Raising the Lowest-Ranked Adventurer, the Heroic Girl – Wasn’t I Just a Substitute Old Man?

Volume 5 Chapter 51 - Before Operation Kana and Nina

Raising the Lowest-Ranked Adventurer, the Heroic Girl – Wasn’t I Just a Substitute Old Man?

Volume 5 Chapter 51   Before Operation Kana and Nina

“——That’s the situation. I’ll rely on you for tomorrow.”

“Yes, I understand. While I can’t guarantee it absolutely, I intend to give it my best effort.”

“I really wish you could say ‘absolutely’ in that context.”

Today marked the day before the planned assault on the enemy’s stronghold. I was having a final meeting or rather a last-minute check with Saeki-san for tomorrow’s operation.

After our discussion concluded, I left the room and let out a deep sigh before starting to walk.

The date I had set for a month later is now almost upon us—tomorrow. There’s a high possibility that the instigator behind this foolish uproar will be present tomorrow, and we will be heading to a place equally as perilous.

That’s why I thought its necessary for both Miyano and Asada to have a conversation similar to Abe’s beforehand—but here lies a single issue.

“…It’s quite a dilemma. I just can’t bring myself to make a decision…”

Attempting to discuss this situation in circumstances like these would likely devolve into matters of affection and relationships. Moreover, as I haven’t yet figured out how to respond to that challenge, it’s become rather difficult to broach the subject.

To be honest, it’s entirely my own cowardice at fault here, but because of this, time has slipped away, and despite having only a few days left, I haven’t been able to have a proper conversation.

However, I must talk today. I’ve finally decided to gather my resolve and go meet Miyano and Asada.

Lost in such thoughts, I walked unconsciously until I suddenly realized I had arrived at Nina’s room.

Having often visited Nina while strolling through the institute, my body must have moved naturally in this direction when I wasn’t preoccupied with something else.

…There’s nothing particular I need, but since I’m here, I might as well drop by.

“——So, for this type of attire, this one here is more suitable.”

“I… can’t quite grasp it. I understand there are differences, but I can’t fully comprehend them. Furthermore, where do you find the ‘appeal’ in something like this?”

With such thoughts in mind, I entered Nina’s room and spoke. There, Asada sat across the table from Nina, engrossed in a discussion, a book spread out between them.

“Ah, well, these things are a bit specialized, so—oh.”

As I entered the room, Nina immediately turned her gaze towards me with a smile, and Asada, seemingly drawn by Nina’s reaction, also shifted his attention to me, acknowledging my presence.

“What’s up? Were you here?”

“Yeah. Well, teaching is enjoyable, after all.”

Asada had a knack for taking care of things and often acted as a good conversational partner for Nina. It seemed she had come here today for a chat as well.


“Wouldn’t it be alright to take a break today?”

“I’m fine. I’ll put in all my effort!”

Of course, Nina is also participating in the operation, and she’s enthusiastic about it as well. But your motivation and Asada’s condition are quite different.

“Well, that’s reassuring, but…”

“I just can’t relax if I’m not doing something. So, it works out well.”

As Asada said this, she chuckled with a slightly puzzled expression.

Still, dealing with kids just because she can’t relax… She really is good-natured.

“So, what have you been up to?”

As I let out a laugh at Asada’s kindness, I glanced down at the book—more like a magazine—on the table while asking the question.

“Studying fashion. After all this commotion is over, you’re going out with her, right?”

“By that time, I’ll do my best to surprise Father!”

“I see. I’m looking forward to it.”

Until now, Nina had simply used the clothes and accessories given to her. However, expressing herself in these ways is an important part of a child’s growth.

Hoping that she will continue to grow and eventually be able to live in the human world properly, rather than in a place like this institute, I placed my hand on Nina’s head and gently stroked it.

“Well, since we’re here, give me your opinion too.”

“Opinion? Like, what kind of things I like?”

“Yeah, exactly. Stuff like that.”

Originally, I had intended to have a conversation with Asada alone, but I wasn’t particularly eager to delve into romance-related topics, and Asada seemed quite composed. So, I suppose it’s fine to continue the conversation with Nina around. After all, my initial intention was just to have a talk to ease the tension and anxiety about tomorrow’s operation.

With that in mind, as soon as I sat down on the sofa at the table where the two of us were sitting, Nina reacted.

“Oh! I apologize for not offering anything! I’ll bring tea right away!”

Saying that, Nina hurriedly got up and rushed to the kitchen in the room.

“No need to go to such lengths.”

“Well, maybe it’s fine to let her do as she pleases? She seems to be enjoying it.”

“That’s true.”

Watching Nina leave, I realized that we had unintentionally ended up in a situation where we were talking alone.

However, even though Nina can hear us, I doubt she’ll pry into our conversation.

If that kind of topic isn’t on the table, I actually enjoy talking with Asada. It’s a welcome change.

Talking with her somehow feels… easy, I guess? It’s a calming feeling. It’s a bit different from the relaxed atmosphere when I’m talking with Hiro and the others… maybe it’s more like a sense of comfort?

“By the way, you really are quite caring. Thank you.”

I’ve said it before, but once again, I bowed my head in gratitude, looking at Nina.

“You’re welcome. But I’m doing it because I want to. I like kids and all.”

“I see.”


After nodding, Asada’s eyes widened as if she suddenly realized something, and she began to fumble around awkwardly.

…This reaction probably indicates that she’s embarrassed about something she thought or said… What could it be?

Did I do something in our conversation just now? I don’t think I did anything, right? Why is she so flustered?

“N-No, it’s not like that! I mean, liking kids, it’s that. I just genuinely like kids, it’s not like I want kids myself or anything like that… I mean… Aaaah!”

It seems like she just detonated herself. While I wasn’t thinking anything of the sort during our conversation, is her reaction a bit over the top? It’s more like her imagination is running wild…

Well, it’s probably best not to touch on that subject.

Anyway, even if I don’t delve into the self-detonation or the related imaginings, since the conversation has taken this turn, I should probably bring up the topic.

Being in Nina’s room now, the conversation might not delve into deeply personal matters.

“… I know it might be too late to ask now, but are you really not reconsidering?”

As I said this, Asada stopped her flustered actions and looked at me with a slightly irritated expression.

“Well, I thought you were cool. I mean, sure, I used to make fun of you and underestimate you at first, and my impression of you wasn’t good. But when you joined the team as our instructor, despite saying all sorts of things, you’d protect us when things got dangerous, and you’d watch out for us so that we wouldn’t get crushed. Seeing you like that, I thought you were cool.”

Well, yeah… I mean, I didn’t want you to die, after all.

“Then I started following you with my eyes… Wait, why am I saying this?! Ughhh!”

Asada turned her face away from me in embarrassment, burying her head in her hands as she groaned.

Then, as if she had reached a breaking point within herself, she sprang up forcefully from the sofa, glaring at me and pointing her finger.

“Argh, seriously! Anyway! Age difference, your past, feelings… none of that matters! Regardless of how you feel, I like you! Even if you don’t reciprocate, it’s fine. I’ve fallen for you, and that’s okay.”

When it’s put so straightforwardly like this, I realize that changing her mind would be difficult.

“I won’t ask anything right now, and you don’t have to say anything. But when things are back to normal, I won’t let this go.”

Well, this… to be told like this. I thought since Nina would be listening, it wouldn’t get this intense. I had somewhat cowardly thought that I wouldn’t need to be too explicit, but now that it’s been put so clearly, I’m starting to feel foolish.

…Though, I guess in her case, she probably doesn’t remember.

“Oh, my, what a wonderful line.”


As Nina returned with tea in hand, Asada’s voice, which had been so forceful before, turned into a somewhat silly, deflated tone as she glanced toward the source of the voice.

“Uh… Oh!”

And then, with a start, she snapped back to reality and once again started panicking.

Well, I guess if you say something like that, thinking no one is listening, this kind of thing is bound to happen. I mean, even I felt embarrassed hearing it earlier.

“Well, this, um, you know, it’s not like that, it’s just… ”

“Isn’t it different? You also like Father, don’t you?”

“Like… well, yeah, but…”

Nina tilted her head as she asked, but Asada mumbled her response, barely looking at Nina, her face slightly downturned.

However, unlike Asada, there was something about Nina’s words that caught my attention.

“You too…? Do you as well?”

While we’re in a parent-child relationship with Nina, I couldn’t help but wonder if she might have romantic feelings like Asada… I timidly asked, hoping it wasn’t the case.

“Yes! Of course!”

“No, it’s just that, even if we’re not biologically related, we’re like family…”

“Is something strange? Children do like their parents, right?”

“Yeah, it’s just that…”

After talking with Asada, I had a misunderstanding, but it seems that Nina’s feelings were more like parental affection than romantic love.

Nina has only been interacting with people properly for about a year, and considering that I’m the only man she’s around, it’s unlikely she understands romantic feelings.

“Does liking Father mean that Kana becomes family too?”


In response to Nina’s questioning words, Asada, who had been flustered while averting her gaze, reacted to those words.

But come on, calm down already. I understand you’re confused, but don’t go adding more wounds to yourself.

“—I think I might prefer Mom, to be honest…”

“What’s that?”

“Ah! No, it’s nothing!”

After that, we quickly changed the subject to something ordinary, as if trying to brush it off. If she continues like this, she should be alright.

Even though she couldn’t provide an answer, she managed to continue the conversation, and at least she wasn’t crumbling under anxiety.

All that’s left now is to talk to Miyano.

…However, once this commotion settles down, I should probably start seriously preparing myself.

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