Rebirth of the Godly Prodigal

Chapter 197 - Good Luck

Chapter 197: Good Luck

Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

Speaking up to this point, Hong Dali had changed his clothes and come down, exclaiming as he walked. “Mum, can our family medical team do plastic surgery?”

“Oh my, our little prodigal has become so capable, he even knows how to swim now. I heard that you’ve even done a pretty good job at doing so?” The moment she saw Hong Dali come down, a smile appeared in Lan Ruoxi’s eyes, as she walked forward to hold Hong Dali’s hand. “You’ve even learned to boldly do what is righteous, you’ve really grown, hehe.”

“Actually, it was just a coincidence that I encountered that situation, and I couldn’t possibly have turned a blind eye and not saved her, right?” Hong Dali rubbed his nose. “Mum, you haven’t answered. Can our family medical team do plastic surgery?”

“It can definitely do plastic surgery, no problem at all.” Hong Weiguo smiled as he came out of the study room. “Dali, next time you encounter this kind of situation, don’t do anything personally. It’s good enough that you have the heart to do so since there’s actually no difference between either you or your men saving her. I’m not saying this because we’re seeing ourselves as superior to others, but it’s because your body has just recovered and it still lacks energy, so saving her by yourself could be dangerous for you.”

“Okay, I understand, hehe.” Hong Dali smiled and said, “Sister Jin Zishan is actually quite pretty, it’s just that the birthmark in the middle of her face is a tad too large. I’m planning to remove that birthmark, then that will make her look better, and she won’t be so unlucky anymore.”

In Hong Dali’s view, the main reason why Jin Zishan was so unlucky was that the birthmark was in the wrong place. Should the birthmark be removed, that will definitely improve the situation from a bad to a good one—since her figure was definitely of the first rank.

“Jin Zishan? ‘Jinzi'(Gold) Shan(Mountain)?” Hong Weiguo laughed loudly. “The luck brought by the person found by our Dali is indeed not too bad!”

“Huh?” Oh right, now that he had mentioned that, it really seemed like it! Hong Dali was rather happy as well. “Dad, in that case, I won’t follow up on Sister Zishan’s issue, okay? I’m sleepy, so I’ll go to sleep now!”

“Okay, go ahead, I’ll get someone to contact her tomorrow.” Hong Weiguo nodded. Only after Dali had returned upstairs to sleep did Hong Weiguo smilingly say to Lan Ruoxi, “The person Dali has found seems to be rather useless to us. It’s just that I’m rather curious what this Jin Zishan can do.”

“Me too.” Lan Ruoxi nodded and said, “Let’s wait and see.”

During the next few days, the storm of Unexpectedly! started to rage once again!

Unexpectedly! has released episode two. Brothers, let’s quickly download it!”

“Really? I’ve waited two full weeks for that! The wait almost killed me! Quick, let’s go!”

“Episode two is so good as usual. Brothers, let’s go!”

“‘I believe that it won’t take much time before I get promoted to general manager with a pay raise, get appointed as CEO, marry a Bai Fumei, and advance towards the peak of my life. Just thinking of that makes me a little excited, hahaha!’ This statement is just too awesome!”

During the next few days, whether it was Xinhai Weibo, Sangle Forum, or a sharing between friends, the downloading counts of episode two ofUnexpectedly! , which was put on So Cool video-sharing website’s top advertisement, increased at a speed which was literally insane, right until it reached the top ten of the downloading charts.

After which, within only a day, it went up again to Number Six, with the top three placings going to Li Nianwei’s concert, episode one of Unexpectedly! , as well as episodes one, two and three of I Am a Singer, respectively.

The entire entertainment business industry was stunned.

The record of the number of total downloads on So Cool video-sharing website was constantly being broken, and the cruel part of the game was that, though the top six videos were all Hong Dali’s works, under the column of “production company,” however, it stated Caiwei Entertainment.

The fame of Caiwei Entertainment swept the entire entertainment business, as numerous famous artistes wanted to sign a contract with Caiwei Entertainment, and numerous artistes that wanted to get famous came to beg for contracts with Cai Wei Entertainment, while numerous fans gathered daily at the lobby of Chenhui Building.

Sweep through all the charts!

This was the current momentum of the current Caiwei Entertainment.

Numerous entertainment companies were having meetings, and the goal of these meetings was entirely that of the programmes produced by Hong Dali.

Many people felt dejected after they compared themselves to the prodigal Hong Dali and suddenly realized that they didn’t know how to spend money at all.

On the other hand, there were numerous people celebrating with joy, as they could shoot to fame once their programmes had the slightest reference to Hong Dali’s.

The main page of Caiwei Entertainment, in the meantime, was flooded with comments in the comments section, increasing at a speed of tens of thousands of comments per day.

“It’s just too good to watch! I’ve watched many times, and I’m confident that Young Master’s production works are definitely of top quality!”

“These videos are all classics, whoever manages to produce this programme is definitely a genius!”

“Please accept my knee for the year!”

“This is the rhythm of huge fame!”

While Unexpectedly! was sweeping the charts, on Tuesday, June 15, the fourth stage of I Am a Singer also had its grand opening.

A shocking opening, cool lightings, an explosive live broadcast, absolutely everything was so astonishing.

Today, especially, since it was the second round of the finals, it attracted practically everyone’s attention.

The reason being that, in this episode, another singer would be eliminated.

The entire Fourth Loop Stadium was filled with a greatly anticipating atmosphere. The audiences screamed wildly to cheer their favorite singers on, and the seven singers also gave their best and tried hard to adjust their state of mind.

The first to perform was Chu Zhongqin.

He walked to the side of the stage and stopped there, raising his head and slightly glancing at Hong Dali who was far away in the VIP room, with a relaxed expression in his eyes and brimming with confidence.

This time, he wouldn’t have anything to worry about anymore. He only needed to perform the song to perfection, and that was enough. He believed that he was the shiniest star in the sky.

“Ruoyu, what placing do you think he will get this time?” The manager in Jiang Ruoyu’s room smilingly asked as he watched from the television screen.

“If it was in the past, I couldn’t tell for sure. But this time,” Jiang Ruoyu stared at the television screen, her eyes filled with the desire towards music. “he will be Number One, the absolute Number One.”

“It can’t be, right? Are you that sure?” The manager exclaimed in surprise.

“It’s because this song of his was what Young Master gave him to perform.” Jiang Ruoyu said, “Dali will definitely produce a miracle, I’m sure of this.”

Off the stage.

“The performance of this Chu Zhongqin for the first two episodes was only mediocre, this time it must be so stressful for him to be the first to perform.”

“Sigh, who says it won’t be? Though he definitely has the skills, the others in this show are all nothing but ferocious, it won’t be easy if he wants to break through.”

“Yes, this competition is too stressful and cruel… However, it’s not the first or second time they have been in this competition, so Chu Zhongqin shouldn’t mess it up this time, right?”

“We can’t say for sure, can’t say for sure.”

At this point in time, the audiences offstage were all engaged in discussions.

Chu Zhongqin’s ability was, of course, still very high, but it was just that everyone’s ability was equally as high. Without exaggerating, as long as the performance of the song faltered even by the slightest bit, that was the end of the competition for him.

As Chu Zhongqin stood at the center of the stage, looking down at the numerous heads offstage, he didn’t feel the slightest pressure.

He knew better than anyone else how nice “Never Left” given by Young Master sounded. Without exaggerating, once this song was truly completed, he had a certain type of feeling.

Every single time, he was touched by the melody of this song. He felt that it was a bliss to be able to encounter and sing this song in his lifetime, no matter how many times he sang it.

The entire site became silent instantly.

Chu Zhongqin, at this point in time, could see neither the worried stares of the audiences nor the gloating expressions of those audiences who did not like him.

With great fame comes great complications, Chu Zhongqin knew this long ago.

He had already closed his eyes, thus ignoring the discussions and noise offstage. Now, all he wanted to do was to fully enjoy his moment on stage, as well as the touching emotions this song had given to him. That was enough.

Music sounded.

The light from the projection appeared.

The surrounding lightings were all concentrated on him.

“I have loved, and lost, and tasted the sweet and tart parts of love, escaping from the irony of destiny, I know what I desire…”

His deep yet bright voice resounded throughout the entire Fourth Loop Stadium. Instantly, it became totally silent, with only his voice reaching the hearts of the audiences. The audiences offstage closed their eyes, slightly pressing their lips as if their emotions had already entered his voice.

“There is an indescribable state, made up of all the emotions blended together, why would I want to have needless thoughts, what in this world is there to be proud of…”

No applause, no cheering, absolutely nothing.

However, there were quite a number of people on site who were crying, with the muscles on their faces twitching, as they smacked their thighs with much force.

Chu Zhongqin’s singing had reached the audiences’ hearts directly, those feelings of gentleness, the baring of one’s troubles, shot to the sky along with his voice.

“Without you, I eye the peak from afar, but I miss the turning road, looking back, I then realize that you were waiting for me, and never left…

“I have searched for the ends of the sea, but neglected the meandering rivers, when I row my boat against the currents, you were by my side, pushing me on…”

Everyone was stunned.

The music producer of Ku Ge Music, Sheng Wenshi, couldn’t believe what he was hearing—this song, why hadn’t he heard it before?

Such a nice song, how could he not have heard it before?!

However, all these no longer mattered, there was a surge of tumultuous emotion within Sheng Wenshi. He originally came today just to experience the explosive live but did not think of receiving something so unexpected.

“All emotions that tie me down don’t mean anything anymore, baby, may you be the crux of my world, I’m happy when you’re happy, sad when you’re sad…”

If the voice at the beginning was only a gentle baring of the soul, then towards the end, it could only be described as tumultuous and grand!

Numerous audiences couldn’t even come to terms with themselves while hearing the music, never have they felt the great impact that could be brought about by singing.

All the music production companies at the site tried to find out from one another, but alas, realized that nobody had heard this song before. When Sheng Wenshi came to a sudden realization that this song was possibly written by Young Master, all the music production companies were stunned.

Who would have thought that Hong Dali, who claimed to be the Number One prodigal, could have this type of talent?

However, with the preceding Li Nianwei’s Rolling up the Beaded Curtain, the ability to write such a song, thus, was nothing too extraordinary.

“Right here right now, let’s lift up our heads together, and welcome the descent of love, the sunlight proves that this is not mere fantasy, right now, close your eyes to experience wholeheartedly, a voice that is speaking of love…

“Never left—”

The voice slowly trailed off and vanished.

Towards the end, right up until Chu Zhongqin bowed to the audiences and left the stage, did the audiences completely react, and the already emotional audiences wildly shook their fists and poured their entire energy into screaming…

“‘Never Left’!” Sheng Wenshi repeatedly smacked his thighs. “This song must be called ‘Never Left’!”

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