Rebirth of the Godly Prodigal

Chapter 174 - Full Missile Launch

Chapter 174: Full Missile Launch

Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

Tang Muxin face-palmed. “Sigh, these people are goners.”

She then realized that the body of the super sports car, claimed to be 20 years in the world’s leading technology, emitted a mechanic squeaky sound. At the same time, Lin Chuyin’s indifferent voice echoed—this lass was announcing the name of her impending move. “Target confirmed. All-out Attack, begin… Full missile launch!”

When Lin Chuyin finished speaking, Hong Dali finally saw clearly what the interior of the car was equipped with…

The front of the car had four Gatling guns, there were three missile muzzles near the rear wheels of the car, the boot cover was opened, and in the boot were two warship artillery shells.

Hong Dali stared at it with his mouth agape. “This… this isn’t going to kill someone, is it?!” Everyone else around was also completely stunned. They thought they must still be dreaming. Wasn’t this a science fiction film set?

Yao Tianhao stared at the extremely high-tech sports car in front of him, bewildered. They were on the verge of an epic battle, and then this high tech sports car came in out of nowhere. Though the young lady driving the car was quite attractive…

He regretted.

The four Gatling guns mounted on the front of Lin Chuyin’s super sports car started to turn, making some kind of sizzling noise. Four rows of BB gun pellets fired like streams of water toward Yao Tianhao who was still looking at the car curiously.

Once the four Gatling guns started firing, cries of pain were heard. It was mentioned earlier that the BB pellets were capable of penetrating three-centimeter thick cardboard from a distance of twenty meters. It was gratifying to hit the triad members with them. The whole group was finished off amidst cries of pain.

Unfortunately for them, the attack had just begun.

It was not called “All-out Attack” for nothing. The other contraptions could not be left idling. The two cannons on the body of the car started firing cannons. One, two, three, four, five, six… Six white plastic cannonballs were fired in the time it took to take a breath. The cannonballs exploded mildly once they hit the ground within the crowd, and a cloud of unidentified red smoke was emitted. The explosion was mild, but the strange red powder inside was not so harmless…

The triad brothers started coughing violently. As they coughed, they frantically wiped tears from their eyes.

Hong Dali’s hairs stood on end as he asked in a small voice, “That… That… Xinxin, what is that red stuff?”

Tang Muxin was somewhat familiar with such occurrences and replied slowly, “It’s a mix of red pepper powder and mustard powder. Getting hit by the stuff… the feeling is… erm… not bad…” By the end of her explanation, that was all she could come up with.

Even if Tang Muxin didn’t say anything, Hong Dali could see from the tormented expressions on their faces that a mix of red pepper and mustard powder was not something he wanted to be near. Just thinking about it was enough to make him turn and run.

Just then, the last cannon started firing. The back of the super sports car had a row of cannons mounted on it, and they started firing cannonballs skyward. The cannonballs zinged through the air and arched gracefully across the sky, finally exploding in front of Wanhao Nightclub.

They were filled with itching powder…

That was how a group of triad members cried in pain and sneezed with burning, tearing eyes and randomly laughed out loud.

The battle started quickly and ended even more quickly.

Within two minutes, 70 or 80 powerful triad brothers all laid flat on the ground. None of them could get up.

The scene was chaotic. The surrounding hooligans and ruffians who used to be full of bravado were now shaking violently in fear. Many of the less brave was still trembling thinking about what happened. The ones who were swayed by Hong Dali’s bribes were the most affected. If they had not switched sides so decisively, it would be them paving the streets.

There were numerous little hooligans whose teeth chattered nonstop, making atat tat tat sound. Their legs tried to remain straight, but it was impossible.

It was only now that Hong Dali understood how Lin Chuyin got her moniker of Blood Consort. If she had wanted to, she could have changed the gear in her car with something more damaging. The scene would have then been Asura hell.

Luckily Lin Chuyin was still on good terms with him at the moment. They were still good buddies in cahoots with each other.

Lin Chuyin finally opened the door, got out of the car, and walked slowly towards Hong Dali. As she moved quietly forward, the three, four hundred little hooligans subconsciously backed away from her. By the time she reached Hong Dali, there was an empty space of fifty square meters around her. There were only Hong Dali with Tang Muxin and the Blood Consort, Lin Chuyin within that circle.

With regards to the Blood Consort, Tang Muxin had never thought of her as a normal human being. It was more like a playful child meeting the robot Doraemon. “Big Sister Blood Consort!” Tang Muxin ran happily to Lin Chuyin and hung on to her wrist.

Lin Chuyin did not reject Tang Muxin’s gesture of affection. She had no reaction whatsoever. She just looked at Hong Dali stonily and asked, “Hey, why are you not at your coming of age ceremony?”

Her voice was ice cold but held a tinge of concern.

The tinge of emotion was not obvious, but Tang Muxin was relatively familiar with her and could sense that the usually emotionless geek seemed to treat Hong Dali somewhat differently from other people.

Hong Dali chuckled and ruffled his hair. “Oh, this group of people bullied my underling, so I came for revenge.” He quickly explained the situation and said, “Regardless, I’m their Young Master. If my underlings get bullied, I have to stand up for them!”

Lin Chuyin did not display any objections to the matter, but she did not encourage him either. “Uh, now that the matter is resolved, go back?”

Hong Dali glanced at Yao Tianhao who was obviously completely wiped out. He thought for a while and said, “Erm, I think I need a little more time. There are some matters I need to settle. After all, I cannot leave things here the way they are.”

Lin Chuyin nodded and said, “Uh, ok. I’ll wait.”

Hong Dali happily waved over his three top lackeys, Mu Zixiao, and Geezer Wang. To Hong Dali, who resolved to be a happy prodigal son, the most important thing when he was out was his safety. He had to be on his guard against the opponent who could jump up at any moment and attack him.

As a prodigal son with ambitions, morals, and logic, it was a given that he should not go headlong into danger by himself.

And so, Yao Tianhao, who was lying beaten on the streets, sighed. He had lost his last chance.

After Hong Dali left, Lin Chuyin mumbled to herself, “If I were the one who got into trouble, would he help me too?”

Tang Muxin was resolutely on Hong Dali’s side this time. “Definitely. Although Dali may not seem very down to earth, he treats his friends quite well.”

Lin Chuyin tilted her head to one side. “Uh… This is being in cahoots with someone? It feels… not bad.”

Hong Dali, with his top three lackeys, as well as the two top fighters, Mu Zixiao and Geezer Wang, strutted toward Yao Tianhao. Hong Dali squatted to take a look at the unlucky triad boss and shrugged. “I’m sorry about your current predicament, I did not expect her to show up either.”

Yao Tianhao asked fearfully, “Who… Who is that little lass?!”

It was no wonder he was despondent. The existence of Lin Chuyin was unfathomable to normal people such as him.

Hong Dali frankly said, “She is just a technology geek. The kind who could build a satellite herself.”

Yao Tianhao was unsure what kind of living thing a technology geek was, but hearing that she was able to build her own satellite, Yao Tianhao knew that he was really down on his luck today. “O… Ok. I’m resigned to my fate.” There was no hope in getting even. Someone who could build her own satellite was a genius who was highly sought after. The government was sure to have covert protection for them. It definitely was not someone who he, who could barely be called influential, could touch.

And so, Yao Tianhao decisively said, “What are your terms? Tell me.”

It was Hong Dali’s turn to be slightly shocked. “You’re pretty straight-forward. You’re admitting defeat just like that? No words like ‘As long as the mountains stand and the rivers run, we will meet again’?”

Mu Zixiao muttered under her breath, “That’s what the mountain bandits say, no one in today’s triads says things like that anymore…”

Yao Tianhao turned over with much difficulty. “What’s the point of saying that?” He was all dirty and disheveled after Lin Chuyin’s super “All-out Attack,” and there were still tears in his eyes. “I have been completely crushed today. I might as well get it over and done with quickly, at least then I can still retain some of my pride.”

He felt a sudden surge of despair. “You brought out all the big guns for just one underling, is it worth it?”

He was not exaggerating. No matter what, he was at least a triad boss with a hundred over underlings under him. This Young Master attacked him without a second thought. It was the first time he had met someone even more unreasonable then himself. He had been crushed just like that. It was bad enough that he lost pathetically. Worse, he didn’t even know what happened.

“It’s worth it.” Hong Dali asked curiously, “If I can’t protect my people, then how would I keep my standing in the world?”

Yao Tianhao felt a sudden wave of envy for Hong Dali’s lackeys. “Your underling is quite the lucky one. They have such a dependable boss. Sigh. Forget it. Tell me, what do you want from me? Lay it out.”

Hong Dali thought about it and felt kind of despondent. “Actually, I have not decided what to do.”

Yao Tianhao shrieked. “You came without knowing what you wanted?! What about me? I got beaten up without knowing why. There isn’t even a chance that I could take revenge, and in the end, there isn’t even any closure for me?”

He suddenly felt like crying. Was today the day his unlucky stars were all aligned? This was not how things should be!

Mu Zixiao teased laughingly. “You’re the perfect example of one who got fired upon despite being innocent. To be honest, I feel quite sorry for you.”

Yao Tianhao’s tears were already at the corner of his eyes. “Even so, It should not be this way. Who would be able to take it?”

Hong Dali shrugged. “Okay. I was a little too impulsive today.” He rubbed his chin and thought about it. Suddenly, his eyes lit up and he said, “Why don’t we do this. You can follow me in the future. I don’t mind more underlings.”

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