Rebirth: How A Loser Became A Prince Charming

Chapter 175: Qin Guan Seized the Opportunity!

Chapter 175: Qin Guan Seized the Opportunity!

Translator: Lan Editor: Efydatia

Professor Li had been wanting to send Qin Guan to an international competition, but he’d had no plans of studying abroad so far.

Judging by his personality, he was bound to revolt and abandon the fashion circle to return to college. However, things had changed, and now he was planning on going abroad himself.

Besides, Qin Guan was going abroad with his girlfriend. Considering the terrible living expenses, he would definitely need to make more money.

Professor Li finally stood a chance of seeing a domestic male model go out and reach the top fashion circles.

Sister Xue had been attacked from two sides. Professor Li had also abandoned her. Her only comfort was that Professor Li would arrange for her to become a formal agent for New Silk Road after Qin Guan left.

Sister Xue had nearly lost her motivation to live. She wasn't willing to leave Qin Guan. They had been comrades-in-arms for the past two years after all. She had witnessed all his steps towards success, yet she couldn't stay with him any longer. She was really sad.

Sister Xue held her tears back as she embraced him. "Cheers, Qin Guan! Let's fight this final battle! It’s just to make money, right? I love it! Wait to hear from me!"

What would be the best money-making job for Qin Guan? Not TV shows or fashion shows, but advertisements!

To maintain his image, Sister Xue had turned down a pile of dispensable or tasteless advertisements from A.M. It was time to revisit them though.

After a discussion with the director of A.M, Sister Xue immediately got a notice through email. She began to check the advertisements with Qin Guan.

"This is the latest offer, a body wash ad for Adidas, audition inquired. This is for junk food. I have no idea what brand."

Qin Guan picked up the paperwork at the bottom. Sister Xue took a look at it. "Medicine? That’s terrible! How much does it pay? Okay, let me read it!"

Sister Xue read it carefully and turned it down immediately, "Never! Afrodyn is out of the question! I don’t care how much they pay."

They made their final decision as soon as they finished reading everything.

"Good, let me see. Two of them require auditions. The other three don't. Congratulations, Qin Guan. Most second-line stars couldn’t get that many offers, even though most of them are background jobs."

"Now, let's see the films and TV shows."

Sister Xue pulled a thick pile of scripts from under the table. They had come from film production companies and various film and TV studios.

After excluding those that had already begun and weren't in need of actors, they still had eight scripts left to read.

They read them one by one.

"Wow! Interesting! ‘Romance Across the Universe of Time’. It's a low-budget Sci-Fi film with period costumes. It's the first one to be produced in China. We could keep it as an alternative."

"What the hell is ‘Maid in Red Mason’? Don't be silly, Qin Guan."

Qin Guan didn't care. He had never heard of that film in his past life, but all actors made some terrible films. It required an audition. Maybe he wouldn't pass it. Anyway, it was an alternative for making money.

Sister Xue could only turn to the next script.

"The ‘Graceful Princess’ production hasn't decided on the actors yet. Let me see... Servant of the protagonist, uncle of the protagonist, Prince of Xixia… A villain again? No, it's not. Good. Let’s save it for later."

"What about ‘Qianlong Dynasty’? You’d need to have your head shaved for it though. No! Fine, you’ll just audition for these. You’ll also audition for the A.M. ads, and I’ll sign a contract with the J shirts boss for this year."

Looking at Qin Guan's furtive back, Sister Xue added, "Afrodyn is out of the question!"

Qin Guan bent his head. That advertisement paid the most. He didn't need to worry about his fame anymore anyway.

Qin Guan met the Adidas representative in the meeting room of A.M.

There were six models waiting there, but the representative was hesitant. The director of A.M was murmuring something to him.

Qin Guan tried to eavesdrop on their discussion.

"No, you can't convince me. Although the advertisement will air in Asia, this doesn't mean that we have to choose an Asian model."

"We’re talking about deodorants and bathing products, and Western models are more alluring and sexy than Asian ones. You know that Asian models are reserved. They are not good at looking hot. Why not find some European or American models? Let’s call this a day. I can wait till you find other models."

Qin Guan's ears quivered. What does he mean by that? Under normal circumstances, he wouldn't have cared. At worst, he would have just waited for another chance. Things had changed though. He had a family to support now, which was a very heavy burden.

He couldn't wait for that stupid guy to gather another group of inferior models for a second audition. He would always be the final choice anyway. His time was too precious to waste.

Qin Guan stood up suddenly and walked to the centre of the room, gesturing for everyone to be quiet.

He had shocked all the attendants, who fell silent at once.

Qin Guan cleared his throat and spoke to the representative, "Dear sir, you are a successful businessman, so your time must be precious. I overheard your conversation just now. May I have a word with you?"

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