Raising the Lowest-Ranked Adventurer, the Heroic Girl – Wasn’t I Just a Substitute Old Man?

Volume 5 Chapter 70 - I can't quit yet

Raising the Lowest-Ranked Adventurer, the Heroic Girl – Wasn’t I Just a Substitute Old Man?

Volume 5 Chapter 70   I can’t quit yet

“——So, in the end, I was able to find it.”

Heading on an expedition with Nina in the dungeon, we confirmed the shocking facts and the anomaly that occurred to me. As a result, it seems that I now know the location of the dungeon’s core.

Unable to keep such a fact silent, after finishing the expedition and returning to the laboratory, we immediately arranged a meeting with Saeki.

“Well, I found what serves as the core of the dungeon and touched it…”

“What happened?”

“Well, it’s hard to put that sensation into words…”

A sensation that’s challenging to express in words. However, it didn’t feel entirely unpleasant. If I were to put that sensation into words…

“Perhaps, it felt nostalgic.”

It’s not an absolute certainty, but it probably isn’t far from the truth. It’s a sensation similar to the comfort of returning home, not exactly the same, but reminiscent of reconnecting with a childhood friend. It’s a soft and gentle feeling, different from déjà vu or nostalgia, and yet, it’s still difficult to articulate.

“The dungeon’s core, feeling nostalgic, huh… Did any of you others feel anything?”

“No, not really…”

“So, it seems Igami-kun is the only one who sensed that nostalgia.”

The others present in the conversation, including Miyano, shook their heads in denial in response to Saeki’s question. However, upon hearing their responses, Saeki showed a slightly contemplative expression.

“However, this is becoming quite a complicated issue.”

Well, I had expected that. Having such an ability would undoubtedly lead to complications.

“Why is it complicated? It seems convenient once you understand it, doesn’t it?”

However, Asada didn’t seem to share the same opinion and tilted her head in curiosity at Saeki’s words.

“It’s certainly convenient. He now know the location of the dungeon’s core. Well, to be precise, it seems he already knew it, but that’s because his daughter didn’t mention it. It’s essentially a new discovery.”

If Nina hadn’t been silent about it… No, even in that case, the existence of ‘Nina’ is considered special. Even if she had spoken, the situation might not have changed. If the ability possessed by a special entity manifested in someone ordinary like me, it would undoubtedly cause a commotion.

“Now here’s the problem. Why did it manifest only in Igami-kun and his daughter? Despite being father and daughter, there’s no real blood connection, so lineage is out of the question. Is it the environment? That doesn’t seem likely either. If Igami-kun was in an environment conducive to awakening, then Miyano-kun, you guys, or even I should have manifested some ability, similar or different. There’s no reason for us not to have awakened.”

Three years ago, Miyano and the others were basically accompanying me in my actions. If there was something that triggered my ability to manifest, it would be strange for Miyano and the others, who were with me, to have nothing.

Or, if being close to Nina was a necessary condition, it would be odd for the researchers here not to manifest abilities, given their proximity to Nina.

Therefore, the cause should be sought in the time when Miyano and the others were not with me, regardless of this laboratory.

Considering that there was no such ability three years ago, it should be concluded that the ability was acquired during these three years. But I haven’t moved from just one place during these three years.

“In that case, we should consider that there was something special just about them…”

Saeki paused for a moment and glanced in my direction, probably wanting to know my thoughts. I could try to deceive, but it wouldn’t really make a difference.

“… I don’t know about Nina, but in my case, it might be related to being trapped in the gate?”

It’s a speculation, but it’s probably not far from the truth. Confirming this, Saeki nodded in agreement with my response.

“Do you really think so? Well, probably. The likelihood of that being the case is high. I mean, what other explanation is there? Or did you have such abilities from before, or was there any sign of manifestation?”

“No, not at all. Even if there was a situation where abilities awakened due to changes, the only significant change was being trapped in the gate. Whatever the reason, that incident undoubtedly has an impact.”

There’s no way to confirm, but for now, that’s the most plausible explanation. However, it leaves one question unanswered.

“But that doesn’t explain Nina.”

Exactly. As Abe mentioned, Nina and I may have the same ability, but the processes leading to acquiring it are entirely different.

“Yeah. That’s right. She didn’t enter a special gate like you. But her birth is unique. Well, maybe ‘birth’ is not the right term; it’s more about her upbringing.”

“Nina’s birth…?”

“Yeah. She was created through experiments aiming for immortality, using dungeon materials. Although she originally was just an ordinary girl born into a normal family… Don’t take it the wrong way, but if I were to use a malicious term, she’s like an artificial monster in human form. Ah, that’s why I said not to take it the wrong way.”

Listening to Saeki’s explanation, there were aspects that made sense, but the wording seemed to bother Miyano and Asada. They leaned forward slightly, glaring at Saeki.

However, judging that Saeki didn’t mean any harm, Miyano and the others settled back, and Saeki continued the conversation.

“And you, a being who survived being trapped in a gate, an existence that would normally be impossible. Moreover, it happened from a place that can be considered the origin of all gates. Both instances make you someone who is closer to the existence of gates and dungeons compared to an ordinary human. In other words, you perceive your kin. Of course, this is just a possibility based on the current situation.”

Perceive kin… So, does that mean I’m no longer human? Ha. It’s quite a bizarre story for someone who wanted to quit being an adventurer to end up not as an adventurer but as someone who isn’t human.

“Um, I understand that, but what will happen to Igami-san from now on?”

Miyano raised her hand and voiced the question, which is something I’m curious about as well. Well, I can make some general predictions.

“Yeah. In this case, Igami-kun is going to have quite a tough time.”

“Tough? Specifically, what kind of…”

“Ar-are we talking about experiments?”

In response to Miyano and Kitahara’s words, Saeki answered with a wry smile.

“Well, yeah. Although, we won’t be doing dissections or dealing with dangerous drugs. If something like that gets leaked to his daughter, everyone involved… no, everyone, including those not involved, would probably be burned. I think tasks like interviews, missions involving gates, or contacts with individuals who share similar backgrounds with him or his daughter will be the main focus.”

While Saeki spoke with a smile, for someone like me who can easily imagine that situation, it’s not a laughing matter. If, for example, I got injured because of participating in an experiment, Nina would probably be furious.

“But well, there will be rewards, and if you think of it as a job, it won’t be that difficult. You’ll still come to this lab regularly, right?”

“Well, because Nina is here.”

As long as Nina remains in this place, I will continue to come to this laboratory regularly. Well, if there’s a need for investigations or experiments in the future, the frequency might increase.

“Yeah. So, when I said it’s tough, I meant you probably won’t be able to quit being an adventurer anytime soon, maybe even for your entire life.”


I had a faint inkling, but to think it would turn out like this. Sigh…

“Why is that?”

“Think about it. The number of gates is still increasing. However, it takes quite a bit of time to handle just one gate, mainly because it takes time to locate the dungeon’s core. But, if a detector that can locate the dungeon’s core were to appear, its value would be immeasurable, don’t you think?”

“That is…”

“A detector…”

“Igami-kun, do you understand the current situation? The country didn’t want to let you go, especially with your daughter’s situation, but now it’s even more unlikely.”

Listening to Saeki’s explanation, Miyano and the others stared at me, their expressions a mix of confusion and joy, a complex blend.

“But there might be something to be happy about. We don’t know what will happen in the future, but at least your treatment from the ‘higher-ups’ should improve. Handling you poorly in your current state and having you escape to a foreign country would be unthinkable. Moreover, you’re a hero. A great hero who saved not only this country but the world. Try escaping from someone like that. The ‘higher-ups’ would not only be embarrassed but might even face riots. To avoid that, while they command you to handle gates and search for the dungeon’s core, they will also bring you lucrative offers.”

Well, I’m not particularly happy about it. I already understood that their treatment towards me was poor, but I had accepted it as part of the deal. Now, being told that my treatment will improve, I don’t particularly feel anything.

However, immediately after that, Saeki said something unexpected.

“Congratulations. Now you have a reason to continue being an adventurer. Since the option of being a coward and running away is no longer available, all that’s left is to advance your situation.”

Feeling irritated at the unnecessary comment, I couldn’t deny that what he said was not entirely wrong. If escape is not an option, the only way is forward. Well, considering I can’t stay in the same place forever.

“So, we’ll be together from now on, right?”

Ignoring Asada, who said this with a cheerful tone, I turned to Miyano, sitting next to her.

“Hey, Hero. I wonder when I’ll be able to quit being an adventurer.”

“I don’t know? But it’s probably impossible for a while, right?”

“It’s okay. I’ll take care of you for the rest of your life.”

I’m not so sure about that…

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