in this situation would only fuel the citizens’ anxiety, so it wasn’t made public. However, those of us who were involved in this knew about it.

Hence, Abe seemed to find it curious, but my statement of ten heroes wasn’t a mistake.

Indeed, there were initially nine heroes, but now we had returned to ten.

Meaning, a new hero had emerged.

“Oh, speaking of which, Tenshi-san also became a ‘hero,’ right?”

“Yeah, now that you mention it.”

While Kitahara seemed to recall it, only Miyano reacted to the statement.

Asuka Tenshi had been recognized as a ‘hero’ not too long ago, and the news had been broadcast on television. Since this research facility also had access to televisions for gathering external information, Abe could keep updated, but she spent most of her time reading books in the archives or conducting research on new magic. As for Asada, she was lazing around with Nina, so it seemed she hadn’t been watching the news.

Well, in Asada’s case, even though you could say she’s lazing around with Nina, she’s actually taking care of her in terms of feminine fashion and etiquette. Surprisingly, she’s quite caring. She teaches and looks after Nina in various ways, things that I couldn’t teach someone as naive as her.

“Oh, she’s like a princess. Well, she had the talent and power, so it’s not surprising.”

“Yes, but it seems she wasn’t entirely pleased with it…”

“Why? She was so obsessed with becoming a hero.”

The fact that the young lady admired heroes and wanted to become one was well-known not just to me, but to all of us, including Miyano. So when I heard that she seemed somewhat dissatisfied despite becoming a hero, Asada tilted her head in curiosity.

“I can kind of guess why.”

The young lady had exceptional talent and abilities on par with a hero. Miyano was certified as a ‘hero’ during our first year, but she had the power to stand toe-to-toe with her.

However, she still wasn’t recognized as a hero because she lacked achievements.

If she had the chance to defeat a high-level monster with a flashy attack like Miyano did, and it happened in front of a crowd, then achievements wouldn’t matter much. After all, she demonstrated her power in front of everyone, proving she had the strength without the need for specific achievements.

However, the young lady never had that opportunity.

And that hadn’t changed even now. She hadn’t defeated high-level monsters with just her team, nor had she resolved any significant incidents.

Well, that’s normal for most people. Encounters with major incidents or high-level monsters are rare. It’s just that we, or rather, I, am abnormal in that regard.

And her lack of achievements was unlikely to have changed until now. Yet suddenly, in this situation, she was recognized and announced as a ‘hero’ without any accomplishments.

To think there’s no catch in that would be quite naive of her, wouldn’t it?

“Perhaps it’s based on achievements and the current situation?”

“Yes, that’s correct.”

“What do you mean? I understand achievements, but what about the situation?”

“Achievements are exactly what they imply. To become a hero, most people need to accomplish some significant feat that gets publicized in the news. Well, it’s not an absolute requirement, and there have been cases where people were given the title of hero without doing anything extraordinary.”

Being a hero holds significant influence in the country they belong to. Therefore, even without specific achievements, if someone possesses impressive abilities, they might be praised as a hero. Well, those individuals might have their ranks slightly altered, but as long as they eventually achieve something significant, there’s no issue.

“In the young lady’s case, she fought on equal terms with Miyano, who is recognized as a hero, and in their final clash, she demonstrated power befitting a hero. That’s probably why they bestowed her with the title.”

While her achievements might not be exceptional, she had already displayed the power necessary to be considered a hero.

So, in a way, they ‘crafted’ her into a hero for that reason.

“Now, about the situation… As you can see around us, the current state of the world is, to put it mildly, pretty dire. We’re on the verge of the end of the century. The nation probably wants to somehow keep its citizens calm, but words alone won’t be enough. Even if they say, ‘Everything will be fine, so stay calm,’ no one would simply believe that.”

Having a gate suddenly appear right in front of one’s home, with the possibility of monsters coming out of it at any time, and not knowing how long it will continue – such circumstances only serve to intensify the citizens’ anxiety. No matter how much the government advocates for “calm actions” or “we’ll resolve it,” people won’t be able to believe it wholeheartedly.

“So, they chose a hero?”

“Yes. In such a situation, if news spreads about a new hero emerging, it becomes a persuasive argument. It won’t completely calm everyone down, but it’s a way to show that the situation won’t only get worse. Even in these dire circumstances, those who are most anxious tend to latch onto hope, even if it’s just a slender thread. The concept of a ‘new hero’ becomes a beacon of hope.”

The situation is indeed critical. No one knows when it will end, and there’s no clear solution yet. However, if news of a new hero surfaces, it suggests that more might follow, and things might somehow get better.

That’s the purpose – to make the citizens believe that even in such a situation, there’s a possibility to cling onto hope, no matter how tenuous the basis for that hope might be.

Despite the fact that a solution has not yet been found, Japan’s relatively smaller territory has allowed it to progress in gate processing compared to other countries. Moreover, the emergence of a ‘new hero’ like Tenshi Asuka has also contributed to calming the citizens to some extent.

There was undoubtedly a significant reason for forcefully bestowing the title of ‘hero’ upon the young lady.

“However, she is still a ‘young lady.’ Being related to the ministers, she probably knows about the hidden circumstances, and even if not, it’s something anyone could easily deduce. Besides, she has a strong sense of pride. That’s probably why she didn’t like it,” I said, shrugging my shoulders.

“In other words, she thinks she wasn’t acknowledged based on her abilities?”

“Most likely.”

While saying so, I can’t help but think that she’s just mistaken about not being acknowledged based on her abilities.

In the young lady’s case, she simply didn’t have the opportunity to showcase her abilities; otherwise, her talents would have been recognized. Otherwise, she wouldn’t have been made a hero, especially in such a dire situation. It would only be more problematic if the hero they made died easily.

Moreover, even though I don’t know if the young lady perceives it that way, it’s not like she hasn’t demonstrated her power at all.

During the battle with Miyano and the others just before last year’s school trip, she managed to draw with Miyano. One could argue she even won, considering Miyano is a ‘hero.’

True, that wasn’t a real battle, and she didn’t defeat a high-ranking monster, but she possessed enough strength to offset Miyano’s attacks, showing the capabilities of a hero.

That being said, I don’t particularly intend to delve into those matters.

It’s up to the young lady to decide how she feels, what her goals are, and where she wants to go. It’s her prerogative.

Whether it’s good or bad is for her to determine, and it doesn’t matter what I think.

“From my perspective, the title of ‘hero’ doesn’t seem to hold much meaning, but for the young lady, it must be something important,” I said.

I truly believe that the title of ‘hero’ holds little significance. I know the purpose behind it and the reality of being a hero, as well as the various behind-the-scenes aspects. What matters more than the presence of a title is what someone has done and how they have thought about it. It’s not just limited to heroes; it applies to everything in life.

With a slight shrug of my shoulders, I conveyed my thoughts.

“The meaning of being a hero… it runs deep”

“It definitely feels more profound when someone like Igami-san, who is stronger than a hero and has helped so many people, says it,” Miyano added.

Unsure of how to respond to Miyano’s words, I remained silent with a subtle expression on my face.

“Alright, it’s about time for our feedback session. I’m heading over to Nina’s place,” I said, finishing my tea and standing up.

“You don’t have to be so embarrassed about it.”

“Shut up.”

Brushing off Asada’s teasing jab at my belly, I retorted with just those words and proceeded to walk towards my assigned room to change before going to Nina’s room.

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