Raising the Lowest-Ranked Adventurer, the Heroic Girl – Wasn’t I Just a Substitute Old Man?

Volume 5 Chapter 54 - Commencement of battle with the culprit

Raising the Lowest-Ranked Adventurer, the Heroic Girl – Wasn’t I Just a Substitute Old Man?

Volume 5 Chapter 54    Commencement of battle with the culprit

“You can see that this dungeon is unique, right? Unlike dungeons we intentionally activated, this one was created from scratch by us.”

Perhaps interpreting my silence as a signal to proceed, the man began to speak.

“The role of this place, well, I assume you already grasp it, is to oversee other dungeons. All dungeons without cores are interconnected with this place’s core. Unless this core is destroyed, the gates will never close.”

Created from scratch, huh. And as suspected, this place does have a significant role. Moreover, it’s related to overseeing other cores, a concept that was merely speculation…

To close dungeons without cores, would we need to destroy this core?

“So, we just need to destroy it.”

“Exactly. Ah, you’re correct. However, do you think it’ll be that simple?”

It seems this won’t be as straightforward as just thwarting this guy’s interference.

“Forcibly awakened unstable dungeons lose stability upon core destruction. Simultaneously, the connection to the mortal realm is severed. You understand this from the gates that have appeared so far, right? The same applies here. In other words, if this core is destroyed, everything within this dungeon will lose its connection to the mortal realm.”

After stating this, the man paused momentarily, then grinned triumphantly.

“The outcome of a severed realm is beyond our understanding. After all, no matter how many times we experimented, no one returned. Whether returning is even possible, whether this space itself will persist or vanish, even that is uncertain. But thinking we can return alive is overly optimistic.”

There’s no astonishment in this, as the man stated that the same phenomenon occurred in other dungeons. There must be some countermeasures in place.

Though calling them countermeasures might be a stretch, especially since they’re using sacrificial lambs.

However, it doesn’t mean there’s no way to close this gate. We could defeat this guy, exit, and then contact for personnel to handle the destruction. That would put an end to everything.

So, all we need to do is eliminate this guy.

Yet, perhaps sensing our confidence, the man snorted arrogantly and began speaking with a condescending expression.

“And this core is enchanted with a special magic. It can only be destroyed when someone possessing the key is present and infuses a significant amount of magic power. Generating that level of magic power, even with a Special Grade entity, would likely be impossible. Therefore, arranging a sacrificial lamb as we’ve done before won’t be an option. If you intend to destroy it, you’ll need to do it with everyone here.”


A setup that can’t be destroyed even by a Special Grade?

And if we destroy this core, these guys die? There’s no way we can accept that.

…But if we don’t destroy this core, we can’t resolve the ongoing crisis.

Wait, he said it needs a Special Grade, but he didn’t say only us can do it.

The necessary condition is simply having someone possessing the ‘key,’ as he called it.

So, if we obtain that key and pass it to another sacrificial lamb, that should solve the issue.

To achieve that, we would need several other Special Grade individuals or an equivalent amount of magic power. However, that’s not something we can’t arrange. In a worst-case scenario, we could amplify it temporarily using the method Asada learned to manipulate magic stone power. Well, it might require a period of training for that, but it’s not as if there’s no solution without sacrificing Special Grades.

There’s a way to end this without their deaths.

So, there’s no need for despair or hesitation.

“Now, what will you do, ‘Survivor’? You’ve fought to stay alive, but will you throw your lives away for a misguided sense of justice to save the world? With your abilities, you could likely survive even in a purified world brought about by the gates, couldn’t you? If you want to live, choosing that option would be wise. What’s your decision?”

The man’s words reach out, attempting to discern my thoughts on what to do with the core, but my course of action is already set.

While Miyano and the others eye the man warily and anxiously glance at me, I offer them a reassuring smile. Simultaneously, I launch an attack at the man.

This time, I take out poison from my pouch and throw it, aiming to overcome any magical defenses he might have.

“Oh? Intent on destruction, are you?”

The man exclaims in surprise at my action, yet he swiftly activates magic, intercepting the container of poison I hurled.

However, that doesn’t deter me.

As the container shatters, the poison spills out, and I manipulate it, directing it toward the man.

Yet even this attempt is thwarted as a barrier envelops him. Flames erupt from within the barrier, neutralizing the poison.

“Now then. However, whether we deal with the core or not, it wouldn’t hurt to kill you first.”

“Heh. Indeed. But I don’t mind. If you want to kill me, go ahead. Either way, if you can’t destroy the core, the goal of purifying the world can still be achieved. In that case, whether I die or not is irrelevant.”

Thwarted in our second ambush attempt, we once again find ourselves in a standoff.

Yet, perhaps influenced by my words and actions, Miyano and Asada seem to have come to a resolution. They raise their weapons and charge forward, while Abe unleashes the magic she had prepared.

“Of course, I may be a small fry, but I have no intention of dying for free.”

Just as the man utters these words, a distorted, black vortex-like rift appears between us and him—a gate.

“A gate within a gate!?”

Probably—or rather, undoubtedly—this gate was created by the man. Abe’s magic is absorbed by the emerging gate, directly taking the impact. We hear the screams of what seemed to be monsters from within.

With the appearance of the gate, Miyano, who was about to charge straight towards the man, instinctively halts. As for Asada, who was following close behind, she also stops, creating some distance from the gate.

What emerges after the screams is a large creature.

With six legs and unnaturally thin, exposed gums, the creature’s emaciated body somewhat resembles that of a dog. It’s akin to a dog in terms of physical appearance.

However, it exudes a revulsion and eerie atmosphere that is far from anything resembling a dog.

A group of over twenty of these creatures appears before us.


Dealing with a group like this is better suited for a mage like Abe, not Asada. While Miyano could handle it to some extent, her forte lies more in power than range. So, it’s still better to rely on Abe in situations like this.

Thinking this, I call out Abe’s name. But even before I issue any instructions, Abe is already in the process of preparing her magic.

“Get back!”

Recognizing that Abe is preparing her magic, Miyano and the other vanguard member react swiftly. They’ve been engaging the beast-like monsters with tactical maneuvering to prevent them from getting away. However, as Abe finishes her spellcasting, she calls out to the two.

Responding immediately to her voice, the two leap aside. In the next instant, multiple fireballs shoot towards the beasts, colliding and erupting in explosive bursts.

With this, most of the monsters are killed, and the few survivors that were blown back are swiftly dispatched by Miyano and Asada.

Yet, it’s far from over.

“Look out, it’s not finished yet!”

Following that, numerous gates appear between us and the man, and more monsters start emerging.

First, a swarm of bipedal insects with long arms that can touch the ground.

Next, a massive white serpent, larger than a house.

Then an even bigger giant, a cyclops.

A griffin with an eagle’s head and a lion’s lower body.

While these might be well-known creatures, having them appear right before our eyes simultaneously is more than just troublesome. It’s not just a matter of being inconvenienced.

And to top it all off, a dragon. It’s only natural for this ultimate monster to make an appearance.

Why in the world is this happening? It’s so abnormal that you’d be shocked. Enemies that shouldn’t appear together in the same dungeon are gathering right before us.

“…! Abe, handle the lesser creatures! Kitahara, focus on shielding us and enhancing Miyano’s capabilities!”

While we had momentarily frozen upon witnessing the horde of magical beasts, I quickly regained my senses and issued instructions to the equally stunned Abe and Kitahara.

“As for Miyano…”

Turning my attention to Miyano and the others, they were already in motion before I could command them.

“Let’s go, Kana! I’ll cover your back!”

“Got it!”

It seemed that those two were able to withstand this extraordinary situation without being overwhelmed.

Miyano danced among the swarm of bipedal insects, moving gracefully as she engaged them. At times, she swung her sword to fend off the serpent and even used magic to bring down the flying griffin.

As for Asada, she approached the one-eyed cyclops and slammed a massive hammer onto its foot. The cyclops collapsed with a roar, causing the ground to tremble.

Upon closer observation, despite their numbers, the monsters seemed to be avoiding causing harm to one another, giving their movements an awkward quality.

Even so, a direct hit, even just one, could create an opening, leading to vulnerability, regardless of whether they suffered severe injuries or not.

That’s why I refrained from diving headlong into the fray. Instead, I assessed the situation, targeting enemies attempting to ambush Miyano and Asada, while also tripping up those closing in on Abe and Kitahara.

At times, I attempted to attack the Savior Army man through gaps between the monsters, but each time, the monsters intervened and thwarted my efforts.

Does this mean I won’t be able to get close to him until we’ve dealt with all these creatures?

As we continued, it seemed Abe had completed her preparations, and she unleashed her magic.

The released fireballs struck the enemy’s rear, creating a deafening explosion of sound, shockwaves, and flames.

The noise was so overwhelming that for a brief moment, it felt like the world went silent, leaving my ears ringing.

Abe’s flames swept away the smaller creatures, blasted the serpent away, grounded the griffin, and toppled the giants with incredible force.

Yet, even wounded and fallen, the enemy monsters were still alive.

And in addition to that, there was still… the dragon.

“Not bad at all! Even if you survive, one of you will surely die!”

…? What did he mean? Among us, someone will surely die?

He must know that we’re using sacrificial pawns. Even if we need a key, we could just have the chosen pawn carry it and destroy the core.

But even knowing that, is he implying that someone will die? Does that mean, in the worst case, someone has to stay here?

Why? Does the dungeon collapse if someone isn’t left behind? Or… is the key something that can’t be passed on?

If that’s the case, one of us has to become the pawn.

…If it truly comes to a point where one of our comrades has to die, then at that moment, I…

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